In preparation for holiday travels Valhavoc releases a report which talks about the new TOR Expansion, a Star Conflict Competition, a poll on the future of Tier 2 Gaming Platforms, and updated Destiny CF tables. Add Crescents, Pendants of Blood, and egg nog as desired.
This week SWTOR turned three, woot! As with previous years they tossed some cool things out for the players. This year's toys are focused on Strongholds. For a limited time you can pick up some cool looking artwork and a galaxy projector from the Anniversary Decorations Vendor, located on the fleet next to the terminals where Strongholds can be purchased.
Additionally, in the spirit of Sithmas SWTOR is running a sale over 12 days with rotating offers for previous Cartel Packs. We're on Day 4 right now, check in on this link for daily updates on what packs are being offered.
Along with this is the Life Day Event, where you can get even more decorations for your Strongholds. I had some left over Snow Covered Parcels from last year and added a few Holo Trees to the entrance of my Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, its quite festive now. Still needs more though...
With the new expansion and Disciplines everyones skill priority rotations have been tossed in the air. I've been on the lookout for legit guides for classes, and my favorite SWTOR resource has been kind enough to provide some. Now, some of these get pretty in the weeds giving a 30 Ability long list as an ideal opening sequence. Seriously? Do people actually think anyone will be able to execute that? Glance at the opening sequence, and pay attention mostly to the Priority Lists for your abilities. Use your cooldowns. This link will take you to a list of all of the guides they've produced so far, check back periodically if your class / spec isn't available yet.
Finally, we're in the process of updating the SWTOR CF Tables for the new Flashpoints and Operations. Expect to see it finished prior to Christmas. We had a curve ball thrown in that some Level 55 Tactical Flashpoints have become Level 60 Hard Mode (not Tactical) Flashpoints.
Star Conflict has seen an increase in popularity in the last few weeks, and Cruise has set up a competition for members to encourage additional participation in this platform. For anyone not familiar with it, Star Conflict is a free to play Space Flight game available on Steam. The flight itself is quite the step up from SWTOR's Galactic Starfighter. There is a leveling system involved with your ships as you upgrade parts of them. We're considering some options on awarding PoBs for max level ship(s).
There is also a Corps system set up in Star Conflict, similar to Guilds or Clans. Currently we don't have a DJB Corps in game, but if folks are interested we may pursue this option. This does involve a small (like $20) investment to initially set the Corps up, so we want to make sure there is sufficient interest before taking the plunge.
Blizzard has its Public Test Realm up and running for the next patch of Diablo 3. Check out their PTR Notes here, obviously none of these are final. With the next major patch they've stated a new Season will start up. Expect to see a Competition related to Seasonal characters when they finally release the go live date. Maybe it will be a race to Level 70, or a specific Paragon Level, or maybe related to Conquests or Seasonal Achievements. Who knows....
The CF Table for Destiny has been updated to include new Story Missions (3), Strikes (2), and Raid (Crota's End). The original Raid has had its CF value decreased.
I'm looking for feedback from members on how you'd like us to deal with Tier 2 Gaming Platforms which see little participation. I'm defining "little participation" as no one submitting anything for them over a 12 month period. So, to gather feedback in one spot I've created a Forum Thread specifically for this. Please use the Forum Thread rather than the comments section of this report to provide feedback on this particular topic. Thanks!
In recent news the folks over at Star Citizen have completed version 1.0 of Arena Commander, aka the Dogfighting Module. Most people know by now that you need to be a backer/donor to access this module, but for the members out there who have donated this is probably something work checking out. The update includes more flyable ships and a lobby system
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very nice report, detailed right where it needs to be ^^
Anyone happen to have a good source for HM Flashpoint guides? Unless I'm blind the ones I see on Dulfy are normal mode... I think.
For those of you interested in Star Citizen, they actually released a new trailer the other day called Imagine. If the released game is even half as good looking (not just graphically, of course), then it's going to be an amazing new space sim.
Guess markdown youtube videos won't show in comments...
Anything that works in reports works in comments, you just need to use the https version of the thumbnail ;)
Ah. Silly me for copy/pasting from the markdown cheat sheet :P
Lots of gaming! Great report!
I'm interested in Star Citizen, but waiting for them to get further along in production before I toss down money (pricey intro packages, but maybe worth it).
I tossed down for Elite: Dangerous instead, and that released last week so been playing that a bit. Quite the space sim there based off the Milky Way (seriously, the entire galaxy is in game).