Fist Report - A Tiger Goodbye


Fist Report - A Tiger Goodbye



This is the report no leader in the club wants to write but inevitably must. All things must end and real life must always come first. Suffice to say I have some things in my professional and personal lives that I must attend to and that has placed me in a position where I can no longer give this community what it deserves. Decisions like these are never easy but I feel confident that a fresh energy and perspective in the Fist chair is what is needed at this crucial crossroads, not someone muddling through while they are distracted by IRL.

Serving as Fist has been an honor and the gaming community will always be close to my heart. I will always be around, gaming with yall, submitting the screenshots because I don't trust anyone else to do it :P I had hoped to stay a bit longer and see the implementation of seasons through. It's now up to the next Fist to decide how to integrate gaming into the seasonal model the council is implementing next year whether they stick with my battle pass proposal or implement something else.

In my time as Fist, I have endeavored to make gaming, and advancement within the gaming society in particular, more accessible and foster a stronger sense of community. Much work remains for my successor, and the work of removing barriers to gaming and fostering the gaming community is never-ending.

The Future

Bubba will post the application timeline and requirements for the next Fist. Here are my thoughts on what the immediate challenges are:

  • Our platforms and cluster values need a comprehensive overhaul. One of my regrets is being very reactive and haphazard with cluster values and that has lead to some glaring inconsistencies. One of the second-order effects of Casual Queue was it created a new floor of sorts for our traditional time/cluster ratios. Casual Queue is amazing, don't get me wrong but it changed the landscape for cluster balancing. The old guideline used to be roughly 5 minutes a cluster and the next Fist will have to reconcile the need for consistency in cluster values with the "tic tac toe" effect of casual queue for lack of a better term.
  • One of the promises of going to seasons is the opportunity to provide an "endgame" of sorts for the gamers who have long since maxed out the GMRG. The GMRG accessories/leaderboard once served this purpose but it needs reform or replacement to engage more than just the top 10 in a given quarter.
  • The gaming community currently feels fractured in the sense that everyone is off in small pockets playing a ton of different games. That's not inherently a bad thing but one of the challenges for the next Fist will be bringing people back together.

I'm available via discord DM or email to anyone who wants to ask questions or even look over an application. My advice is to think of where the gaming community is now and craft a vision for where you think it should go. The specific ideas/proposals in your app should point toward your vision for where the gaming community needs to go.



Thanks to Evant and Bubba for taking a chance on me. Thanks to Drac for the support and counsel over the past few years. Thanks to all my colleagues on the council, past and present, who were great friends and teammates to help support one another. Thanks to all the great Fist staffers who kept things moving and listened to all my crazy ideas. Thanks to all who gave feedback over the past few years, I sincerely hope you know that I heard you. And the biggest thanks of all to the gamers of the club, who make this community what it is.

Rajhin Cindertail aka Turel

Fist of the Brotherhood


Thank you for your hard work Turel.

You've done great work, and I thank you for it. Hoping for the best for you.

You've done great in your tenure T, thank you for putting your all into the post and being here to keep the community great.

You will be missed in this role Turel. Thank you for the time and effort you have given to this community!

I've really enjoyed having you on the DC, Turel. Good luck with whatever comes next!

You earned those tiger stripes

You did a great job in a very difficult role! Thank you for all of your contributions to the club.

100% hardest job on the DC. Now you get to rest. Good job, Turel.

I’m pretty sure I’ve served under your leadership as Aedile, Quaestor, M:Fist, and Praetor. Thank you for the guidance and dedication you’ve always shown to the Club. While we haven’t always agreed on every decision, I’ve always respected that you’ve done what you believed was best (and you have pretty strong beliefs :P).

Thank you for your time as Fist, and I hope that whoever follows in your footsteps, and those of your predecessors, continues to build and strengthen the community.

All good things come to an end. But this is not an ending. It’s a see you soon in new ways.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!!

Well done adapting the club’s policies to a changing gaming landscape and evolving needs of the club throughout your tenure as Fist. Some rest is certainly deserved!

Also, former Fists can delegate screenshot duties to others in the group, its a retirement perk ;)

Thank you for everything Sir!

Thank you for everything you've done and laid the groundwork for. I am sorry you had to step down earlier than you would have liked.

Great work

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