In this gaming update... TOR Expansion tomorrow! A few tips for that and links to developer blogs while you wait to patch. A new Star Wars Galactic Defense Competition, which I'm launching a few days late. Some information on the upcoming Destiny Expansion - The Dark Below, which is set to go live on December 9th. So much gaming... so little time...
And I still had more stuff in TOR I wanted to get done before the expansion. Le sigh. It's a bit late for some of these tips, but maybe some night owl out there will see this and be able to take advantage of some of them. With any expansions launch there's always a frenzy of activity to reach the new level cap, and in cases of our club there's a competition out there as well. A few nicely laid plans can expedite this journey.
On a more informational note, and in continuation of my previous reports, the rest of the Developer Blogs about the classes have been released. Rather than make you search back for other ones, I'm including all links to the Developer Blogs here. Who knows, maybe you'll be bored while we wait for the game to patch tomorrow. Everyone knows all expansion launches run seamlessly too... and there's never any server downtime afterwards.
The final thing for this section is a quick link to the Discipline Calculator on the Dulfy Website. This still isn't a final version, but it can give you a pretty good idea of what we're looking at for our new skill trees and how they work. Good luck to everyone leveling in TOR over the course of this week! I'll see you in game.
Almost forgot. The Republic Guild now has a Stronghold with the necessities to minimize trips to the Fleet. Mailbox, GTN, Cargo Bay, Legacy Cargo Bay, and Guild Cargo Bay. Feel free to use and abuse as necessary! There's two Republic Troopers in there to keep any of you rowdy folks in line.
About a week about Geonosis became available to play in this game. I lost track of time and got behind in creating the competition for the new planet, but it is now live. Very similar to Tatooine, but with one clarification. Submit for one side only please, no need to max out the stars for both Republic or Empire. Pick your favorite and get after it! CFs will be awarded for every 12 Stars earned on Goenosis.
Now, you can probably guess what will happen when the next planet (Felucia) lauches. Get your Star counts up on Geonosis so you can unlock it now for the next competition! I expect we'll see it come available sometime late in the month.
On December 9th Bungie will be launching the first digital expansion to the Destiny game. Yeah, that's pretty soon after the game itself just launched. With it will come a new Raid, some new Strikes, and an increased Light Level Cap to 32. The current PoB which is awarded for Light 30 will be changing to Light 32 on December 9th. Submit while you can if you made it to the Light cap! They're also going to be adding a few more NPCs in the Tower, which will be a welcome addition.
Interested in a bit more about the expansion? Check out this video from Bungie.
Gorefest will to start on Friday, December 19th. As a reminder, any member of the GMRG can compete and earn bonus CFs for any Gaming activities
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Missed another TOR Thing... TOR Max Level PoBs will require Level 60 after the Expansion launches for everyone, December 9th I think. Submit while you can!
Great report! I love gaming in the DB! If only TOR was available on PS4 or I had a decent computer
Woo, go Val. Great report.
Can I retroactively convert my stats to CFs? If that was the case, i'd totally be Gorefest champion. :D
Based on the comp details, wouldn't all 3 (4 actually) members who achieved 180/180 for the Tatooine comp be entitled to share first place and/or first place crescents? Can't see anything about ties being broken by anything. Just curious.
Ties were broken by when the submissions were made. It's pretty standard for any competition I run. I'll make sure Geonosis is updated to reflect that. Good catch.
Perfect, thanks for updating that. I'd figured as much, but the half of me that deals with letter-of-the-law and semantics was thinking there was a reasonable argument for ties because that wasn't in there.
Anyone have any tips for Galactic Defence? I did alright (168/180), but man was that a slugfest to get there. Just grind, grind, grind, grind. Am I missing something? I'm finding so far the best turrets are the AOE ones maxed out to the single-hit with "burning ground" but are there any other suggestions/mixes? (I'm also waiting for Christmas with a new iPad so that my poor iPhone doesn't die on me whenever there's too many units on screen at once.)
I can't say I really know what I'm doing, I ended up with 133 or 134 stars (can't remember), but ran out of time to go after more. My strategy was to always find spots where at least two turret nodes were close together. Then I placed a melee turret on one, aoe on the other. If there's a third, I place the blaster turret. I upgrade the aoe to the ground burning one, melee to the damage one, and blast turret to the more powerful but slower shots. I tend to try to start with as few turrets as possible so I can upgrade them quicker, but as I can afford it, I add more turrets in the same way mentioned above, with melee usually taking priority so that, at the very least, they can slow down enemies and give my champions more of a chance to kill them. But I even go so far as to place my turrets in the middle of the course, rather than the front, if that's where the nodes are closest together. Keeping melee in range of the aoe, etc. This is all probably really obvious, but so far this strategy has done reasonably well to get me to where I am.
I can't really speak for beyond that, though. I've started to struggle to get 3 stars in the levels, but my third champion is only level 11 at the moment, so there's still some room to improve, I guess. All-in-all, I'm not so sure my strategy will get me much further, so I'm also open to suggestion.
For those of you who have early access to Shadows of Revan a couple things:
Need to correct myself. Planet basic comms are 162. Fleet are 186. Buy that stuff instead.
Thanks for all that info Oberst! I'll be doing some shopping tonight.
Yeah, thanks for the heads up Oberst. Glad I read this before getting home tonight and heading straight off of fleet without checking the vendors.
I post for Oberst, who is at work and can't log into the site atm. He sent me an email with some more info about the Basic Comms he spoke of:
Follow on from my trial and error, don't try using the Level 55 Gear to get HK geared up. The slot specific armor pieces won't transfer to droid armor. Or at least the Sniper Head Armor one I bought wouldn't, best to go with a Non-Droid Companion to gear up with Basic Comms.
Related to Star Wars Galactic Defense - It seems that in order to reach Geonosis you need to max out the Stars on Tatooine and Hoth. In case anyone is wondering why it remains locked after getting 48 stars on