Eighth Report of Archpriest Quentinshadows House Shar Dakhan


Eighth Report of Archpriest Quentinshadows House Shar Dakhan


December/January Report

Aeotheran: Sang Kresh
The press conference takes place in the heart of a devastated city, where towering skyscrapers have been reduced to jagged, skeletal ruins. Smoke still rises from the rubble in the distance, casting the late afternoon sky in shades of gray and orange. The air hums with the buzz of hovering holocams, their lenses zooming in on the speaker.
A makeshift stage has been assembled from debris and hastily reinforced with durasteel planks. Emergency flood lights illuminate the area, their stark white beams cutting through the swirling dust. Behind the stage, banners bearing the sigil of House Shar Dakhan hang in tatters, fluttering faintly in the breeze.
The leader of House Shar Dakhan steps forward, his black robes bearing the weight of the day’s turmoil. Dust clings to the intricate embroidery of his attire, and fragments of debris have torn through the fabric at the edges. His face, normally shadowed by the deep hood, is partially visible, streaked with ash and sweat—a grim testament to his personal involvement in the rescue efforts.
Before him, a sea of citizens gathers, their expressions a mixture of fear, grief, and cautious hope. Some clutch holo communicators to record the address, while others hold each other for comfort. Droids weave through the crowd, distributing water and medical supplies.
As he begins to speak, his voice carries the weight of authority and compassion, amplified by the echo of damaged buildings around them. A hush falls over the gathering, broken only by the distant wails of sirens and the rumble of heavy machinery clearing the wreckage.

The Archpriest raised a hand to silence the murmuring crowd, "I must be quick," he began, his voice steady but underscored with urgency, "as you can see, the rescue operations are still underway. But I thought it was important to address you as soon as I could."
A brief pause follows as he gathers his thoughts. The muffled clang of droids lifting debris and the faint cries of the wounded underscore his words.
"We don't have the full details yet," he continues, his tone weighted with grief, "but current estimates suggest that Kel Rasha, Gilded Archipelago, and Seng Karash have been hit hard by the quakes and the tsunamis that followed. We estimate that seventy-five percent of these regions are either heavily damaged or destroyed."
He stops for a moment, his head lowering slightly as if to honor the lives lost in those words. But when he raises his gaze again, there’s a fire in his eyes that cuts through the smoke and haze.
"This was not an accident!" His voice thunders now, echoing off the shattered remnants of nearby buildings. "It was an attack! By whom, we do not know as of yet. But know this: our teams are already recovering the asteroid, and we will track its origins."
He leans forward, gripping the edges of the podium as the dust settles on his shoulders like a shroud of vengeance. "I assure you," he growls, his voice dripping with resolve, "we will repay them accordingly for what they have done to our home."
The crowd murmurs, fear and fury rippling through them in equal measure. For a moment, the Archpriest seems to draw on their shared anger, their collective grief, standing tall as a symbol of defiance amidst the ruins. Behind him, the banners of House Shar Dakhan sway in the acrid wind, their edges singed but still flying.
Quentin exhales slowly, letting his last words hang in the air like the acrid smoke that swirls around the crowd. For a moment, the silence is profound, filled only by the distant clamor of rescue efforts. But before turning to leave, he steps forward again, raising a hand to quiet the murmurs that have begun to ripple through the gathering.
"Before I go," he says, his voice softer but no less commanding, "I must ask this of you. Any able-bodied among you—those who can, please join in the rescue efforts. There are still citizens missing beneath the rubble, still voices calling out for help in the chaos."
His gaze sweeps across the crowd, locking eyes with those closest to the stage. "The strength of House Shar Dakhan has always been its people. Together, we can save lives, rebuild our home, and ensure no one is left behind."
The words hang in the air, resonating with a call to action that ignites a flicker of purpose amidst despair. A few in the crowd step forward immediately, offering their hands to relief coordinators stationed nearby. Others nod solemnly, determination etched into their soot-covered faces.
The Archpriest gives a final nod, a brief but resolute gesture, before stepping away from the podium. As he descends the stage, dust swirling around his retreating form, the crowd begins to stir into action. His words linger—a beacon of hope and defiance amid the ruins of their world.

House News:

The first act of our mini event that started mid Nov. has completed, as stated in my former report this event outcome is determined by participation. We had two members who took part which severely damaged the world beyond my original plans but that's the fun of events like this that even I do not know the outcome.
With this being said the next act will be Search and Rescue! Which was the original act 3 but i combined it with act 2 answering the call due to the fact they were one in the same so my bad lol!
Now we know the damage to the planet the next wave of comps will determine the severity of how much population we lost! I am currently working on next waves of competitions for this series release date TBA as soon as possible.


Christmas and New years have come and gone, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone,I hope everyone had an amazing holiday time.

House Shar Dakhan gained a new member so all make X£{}N feel welcome amongst us.

New Player Section:
For any new members here is a list of useful links that can help you earn better ranks, gear, and just make things more fun.
Shadow Academy
Active Competitions
Brotherhood Chat

These are just a few helpful links to get you started on your journey here at the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
There is also a Master and Apprentice program for those seeking students or want a master please contact a member of house or clan leadership, here is a link on basic info on it.
[Master and Apprentice](https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Master-Apprentice_Program_(MAP)

Final Notes:

My door is always open. Feel free to message me in discord or by email, I look forward to the future of Shar Dakhan!

Discord Id: Quentinshadows
Email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Archpriest Quentinshadows Quaestor
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori " Time flies remember your death"

Nice! Kick-ass HSD!

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