Please welcome our two new Magistrates: Gui Sol and Kojiro Keibatsu. Both are on their first tour on within the office and we are very happy to have them.
One last final thank you to our outgoing Magistrates: Kenath Zoron and Tybalt Ma'jahirr Rawioni. It was a pleasure working with you both and you are both most certainly welcome back in the future.
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Whooo Congrats you two and Good luck! Thank you to Kenath and Tybalt for your work!
Congrats to Gui and Kojiro! Enjoy your time there and have fun
Thanks to Drac for selecting me and to Justinios for keeping me on (even though my desk was carved out of some of the old salt blocks left around by the Salt Lord) - it was great working with both of you to keep pushing our gaming forward!