This report will be a short one, or as short as I can make it given things I will explain in just a second. First off allow me to say whoa what a busy month for the Battleteam. My inbox has been flooded with Shadow Academy courses being completed, awards being awarded, character sheets being done and so much activity I sincerely thought one day when the 20 odd emails flooded in by 9am that these guys are epic and how I am proud of each and every one of you. Without a doubt the Disciples are one of the Best teams in the Brotherhood for getting stuff done, and certainly one of the best teams I have had the pleasure of working with!
So reason for short report this month and my lateness at putting it out! It all boils down to lots and lots of hospital visits. Like Ophelia I have discovered I am a little bit broken, Neurological damage to my joints mainly the ankles but also the wrists and fingers so suffice to say typing is a bit of a problem if I am tired or have just spent 6 hours doing C++ programming at college. So all in all just know I haven’t forgotten any of you and I am still working away to get stuff done, just at a slower pace than I am used to till it’s all figured out!
Now on the back of that allow me to put out a huge ‘Thank You’ to Tara for picking up my slack for the last month, getting emails out to you guys and generally being a kick ass kinda gal. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Tara.
Oh and I guess one bit of good news, by May the 1st I shall finally, after a very long time of study, be a fully initiated Wiccan Priest woot woot. If I was in the States I would now be allowed to attach Lord to my name when being addressed it’s that awesome. =P
Ophelia Delacroix
The month in perspective
Well all I can say is great going on the Bosthirda run-on everyone! Massive Kudos to Plag team 2 for their placement and we did well too. Even though we didn't place, I believe we wrote some great fiction between us and a fantastic effort was made by all of you so keep up the good work!
As for the second phase of Fading Light, as I have known for quite some time (and admittedly, taken Opie by surprise when I told her about it), it will be ACC based. If you're not qualified for the ACC before it starts, you won't be participating. Plagueis was proud in its previous entries to the Dark Crusade of its participation ratio - lets not let the Clan down and not do our thing. Get out there and get your ACC qualification so you can all come out fighting at your best for this next phase. You need to have an approved character sheet on record and pass the two exams needed for qualification as stated in my last email to you all. For those of you who didn't listen, or didn't get the email for some inexplicable reason, the links to each exam will follow this message.
Next, congratulations to all the shiny winners in the Battleteam - you do us proud each and every month! We have some members also taking an active role in helping the DC redesign some areas of the DJB site (You know who you are) and we salute them in their efforts - a commendable action, my heroes. carry on, soldiers! I myself am slowly working through the Krath Core exam, spell checking it and looking for grammar errors before taking the exam, and while doing so, making sure the info can be found and suggesting possible changes that can be made.
So on a final note, well done everyone! keep up the good work and go out there and kick some in the ACC. We seem to have some members of the team who are not responding to emails or messages, I just hope they join us once more in our fight for Supremacy!
Good job guys, DO WORK SON lol
ACC Fundamentals : ACC Qualification :
DJK Taranae Rhode (Sith) / BTS / Battle Team Disciples of Dreypa of House Ajunta Pall of Clan Plagueis [GMRG: IV] [SA: III]AC-ToSH / DC / GN / Cr:1R-2E-1T / CF-SF / DSS / SI-BL{SA: DPE - DPV}
As Tara pointed out above a huge well done to you guys for the effort you have put in, especially with me not around as much as I could have been. Things happen that are out of our control and it just means when Ophelia comes back from her ewok hunting in character she’ll be a bit more of a bitch to you all just to make up for it!
Two bits of Battleteam news. One is we have a brand new insignia for the team created by Kythar. This will be put up onto the wiki as soon as the rest of the page is done. Well done Kythar and thank you for doing this for the team.
The second bit of news is that after the latest round of Fading Light I am planning to get a Run on going that will allow the Battleteam to bond and get to grips with one another and also provide some good Run-On practice as well as give those of you who haven’t done much fiction writing some practice!
As for the wiki article this will be worked on and put up properly as soon as it can be. if anyone would like to help out let Tara or I know!
This month I’d love everyone to concentrate on the upcoming Fading Light Part 2 and get yourself qualified and ready for it. I will be doing likewise myself, however given my silly body at the moment I may not be able to participate fully but that doesn't stop the rest of you from kicking ass!
Be on the look out once it is done for Battleteam specific competitions however.
Non specific competitions are as follows:
Busy month for everyone and the Clan, keep up the good work and never give up. Here’s some music to cheer you up and get you in the mood for summer!
OT Ophelia Delacroix (Obelisk) / BTL / Battle Team Disciples of Dreypa of House Ajunta Pall of Clan Plagueis [GMRG: II] [SA: IV] GC / SC / DC-SiP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-BL / Cr:2R-4S-10E-6T-5Q / CF-GF / CI-RC / SotM / LS / S:16Rn {SA: MVC - MVF - MVH - MVPH - DPE - DPV}
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Great report Opie, good to see you back up and at 'em! Keep up the great work everyone :)