Dorimad Sol Report #2


Dorimad Sol Report #2

Dorimad Sol Report 2

Welcome to another report from your friendly Battleteam Leader. As the Great Jedi War has finally concluded, I wanted to take the time to send out a great job to my team for their efforts in the recent conflict.

Great Jedi War Activity

  • Dante - 8 events
  • Ric - 8 events
  • Arch - 11 events
  • Rayne - 2 events
  • Landon - 11 events
  • Arron - 2 events
  • upsidexumop - 1 event
  • Dempsey - 9 events
  • Arthadonis - 3 events

Appropriate rewards will be forthcoming based on the overall results that will be released soon by the powers that be.

Many of our journeymen are very close to promotions, and those, hopefully, will be mentioned in my next report!

Current Competitions

Motivated Army

Xantros has created a short comp for us to do as we relax post-GJW. There are three subcomps (a short fiction, a flash game, and a playlist).

Closing Comments

I am very proud of how we performed in the GJW as both a team and as a house. We should be well on our goal of reclanning. Soon, we shall be Clan Scholae Palatinae again, and I can't wait to start replenishing our ranks of Palpatines. I will also be releasing a few short comps in the coming weeks where we can work on fleshing out Dorimad Sol and bringing you all up to speed on how Caina fits into DS's theme.



OPM Kell Palpatine Dante (Obelisk) / BTL-PROF-APL / Battle Team Dorimad Sol of House Scholae Palatinae [SA: XI] [GMRG: X] [ACC: Q]

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