Dinaari QUA Report #1: The One With the New Guy


Dinaari QUA Report #1: The One With the New Guy


Who is the new Quaestor?

I’ve been a member of Dark Brotherhood for 12 years with a few breaks for real life. My first Clan was Satal Keto where I learned the ropes of being a Dark Jedi. After the Exodus I did a stint as M:SCL, P:SCL and finally SCL, upon stepping down I moved to Tarentum.


House Leadership Shake-Up

As you may have noticed there are new sheriffs in town, with me being appointed Quaestor and Dark Jedi Knight Armags being appointed as Aedile. Rest assured we are making it our priority to make Dinaari the best house.

With Armags’ appointment as Aedile that leaves the BTL Position for Battle Team Harbingers open, so please send your applications to both myself and Armags.


Brotherhood Updates

  • Grand Master Pravus has been chosen to succeed Raken as the next Deputy Grand Master

  • Our beloved “Mav” has been selected to succeed Pravus as the Voice of the Brotherhood. So big congratulations to him.


Competition Updates

Gathering Darkness - The final round of Gathering Darkness was delayed because the P:CON was laid low by a nasty virus.

Fading Light – The Semi-Finals of the ACC Tournament should be wrapping up very soon. We’ve received word from the new DGM the next round of Fading Light will be starting on Friday October 10th, 2014. It will last approx. 3 weeks and the Unit who wins will receive a facsimile of Warb Null’s Lightsaber.

We just wrapped of the first installment of the Taldryan Demon Hackathon, it was good fun. Next time instead of one day I might expand it to cover a whole weekend.

Open Competitions



SBM Rax Von-Klug
  • Earned a Cluster of Fire x21
  • Earned a Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • Earned a Cluster of Fire x50
  • Earned a Crescent with Emerald Star
Adian Kincaid
  • Earned a Crescent with Sapphire Star x2
  • Earned a Dark Side Scroll
Gryffon De’Urtha Cantor
  • Earned a Crescent with Emerald Star
Gorn daa’murk
  • Promoted to Guardian
  • Passed Graphics in the Brotherhood Course
Omega Kira
  • Promoted to Protector
  • Earned a Scroll of Foundation
  • Passed Comms 1: Discourse Forum
  • Passed DJBWiki: An Introduction
  • Passed Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches
  • Passed Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity
  • Passed Gaming 201: Pazaak
  • Passed Graphics 101: Graphics in the Brotherhood
  • Passed Vendetta 1: Foundation
  • Passed Vendetta 2: Submission
  • Passed Advancement Survey
  • Passed Dark Brotherhood Basics
  • Passed IRC Basics
  • Passed ACC Fundamentals
  • Passed Leadership Fundamentals
  • Earned Dark Pundit - Vendetta degree


New Members

  • Omega Kira
  • Kuroi inazuma



I just want to thank the Taldryan Summit for putting their faith in me to lead House Dinaari.

Yay Rax! All the reports (and activity!) Nice to see one of our newest members really step up as well since joining

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