Final Report January 2021


Final Report January 2021


Lucine Vasano sat in the back seat of a chartered luxury speeder. Tabriss sat next to her, his ever calm gaze watching for any threat to her security.

She had received a message from Karran Val'teo, a promising asset if not a massive thorn in her side, in the wee hours of the morning.

Lady Vasano, I humbly request your presence at my homestead for tea. We must speak on an urgent matter.

This was certainly the most cordial he had ever been toward her, despite her status as Consul of Arcona. But it was this cordiality that intrigued her. She had cleared her schedule for the day and made preparations to meet him in the early afternoon. She could not, of course, go unprotected. Hence, Tabriss's presence.

The speeder exited the airspace around the city and the difference was like flipping a switch. Suddenly, all around, the skies were clear. Very quickly, it became clear to Lucine why the Zabrak preferred to live out here. As the vehicle passed over open water, she cracked a window, letting a slightly cool tropical breeze blow in. It revitalized the recycled air in the cabin of the speeder as the smells of an ocean paradise filled her nostrils.

Finally, almost as quickly as the mainland had turned into ocean, the scenery became that of a coastal forest as they neared their destination. The speeder came to a circular clearing just large enough for a light freighter to squeeze in, which left them plenty of space to maneuver and land.

Tabriss quickly hopped out and circled around to let Lady Vasano out when he heard the thundering sound of a massive creature from behind him. He turned on his heel while drawing a slugthrower and braced his back against the Consul's door as he drew a bead on a charging Reek.

Read the rest of the fiction here



Well, here we are. My final report. I feel the need to apologize for my absence as your Battleteam Leader. The last seven months or more have not been my best, and I am sorry for that. You all deserve better.

But at the same time, in my absence, I have still seen you all go above and beyond staying active and all I can say is that I am so proud of this Battleteam. I may or may not have the ability to stay active in the coming months, but I will certainly try.

If you read the attached fiction, you will know that even if I am around, Karran will not be, as he has some business to attend to. If you did not read the fiction… why not? You never read my fictions. What am I doing wrong?



Applications are open for my replacement until February 7th. I highly recommend applying. It is a great place to start building your DB resume.


Things to remember

The Voidbreaker Crew Manifest is an open access Google sheet that allows any member of the Voidbreaker Battleteam to fill in where they would like to work on the ship. We will be using this as a reference for fictions to create a degree of realism. If you happen to have multiple characters, you can fill in multiple lines. Think about your character and where they would most likely be working day to day on the ship. Are they technically inclined? Perhaps they would be useful either in the engine room making sure everything runs smoothly or on the bridge ensuring cyber security. Is your character a medic? We could always use more hands in the medbay. Is your Sith always itching for a fight? Report for boarding duty. Are they an ace pilot? We've got a couple squadrons of fighters that could use you. Whatever your character is good at, we can find a place for them on the ship.


Oh Captain my Captian. Thank you for your service o/

Thanks for everything, man. It’s been a hell of a ride; wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

Oh Captain, my Captain.

You got the RP off to a solid start and I'll always be thankful for that, without it I would probably not be writing right now. Hope everything goes well with the family and I wish you all the best. Thanks for everything Karran and that was a lovely fiction.

Thank you so much for your service as Captain of the Voidbreaker Karran. We shall paint your head on the nose of the VB II as a memento to your favorite method of attack. Wish you the best!

Thank you Karran for your dedication and hard work for the Voidbreaker!

You're awesome Karran. It was a pleasure serving under you :D Good luck with babber and wife.

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