DGM's Update: Quarter 2 Unit Reports, Shattered Ties Concludes, And A Brief Leave


DGM's Update: Quarter 2 Unit Reports, Shattered Ties Concludes, And A Brief Leave

Greetings all,

A few brief announcements from me today. Hopefully everyone is having an excellent summer!

Unit Reports

Now that we have received responses from every unit, we are ready to release our second quarter 2016 unit reports to the club. All of our units have things to be proud of with these reports, and I applaud the efforts of our leaders.


Click to open a larger image of the unit report.

As always, this report is not meant to be all encompassing, and represents only a brief snapshot over the last few months. Many units are presently engaged in either a period of rest following major events or are currently in the middle of events that were running when this report was generated, and as such, the event is not reflected in these numbers.

We occasionally change these metrics and though we do use them to give feedback to our summits, they are not our only measure of successful units. Occasionally they allow us to identify what one unit does particularly well, and seek out that summit for guidance which we can use to better the club. If you think you have something you feel we should track, feel free to toss me an email and we can discuss your idea when I get back from vacation (see below!).

Shattered Ties Concludes


As many of you know, Shattered Ties' final competitions have now closed! Both Summits worked extremely hard and the event has been very impressive. At the half way point the units were separated by only a few participation points! With the final round of submissions closed, results will be released soon, and spoils arranged for the winning unit. On a personal note, I am extremely proud of the effort of many members in both units, with many new faces performing very well. This has most definitely been a very successful Feud and I applaud the work of everyone involved!

A brief leave

I am heading out to the Sierras for a backpacking trip starting tomorrow. While I should have internet for some of the day tomorrow, I'll be off the grid for a bit over a week and unable to answer emails until next Friday, and I'll not have a computer until the 20th. If you don't hear from me by the last week of August, give me a poke on Telegram or a bump via email.

And with that, I hope everyone has fun summer plans, and I'll see you all in two weeks!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Deputy Grand Master

So abandoned.

So alone.

Ding dong the Mav is gone?

Enjoy camping, Mav. make sure you pack some waterproofs for the thunderstorms!

packs Where do we go camping?

Beautiful, beautiful Plagueis activity.

Enjoy Mav!

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