Ektrosis QUA Report #8 - From Taldrya, With Love


Ektrosis QUA Report #8 - From Taldrya, With Love



Well, as Raist is busy this weekend, it falls to me to maketh all the reportings. So, here it is!


Here are some of the quick ones for your interest: a few TOR ones and Caption the Picture. There's also the Monthly Mobile Gaming comp and a Star Conflict PvP one as well.

In terms of fiction, there's a couple out right now. The Dark Depths allows you to explore your character's inner mind when they get locked in somehow. Additionally, A Personal War? lets you write about something important enough for your character to die for.

Wiki: Create an Article - Damon Nix This is an opportunity to a) practice your wiki'ing, and b) develop an NPC background for a "famous" character in our lore. Read the instructions and have some fun with it!

May the Fourth Be With You 2015: GFX - This runs until the 18th and allows you to have fun with the SW universe. Take a look at it and let your creative juices flow.

Raist's trivia competition has another day left. Only 4 people have submitted, so you have a great chance at finishing top 3 on this one with a few minutes of work.

My Sporcle series continues with lucky #13 and it starts today. Have fun and enjoy this simple comp.

Also check out Mark's classic TIE competition: The Race to Save the Emperor where you are just starting a new pilot file and finishing the first 7 battles of TIE as fast as you can without using any of the in-game cheats.


There's a bunch of open positions across the DJB at most levels!

  1. Halc stepped down from his role as PCON, but it has been filled by the panda!
  2. Rax also stepped down as QUA of Dinaari. The position is open for applications until the 24th (or earlier if a rockstar application gets in front of Yacks and Howie).
  3. To go with that, Yacks announced that Dinaari will be the Gaming half of the clan, while we will be the Fictional side of the clan. This doesn't mean you can't compete in events from the other aspect, but just that the Summits of each house will focus on putting out competitions for their respective aspect.
  1. To accompany Halc's retirement as PCON, he has also stepped down as Wiki Tribune. That post is also open for applications until May 21st.
  2. And, for the fictionally inclined, the Voice position is also open as Shad had to step down.
  3. Val keeps us updated on the Gaming things. Basically, a pair of competitions for mobile games and then he touches on the plan to split PvE and PvP gaming into two separate medals. You'll see CFs for PvP, with C?s for PvE.
  4. Bubba updated us on some upcoming courses and changes to the SA Society.
  5. Finally, Sarin reports on a bunch of stuff. It includes a promo for Val, some other details about the PvE/PvP medals, some stats for those so interested, and stuff about using dbb0t in #DBgaming to automate some of the gaming functions of the site.

SBM Kenath Zoron/Ektrosis of Taldryan


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