Woop Woop,
You guessed right, it's that time again when I throw out my end of the month report. Now I know it's a little bit early but that is because it's packed full of amazing things which all of the gaming crowd will be pleased to see. Let's go ahead and jump straight into this report and get the ball rolling.
So the Tournament came to an end, and I want to personally thank everyone who gave it their best. It's not easy to come into a tournament with so many different platforms available and give it your all. So thank you to all those who did, it's harder still to come out on top. So that being said I would like to congratulate…….Ernordeth. On winning the tournament, as well as Morgan aka V’yr for 2nd Place. It’s great to see you guys enter into a tournament like this and come out not only improving your gaming skills, but being the sportsmen that set the example for others to follow. Give a massive cheer for everyone who participated, you did your Clans proud. A rather cool accessory was given to Ernor for winning, check out what he got.
Recently some new things got changed around in Battlefront, with the introduction of a new play mode known as Sabotage and with the recent changes in the way some of the other game modes play. Ernordeth has tested these modes out and as such we have decided to add the new game mode along with a few changes, so the following will take place from today forward:
It has come to my attention with the numbers I have got from a competition, as well as continuous monitoring of the Overwatch Telegram channel that this game is ready to take the next step forward. We shall now enter the trial period for the game. It will be under the banner of PvO, as such all screenshots must be taken within the game, and members must follow all RoC. Remember to play with another member of the Brotherhood if you want them to be counted!!! The following addition has been made:
Once more we come to that time where I hand out Pendants of Blood for the most active gamers, so since our last report we have only had a few completed weeks. Congratulations to the following members on earning themselves a Pendant of Blood:
So in every report I keep mentioning this, but if you want to earn double CF’s for that one day and build up some inter-Clan relationships then do Clan Gaming. It's a great way forward and will help improve your CF counter, so that all said and done the following clans have been paired up with the dates that can be found below:
My staff and I get asked this question a lot so I want to try and clean up how to get a game approved. The honest answer is, if you feel it can be brought to the Brotherhood, test the game out. See how it plays and try and think how it would work inside Brotherhood gaming. Second part is numbers; would more than ten people play it regularly? Finally if you can tick the above boxes, what you need to do is then go and write a proposal on how this game works, what makes it unique and submit it to myself and my staff for review. There is no dark magic nothing hidden this is the way to get games into the attention of myself and my staff and what I strongly recommend you do in the future.
So I brought this section back with a bit more of a twist this time. I have given you the option to fill a form out and give your honest opinion and any changes you want to see inside of the gaming sector of the Brotherhood. It can be found Here
That all being said I picked a few question as follows:
Lilith Asked: Are there ever going to be any other PvP games like Pazaak that non-serious gamers can play.
Lucifer Asked: Why does the DJB not have the ability to get Clusters playing solo?
Mark asked: What would have to be done to allow game modes such as Guns FFA and Capture the Flag in JA (and JO)?
Gaming creates bonds of friendship that can last a lifetime, remember to treat others how you want to be treated as is the way of life. That being said, having fun is one of the most important things out there. A huge shout out to my team for continuing their development and work on the gaming side of the Brotherhood, these guys do so much work for you so give them a round of applause.
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Great report. Happy to hear that about Fighter Squadron.
Good news for Battlefront and Overwatch! Great games all who participated in the tournament!
I'm organizing some PC overwatch play this Sunday at 2 pm eastern on North American servers. We will see how many people we get and hopefully get some Custom PvP games in, but either way it'll be a great chance for those of us in different time zones to play together!
I'll primarily gather people in the general gaming Telegram and Overwatch Telegram, but if anyone doesn't want to join Telegram, add me on BNet or contact me via email to let me know to invite you when we start going!
Sounds like fun Mav. Thanks for the updates, Stu. Always good to see DJB Gaming evolving.
Woo! Our Overwatch event was a great success. We had 3 hours of custom games with DB members (and a brother of a DB member), with lots of fun, some angry Mav rants (Three Torbjorns?!), and some old faces (Flechette!) returning to play Overwatch with us!
I will plan another and publicize it a little bit better because of how successful this was. The present plan is the 10th @ 2 eastern but I'll update this week and get the notice out!