Fist Supplemental Report - Changing of the (Praetor) Guard


Fist Supplemental Report - Changing of the (Praetor) Guard


I just wanted to make a brief announcement regarding some changes to #TeamFist. Raiheaux better known to most as Justinios has asked to step down for personal reasons. Real life always comes first and I wish him the best. Please take a second to look at the Sapphire Blade he received for service in his latest term on Fist staff. On behalf of the gaming community I'd like to thank him for his continued service.

Having just did a round of applications about a month ago, I had a pretty good idea of potential candidates that are in the gaming community. We are also in a period of change so I didn't want to delay getting someone on the job. Ikarri has a wealth of experience in the Fist office and has been an informal leader in the gaming community for most of his career, especially in the past year. He is organized and not shy about telling me when I'm wrong, which are both valuable traits for a Praetor. So the decision was an easy one.

I look forward to working with Ikarri and the rest of #TeamFist on getting some of the bigger projects over the finish line.



Thanks again to Justinios for his continued service to the Fist office and welcome back Ikarri!

Also #shamelessplug for the GMRG Rebirth lore competition for you creative types. Don't miss your chance to get any GMRG accessory.

Rajhin Cindertail aka Turel

Fist of the Brotherhood


Thank you Justinos for your service and congrats Ikarri!

Congrats Ikarri!

Congrats, Ikarri!

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