Fist Report #11


Fist Report #11


Message from the Fist

Eleven reports as Fist. Time certainly does fly. I have quite a few things to cover this month, so please take the time to read each section!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are fully aware that the GJW is delayed, and the Fist staff is trying to fill the void with a lot of events that are slightly different than what we’ve run in the past. I’ll have a full list of everything going on at the moment, and a teaser of some of the events coming in the near future.


Competition Changes

You spoke, I listened. Cluster Races are no longer the go-to for Fist-run competitions. While that puts a lot of creative requirements on me and the staff, I sincerely believe this is the direction the member base wants to go in terms of gaming events. Cluster Races aren’t gone completely. The GMRG Leaderboard will remain a “earn the most clusters over the course of the quarter” event. I like that method, the coding is simple, and the rewards are achievable by everyone in the club.

But for events that yield crescents, I’m going to challenge you in ways you haven’t been challenged in a while. The events will be different. The requirements will never be the same. I want you to prepare for the unknown and the unknowable. I want to use the full breadth and depth of our gaming library. And I also want to test options for GJW competitions. Yes, you are all guinea pigs right now. The more popular events will likely see some action in a GJW, and the less popular events will slide to the back burner so we can refine them.

We’ll announce everything in the DB Gaming telegram room, as well as through supplemental news posts and Edgar’s Monthly Gaming Update.

So keep your eyes peeled for stuff that interests you. And as always, if you have ideas, send them my way.


Change in Magistrate Rotation

Right now, my current Magistrate rotation has two jobs opening up at the same time. I don’t want that to be the case. I want to have a steady flow of new magistrates vs. changing out 50% of my staff all at once.

Because of this, I’m going to have to extend the tour of one of the currently sitting Magistrates. I will discuss that with the team and take a volunteer to stay beyond the six month timeline.

My next Magistrate selection period will begin in the middle of this month. If you want to serve on the Fist Staff, now is the time to start thinking about your applications. Look for the actual call to go out sometime around the 15th of August!


Admin Reminders

  • Solo submissions are not acceptable for Clusters of Earth/Fire. I will reject any that come in. You must play with at least one other DB member, no exceptions.

  • Please pay attention to the Pendant of Blood wiki page when submitting for your pendants. If the milestones for a game change, that does not necessarily mean you are eligible for any additional pendants. All games are capped at six, and some games award fewer than six, and some award none. Not all games will award Pendants of Blood.

  • When submitting a repeat competition (i.e. you ran an event, finished it, and decided to run it again), please be mindful of the expected participation for the event. If you run five Star Conflict events in a row, and only have one to three participants per event, I am going to question whether or not the event needs to be approved. With competition organization awarding credits, I want to protect the sanctity of our competition system and our credit system. Competition spam is no bueno.

  • Also on competitions: feel free to run them DB wide. Gaming is a slightly different community, and is one of the few that consistently brings club members together outside of the competitive environment. Most of the people I currently game are all in different clans. By opening up your event DB-wide, you increase the pool of possible participants, which could allow for a crescent upgrade!

  • Read my recent news post regarding the updated rules for the DB Gaming telegram chat. A friendly reminder that gifs/stickers/image spam is not allowed. Sharing links to game guides, sales, builds, and gaming related news is 100% acceptable.

  • While I sincerely appreciate having proposals sent to me via telegram, please email the staff list (email is at the bottom of this report). I ask that your House and Clan leadership take a look at your proposals before you send them up. This isn’t to add a layer of bureaucracy, it’s because I’m sure they’d like to know how you are trying to help the club improve...helps with award and promotion recommendations and all that. Feel free to cc them on your email to me and my staff.

FIST Sponsored Gaming Competitions

There are a LOT of competitions running at the moment, or coming in the very near future. Watch the Competitions Page to make sure you’re not missing out on something!

[FIST]1st Annual Flash Gaming

[FIST] 2nd Annual Mobile Gaming

[FIST] GMRG Gorefest 2017

[FIST] Quarterly Gaming Challenge 3 2017 No more cluster races for the Quarterly Gaming Challenges! More events are in the works, and will be added to this container as they are developed!

[FIST] - Titanfall 2 Frontier Defense New mode for Titanfall 2. Very fun. Team up with three of your friends and take on waves of enemies!

[[FIST] Overwatch- Play of the Game( Submit as many screenshots of you achieving Play of the Game. The player with the most screenshots at the end of the competition wins!

[FIST] Diablo III Season 11 Weekly challenges throughout Season 11! You won’t know what I have in store for you until each week goes live. Show me that you truly are a master of of the grind!


July Weekly and Saturday Pendant of Blood Awardees

Congratulations to the following individuals on earning Pendants of Blood for the highest overall PvP score for the weeks/Saturdays listed!

Weekly PoBs

Saturday PoBs




1) Musings on Fist-run competitions. Goodbye cluster races.

2) Slight change to Magistrate rotation.

3) Admin stuff.



Destiny 2 is on the horizon. I think we have a pretty good idea on how to support it at launch. We are all looking forward to the Battlefront 2 Beta where we’ll actively test every available mode to ensure launch day support as well.

Thanks for all you do to keep the community running strong.

-Dracpool, out.


Excellent retort, Drac.

Great report Drac :) Awesome to see new things in the works for comps and everything. Thanks for the reminders on things too. Thank you and your staff for all of your guys hard work in keeping things fun in the gaming world.

Sweetness. Looking forward to seeing how you all further refine gaming and develop things. (Also getting excited for Destiny 2 :P )

So many challenges to come, so much goodness.

Like we chatted on TG about - really excited to see some of the new non-Cluster-race events. Ladders and competitions spanning a season of events (ie - more than a single knock-out bracket) are things I'm glad to see are in the works/consideration.

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