Fist Supplemental Report - Star Wars: Hunters Added as a Supported Platform


Fist Supplemental Report - Star Wars: Hunters Added as a Supported Platform


Star Wars: Hunters Now a Supported Platform


Star Wars: Hunters has been added for official support. Screenshot guidelines can be found on the supported games wiki page.

Star Wars: Hunters matches will be 1.5 Clusters of Fire plus any applicable party size multipliers.

The end of match screen is the default screenshot to submit.


During playtesting we found that sometimes people missed the end of match screen (the game does have a lot of popups and bluestacks tends to crash in the post match) so as alternative the match history screen (accessible by clicking on your profile picture in the home screen) is acceptable. But make sure to take match history shots before the end of your play sessions. If match history screens show more than a few hours we will not accept them.


Star Wars: Hunters is a free-to-play PVP hero shooter available on mobile (android/iOS) and Switch. I and others have had some luck playing Hunters on PC through the Bluestacks android emulator. Bluestacks does tend to crash while loading the post-match score screen so be aware of that.

Our resident Hat Tuq has put together a series of competitions to celebrate the launch of Hunters so dive in and grab some credits and crescents!



Thank you to all who helped playtest Hunters. Get out there, team up and start hunting!

Rajhin Cindertail aka Turel

Fist of the Brotherhood



I am really excited to see Hunters get support so quickly, I haven’t been able to put it down since launch!


Nice! This sounds like so much fun 😁

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