Disciples of Dakhan Report - September 12th, 2020


Disciples of Dakhan Report - September 12th, 2020


Hey, it's me again. This short report will cover a couple of major news items, summarize some other reports, and touch on stuff happening with the House. I really just want to cover a major announcement and talk about some gaming news, because I think we have a lot of potential in gaming and I want to support it. I'm also going to run through some open competitions because I needed to look up when they end anyway - I mean, so you guys can enter them and beat me. ;)

A New Sadow

First up I'd like to congratulate Koji Keibatsu on becoming a Son of Sadow. I could not think of anyone more deserving. One thing that immediately popped to mind when I thought of him is his unwavering commitment to participation in vendettas and major events. It's pretty impressive and more than most people do. I think for the last two GJWs he appeared in both war summary reports as a Sadowan who did literally everything possible. Of course there's a lot more than that, but that's the first thing that pops into my mind. Pretty incredible stuff.

Bentre has a news post about it that you can find here, with a pretty awesome fiction attached.

Gaming Updates

There was literally just a Fist Report about new gaming stuff. There's some big things here and the first one I want to touch on relates to rules. You can now announce that you are looking for PvP matches in DB Gaming, which should be huge for people finding games and people to play with. Please read the report for all the details so I'm not liable if you violate the Rites of Combat. :P

Justinios went on to talk about some JA Ladder stuff that I glossed over because I'm a BTL and I can get away with that. If you like JA tournaments, read it. I might elaborate on it in a future report.

I do want to touch on one other thing from his report, and that is that there is a new Heroes of the Storm mode for PvO. Its called ARAM. I've never played it, so maybe someone could elaborate on it's benefits in the comments of this report.

And finally, I don't think this was in the report, but I want to remind everyone that Star Wars Squadrons releases Octoboer 2nd.. I am definitely not setting myself up for disappointment with this game. I'm sooo looking forward to it and I'm hoping it will offer a lot of potential for us to have fun together.

House Updates

I don't know what's happening with the House! No one tells me anything! Well, that's not completely true. A lot has actually happened, and you can read about it in Malisane's report earlier this month. He says he'll be looking for feedback, so make sure you look out for that so you can have input. We're dictators now. It's time to restore order, but there's a lot more to it than that.


This section is totally not a personal reminder of stuff I want to do.

Malisane has three competitions that end on the 19th of this month. They include a fiction, graphics, and....song lyrics competition. That's a new one. You don't have to sing it out loud, so I might actually enter that one.

The fiction seems pretty open-ended so I plan to make my entry chock full of exposition. Looking forward to it!

Sang's also running another puzzle. Hopefully it's easier than his Pro Bowl puzzle. Please anyone but Malik win. I'm rooting for you.

It ends on the 15th so we'd better get started trying to beat him.

The only other comp currently running for CNS only is a graphics competition run by DarkHawk to create banners for each House. Wait, what? Will this be official?! I don't know, ask him that. But I do know that crayons are an option, so I'm looking forward to entering this one. It ends on the 25th.

The End - Next Time?

I wanted to cover a few things other people have talked about to give them more coverage and I think I've done that. I might do another report next week if I feel there's enough to cover, but don't quote me on that. I'm really looking forward to where our House and CNS as a whole is heading and I'll try to keep you apprised of the important stuff.

Augur Locke Sonjie
Battleteam Leader of the Disciples of Dakhan

Excellent Sir!


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