There's no theme for this report, as it's mostly administrative housekeeping, but Archer references have served me well in my career in the DB.
Hi, I'm Wally, and in this report we'll mention an open position on Exarch Staff and plug the Envoy Corps-themed competitions that are running as I try to get back into my flow of reporting more regularly.
So, for those that might not be familiar with who/what the Exarch Staff is/does, I figured I’d use a quick section here to highlight them.
These are your Exarch Staff team members and how to find them on Discord:
) @bograt
)These are your champions of RP. They are all very friendly, approachable, and happy to help if you need anything. If you want to tag all of them at once, you can also just use @Exarch Staff
as well.
I’m highlighting this to remind members that the Exarch Staff is here to help. They are leading their own individual efforts to run RPs targeting the larger Brotherhood (not isolated to Clans/sub-units), but are also here to answer questions, provide assistance, and help out however you need.
They are also the ones approving the RP’s after they’ve been submitted for either “Regular” or “DM-less” sessions. When closing your RP please make a habit of checking in with someone from staff, or respond to them when they do reach out.
That said, Hector has stayed on to help, but is willing to open up more opportunity for newer members to get a feel for Exarch and RP related admin, both will be stepping down to allow me to open 1 slots on our staff. It’s likely that TuQ and Abbey will rotate out as well in the future, but this will largely be based on how much interest we get from membership.
The most important thing I’m looking for in our next staff member is a desire to create content through Roleplaying Activities (running more RPs). While I’d prefer to get a member not already on multiple staffs, or high-level Clan leadership, everyone should be encouraged to apply if only so I know you’re interested. So in respects to that, I don’t care what rank or experience you have, just that you have a passion and desire to make the RP Society one of your primary focuses, beyond just joining RPs as a player.
This includes being willing to help create RP activity either by running and grading RP competitions or co-DMing for members that are excited to run something but might need some extra support. Or just being a champion of RP activity, encouraging others to get involved, and answering questions about policy that people might have.
Please review the Exarch Staff Expectations for a list of the formal requirements for the position.
If you are interested and think you can do the job, apply. Even if you’re not selected, it shows interest and lets me know that you want to possibly be involved in future things.
Send Applications to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by March 3rd, 2025.
The Strength of the Envoys has about 10 days left .
For anyone new or returning to the DB recently, the Envoy Corps is the fictional organization that powers the out-of-character Roleplaying activity for the club. It handles the themes of the award items and the stories we tell.
Here are the competitions you can participate in. Placement in each will work towards the overall container.
Create a playlist - list out 5 songs your character would jam to in their headphones before (or during) a mission.
Create an NPC - Looking for a new NPC for the Envoy Corps. A courier/messenger for the Exarch that hands out assignments, and will show up on Envoy Missions or RPs as either an asset or an info-dump. You can use the included template, or make your own mock-CS or information about who/what the character.
Location Art - Pick one of the three Envoy Corps locations and paint a word picture. Doesn't have to be painted, but, you know what I mean. Finger painting, macaroni art, there’s many ways to present!
The timing on this is probably a bit off with Seasons launch, which is my fault.
Basically this is a fancy prompt for a Bounty NPC the Exarch has flagged for elimination. Find 1-2 other people (maximum team size of 3) to write a short (or long) collaborative story with one another on the topic of the aforementioned bounty prompt. If you have questions with how to create or submit the RP to the competition, please ping the @Exarch Staff
and someone can help
Development projects have been a bit quiet, but we’re still working on a few things.
How To Run an RP Shadow Academy Exam: 70%
This is mostly written. My goal with it is to give resources and a broad, general overview of “how to run an RP for the DB”, and less “How to be a good GM/DM”, which is complicated, hard to pin down in a single page of paper. This will be system agnostic, and more best practices on “how to herd catsplayers” and create a fun experience.
My hope is to keep working on this slowly and get it into the review of other members for insight and checks.
That said, here is the leaderboard for January 2025:
Again, this is just for fun, and a way for those who max out at Rank 12 in the Player Trophy to feel a bit of healthy, competitive spirit. There is no race or pressure :).
You can find everything you need in Roleplaying Handbook Wiki. This page hosts links to Exarch Resources such as maps, rulesets, system types, and information about Role Playing activities the Brotherhood.
Some useful pages to bookmark:
My real life has been a rollercoaster the past few months. My company I’d been at for 5 years (happily) was acquired by a much larger company with a very different culture and tech stack. This has created a lot of stress for me, but I’m trying to reclaim my side-time which means more presence and doing things for the DB.
As usual, if you have questions about anything relating to RP, you have an idea for something, or just want clarification, feel free to reach out anytime.
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Nat 1 on first comment, this is the way.
I know you said that applying for the job will be a sign of interest, and I'll probably still do so, but I want to also post here to show even more support. RP is the main thing that helped my friends convince me to join the DJB ages ago, as I'm only a mild fan of SW, but a huge enjoyer of RP and I plan to put my 10+ years as a D&D DM to use in trying to make more RP stuff happen once I get a better handle on the DJB's system. So if you need more signs that people are interested in this portion of the club, take this one as a billboard-sized sign that RP is very beloved and encouraged lol
Excellent report! Thank you for providing in depth descriptions of the Exarch staff duties and for all that y’all do
Thank you for all of the information. Is there a feedback form / suggestion box for the RP activities?