Ektrosis Aedile Report #2: I Supply the Mimosas and Bagels and Lox.


Ektrosis Aedile Report #2: I Supply the Mimosas and Bagels and Lox.

Welcome and Enjoy Terms of Emrampagement

Archer jokes aside, we have had 4 members join us recently I have already mentioned Djasei, but he's been doing quite well so I'll mention him again, sue me. Our other 3 members have recently transferred here, Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj, Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj, and our newest member Saskia Ortega-Inahj. They haven't been here for more than 2 weeks and they're already hosting competitions and giving Dru a hard time so I'd say they're fitting in.


A busy week as always here in Ektrosis:

  • 4 new members Djasei Brevis, Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj, Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj, and Saskia Ortega-Inahj.
  • One member has returned to us, even if only briefly, Aeson Rhys
  • Hurry up and complete Masters of Fate before it finishes this Sunday at midnight GMT
  • New competitions will be rolling out soon!

DJB News

There's a new artist in town* and she's featured in last week’s Herald's Report Seyda! You can check out her artwork here. PCON Panda strikes again! Minutes before I could finish my report, what a jerk. Anyway in his report he talks about the upcoming path changes for Talryan. Everyone should go read it. James has also recently discussed the progress of possessions coding in his report here.


  • Masters of our Fate - Push red diamonds onto green targets without getting stuck!
  • Consular’s Puzzle - A puzzle of sorts, apparently with Darth Vader.
  • Hunt the Jedi 24 - Quickly! Hunt them!
  • A little bit of Verse - "There was once a competition proposed, To make a change from ones of prose. To tell Kooki about you, and make her laugh too, and keep you on your toes."
  • As always the full competitions list can be found here.


As a wise (old) man once told me. Google it

Mimosas YAYYYYYY!!!!! Nice report Bobecc :D

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