Nothing too big on the news front, so I want to make sure I point out some good work by one of our own: KP Aeson Rhys. He assisted in finishing up some of the work on the new Lightsaber Guide and earned himself a Dark Cross. Great work and thanks for the contribution!
A couple competitions wrapped up, but, of course, new ones have taken their place. I do want to point out that Yacks has been unseated from his place atop the Sporcle throne. All bow before Artorias and his nimble fingers!
Oh, and do Raist's trivia compeition!
Multi-Player/Group Gaming
- Star Conflict PvP. Meet up with another DJB member and fly any PvP matches to earn CFs. Ends March 27 - fun and easy to get CFs!
- Jedi Academy: The Art of Dueling. A week-long CF race for any JA matches. Ends March 28.
- Taldryan Gatekeeper Trials: March 2015. This runs all month and awards the best Tier 1 PvP gamer for the clan with the title of Gatekeeper. Get onto #taldryan and get fighting!
- Gorefest is running once more this month and twice next month. The next one is the weekend of March 27-29. Get your double CFs!
- TOR Blood Hunt Speed Run. This runs until March 31 and has to do with clearing the Flashpoint as fast as possible.
- Diablo 3: Season 2 Greater Rift Ladders. Seasonal and non-seasonal. Running until the end of August.
Single-Player/Mobile Gaming
OK, wow. Lots of competitions. If there isn't anything in there that interests you, tell me or Raist - we'll get something set up for you!
- I will be on leave from about the 27th to the 2nd (or so). I'm going to be on a beach in Mexico and won't care a damn for any of you while I'm relaxing there :P
- Yacks has another (!?) report out. We have a Star Destroyer now named for an iconic Dumb and Dumber moment. Huzzah!
- The GM's report covers a bunch of topics, from changes to punishments from the Justicar, to gaming, to how fleets will work in the coming months.
- The Voice report is massive and has a ton of stuff in it that's pretty interesting. He discusses the incoming Fiction Society, where the DJB stands fictionall now, where the DJB will be going fictionall in the future, changes to powers and character sheets, competition plans, and rules for running fiction comps. It's well worth the read, but it'll take a good few minutes to work through.
- Jac posted a bunch of verdicts from Chamber of Justice cases.
- The Headmaster posted two (WHAT?!) big reports/articles. The biggest news is that a couple of the degrees are changing (for fiction and gaming) and he has an opening for Magistrate as well as Professor of Combat Studies. Apps are due by March 28.
- Val updates us on changes to D3 CFs and also a number of his projects.
- Wally announced his new ACC judges and a few other small updates.
Final Words
Like I mentioned above, I will be on leave for about a week starting Thursday. I expect to return to see unexplained holes in the walls of the House and I'd be stunned to see that no one was admitted to the med bay in my absence. Keep Raist and Bobecc busy and make me happy. I promise I won't think of you while I enjoy the sun on the beach.
If you are interested in helping Rax and I out with developing the fictional military and updating our Wiki surrounding said military, let us know. We will be trying to get ourselves organized here soon (though my trip will slow that down) and we'll have tasks available for anyone interested once we get a gameplan in place.
SW Kenath Zoron/Ektrosis of Taldryan
Apparently this is also the one where I was too tired to remember that I got promoted and didn't update my signature line. D'oh!
Well, we can only rectify that and put you back to SW. It may make it easier for you to remember stuff that way?
I'm in favor of that option! :P
P.S. According to your CS you're a SW anyways sooooo :P