Dinaari AED Report 29/3/15


Dinaari AED Report 29/3/15

A day late; a buck short I'm writing, the report, on losing and failing when I move, I'm flailing now……


Hello Dinaarian’s, and all you other people that are bored enough to read this. A little bit has happened since my last report and specifically in gaming, probably in fiction to, so I’ll go into detail there.

Now I’m all sure we know about CoJ cases that came out a while ago. I’m sure none of us want to see this again, so I’m gonna write some questions here that you must ask yourself at times. Is this according to the RoC? If unsure check them out here. Is this to easy for the amount of CFs I am getting? If it does seem easy then maybe it is not legit. Also feel free to approach any summit members we don’t bite, well maybe the panda does…

Also there are upcoming changes in gaming things, check this out.

Star Conflict, if anyone plays it has also had a update lately, Dreadnought ships now are starting to come alive, this should make a few PvP matches interesting.

Star Conflict is a FREE2PLAY game on steam, don't need a good machine to run it and its a bit of fun, recommend giving it a go.

The Dinaari Times

Competitions going on here galore!!! Artorias’ JA winter cup has started, most people have completed round one by now I think. If not try ya best to get it done or email Artorias and he may be able to guide you there. There is still a few days of Dinaari’s House of horrors left so get in quick for the final rush and D3 all the things. Zoron is always keeping us busy with his Sporcle Challenge. The Tally Gate Keeper Trials are on going, do you have what it takes to be Tally’s best, give it a go.

And these are just the local comps, there are heaps more to jump in and have fun with, to many to list so check on the Competition page and lose ya self in it.

Lots of shinies gone out to lots of peeps. So keep up the activity.

SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) an old MMO now not supported officially by SOE, is making a comeback on a emulated server SWGEMU.com. I have started a toon on there and welcome to anyone else who wants to come play, my name is as always Armags in game.

Also if there is anything you might want to try or see us doing shoot me and rax an email and we’ll have a looksy, if it will make you happy it will make us happy.

In Closing

Good work to all who did things. A few more comps I know of are coming up to that look fairly sweet, keep an eye out for them.

Also Armagsette has taken the kids to the family farm for a few weeks so expect to see me a lot more in game and around when not at work…..

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