Fist Report 5.0


Fist Report 5.0

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Greetings Dark Jedi Brotherhood!

Welcome to March and hopefully Spring for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Even if warmer weather isn’t in your immediate future, March is bringing opportunities within the Fist Office. It was announced in my last report that Junazee would be stepping down and this report will officially announce her successor while also opening up applications for Magistrate. There is also a section addressing pre-arranged PvP matches.

Fist Divider

New Praetor

It is my great honor to announce Aldaric as the new Praetor to the Fist!

I first got to know Aldaric when he was appointed to be the Aedile of Archanis (RIP) in Clan Taldryan. It quickly became apparent to me that he was a bright person and one of our up and coming leaders within the club. Although we didn’t get to keep him around long on the Taldryan summit, I was happy to see him get the Quaestor position within Galares.

Beyond his House level leadership, Aldaric has the mastery of Fist Office processes and procedures that are necessary to succeed in the role of Praetor. P:Fist is a very administratively heavy burden and Aldaric’s year of service has prepared him to continue the legacy of excellence that Junazee has maintained for so long.

Welcome (back) to the team!

Fist Divider

Magistrate Applications

I would like to continue the policy of rotating out Magistrates every six months. With March 31st being the six month mark for both Warp and Kenath, it is time to open up applications.

What are we looking for in a Magistrate?

  • Easy to work with.
  • A desire to learn and to teach/support.
  • An understanding of the Rites of Combat.
  • Telegram Presence and a 24 hour turnaround.
  • A passion for gaming on a variety of platforms.

What should you include in your application?

  • A list of games (both supported and unsupported) that you play on a regular basis.
  • Ideas for how to improve some of the support options for our current platforms.
  • Anything else you think can sell you.

Submit your application to both me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Aldaric ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). If you only send it to one of us, your application will be discarded. We will be closing applications on March 20th. The two selected candidates will be brought on staff by March 23rd and will immediately be putting together their first competition for the start of the 2nd Quarter of the GMRG Leaderboard.

Fist Divider

Junazee to Equite 4

In no small part because of her work as Praetor, Junazee has been elevated to Equite 4. As a final thank you for all that she has done, I was happy to contribute to Junazee’s recommendation for promotion. This elevation was very much deserved and I look forward to watching her continue to spread her leadership wings in her new role as Quaestor of Galares.

Read the Recommendation Here

Fist Divider

RoC Clarification

Recently, there was an issue with people pre-arranging matches outside of the gaming bot before queuing up with each out in the bot itself. This is a violation of section 2.2 of the Rights of Combat.

Section 2.2 - Setting up 1v1 PvP

a. Members must setup 1v1 matches using the @DJBFistBot on Telegram. Members will not set up PvP matches in PM or clan chat.

d. Members shall not announce in chat that they are in queue for 1v1 PvP at any time.

I’m aware that this is not a policy that some people enjoy but there is a very good reason for it, fairness. Unlike PvE or PvO gaming, PvP is by its nature a competitive arena. People choosing who to play and who to avoid is a pathway to all sorts of exploitation like match dodging, match fixing, match feeding, etc. I also find it ironic that two of the regular gripes around DJB gaming are simultaneously the ban on pre-arranged PvP matches and also social cliques. I have yet to be presented with a compelling argument that the benefits of discontinuing this policy outweigh the risks.

With that said, I’m always open to discuss the Rites of Combat and other Fist policies but I need to also point out that discussion doesn’t mean I’m wavering on policy. I will always enforce the current policy as it is written but I also feel that if we never open up lines of communication on our written rules then we will miss out on good ideas. Please continue emailing and direct messaging me on these topics. I will continue to poke and prod at the arguments, not to be difficult, but because part of being Fist is to always think about how a change could be exploited for nefarious purposes.

Competition Spotlight

Want to see your name here? All you have to do is host a club-wide gaming competition. Remember, we are now allowing competitions for any video game so long as it can be fairly judged.

February GMRG Competitions

Mobile Gaming - Q*Bert: Hosted by Hosted by Vaeril Aeraeth

Skill Challenge - BFII Price Is Right: Hosted by Colonel Kenath Zoron

PVP for All Platforms: Hosted by Warlord Rulvak Qurroc

GMRG Gorefest: March 2020: Hosted by Yours Truly

Fist Divider

Helpful links

[DB Gaming on Telegram - Log in to view join link] on Telegram. Come be part of the discussion in the one and only official gaming channel of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood!

OutSTANDING choice for Praetor. Replacing Juna is no easy task...Aldaric already has the experience on staff and knows how things work.

Plus, he is awesome!!!

YES! CONGRATS ALDARIC! I'm confident my position will be in great hands!

the only problem with the PvP rule is when you are doing a comp that is specific to only 2 clans and they must face the other clan. I have seen a setup where we end up facing our own members and those games don't count towards the comp because they are the same clan, not the opposite. the asking or setting up with a PvP with another would help with specific clan vs clan battles.

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