Disciples of Baas - February Report


Disciples of Baas - February Report

Disciples of Baas - 5th February Report

  • GJW
  • Wikipedia Session
  • Roster

Alright I'm gonna keep this report short as i'm sure everyone would much rather be getting their GJW submissions in!


As i’m sure you all know, we are in round 2 of GJW XI. With four days left to submit to the competitions. I’m not really sure what I can that hasn’t already been said by all Summit members; Do your best, submit to what you can and don’t be afraid of submitting your work. At the end of the day ladies and gents, Participation points are what the House needs so we - as a Battle team are going to damn well give House Odan-Urr the points it needs.

Regarding submission help, should you require help with anything there is almost always a Summit member in IRC, I know for a fact that both our Rollmaster, V’yr is in IRC a lot as am I.

Good hunting folks.

Wikipedia Session

Right, well it’s just after Christmas so for anyone who may be wanting to create their characters Wikipedia page I shall be around every Sunday I can possibly be and I shall be working on either my own Wikipedia page or just hanging out in IRC ready to help those who would come and ask for it.

This shall start after the GJW has ended so: Sunday 15th February!


Ladies and Gentlemen I have been Mar Sûl and we are the Disciples of Baas

Kaira Rohana - #10057

A'lora Kituri - #12049

VanWyck - #8936

Mar Sûl - #13009

Droveth Kathera Vectivi - #7377

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