Galeres April 2022 Report: Of Spring and Bloody Things


Galeres April 2022 Report: Of Spring and Bloody Things


Table of Contents
  1. Admin Notes
  2. Event Calendar
  3. News
  4. March-April Activity 0.AskTheKicky

Admin Notes

Well, what a month its been. The last several weeks have been spent in a flurry of activity mostly behind the scenes, as the last of February’s clan comp was graded, and administrative actions have run their course. Moreover, March was an incredibly busy month for me, personally, as April will be as well…but, that still leaves us plenty of time for a little but of fun, yeah? Expect notes about the upcoming House mini-competitions and House event here, as well as general notes on what we can expect in the future…alongside, perhaps, an application posting or two.


Event Calendar

Fiction fiction fiction!

Tomorrow. It’s late tonight, and I have no desire to stay up until one. Be that as it may, you might be able to tell that things will not remain peaceful on Eldar for very long. The planet’s revanchist factions are ready to take advantage of Galeres’ distraction in the wake of events on Selen, alongside the rapid shifts in Arcona’s leadership, to finally bring their violent plans to fruition. Sardinian radicals are chomping at the bit, stirred behind the scenes by the quiet urgings of their religious guide, the Kasha, who seeks to establish the Sardinians as the dominant power on Eldar…and eliminate the Keadeans along the way. For their part, despite the urgings of Galeres’ allies within the Keadean faction, hate is a difficult thing to stifle, especially when spurred by violence and fuelled by centuries of racial division. The actions of Keadean renegades is only fuelling the Kasha’s cause, and giving the Sardinians ample justification for full-on war…which is now, perhaps, inevitable.

Galeres stands in the middle. That leaves us with choices to make. Ones that will shape Eldar, the lives of its inhabitants, and the future of our house. But, before we can do that…Sera needs an Aedile, and fast at that. Someone with wisdom, direction, strength to help guide her way…or, perhaps an ambitious backstabber that will seek to seal her fate. Whatever the case, applications are OPEN! I plan to run them until April 12th, leaving plenty of time before our House event fully kicks off on April 20th or so. You can find the application link here.

Until then, we’ll be running a few little mini-comps to kick y’all’s asses into gear. Hope you like puzzles and poems!



Hella news this month. Like, hella.

  • After a wonderful tenure, Rhylance has stepped down from the position of consul to pursue mad science on his own time. Hugs to him, and all the thanks for his contributions. That also means that applications for ARCONA CONSUL are open until April 8th. Want to be my boss? Command the Kicky Commander? Apply here!
  • Paths were removed by act of our very own Seneschal, James. This means that you will need to check your character sheets and reactivate them.
  • The Herald says no more society points for spammy meme comps. Sorry, not sorry. Back to stick figures!
  • Idris has made a similar change for poetry competitions. So, back to just writing…regular fictions? Yay!
  • Doing admin things also costs credits now, in accordance with the whims of our feudal overlords. Go blow some of that fake currency, y’all!
  • As usual, the PulseFeed aggregator is a great source for news about the Brotherhood in general! Lots of fiction here. Lots of fiction.
  • Like weapons? Armor? Spaceships? Starports? Adminstering minutiae? Then this application to the Regent’s Office is right for you!
  • Finally, as always, check out our [sister house’s report] for March and April! It’s Lektastic!



  • Here’s something from our very own Zuza for all you puzzle-masochists. I won’t ask why, or how, you managed to complete this thing, despite the deceptively wholesome title.
  • You think you know your Star Wars characters? Even those little, blink and you miss it goopy aliens and wacky joes from the original movies? Well, our good ole’ Soccora has a comp-set for you!
  • For my fellow poets out there, here’s an obscene grab-bag of poetry.
  • Amateur artists, one and all! Remember those neat little fighty-stick figure animations from the internet’s heyday? Here’s your chance to recreate those gory wars in all their glorious lack of detail.
  • Duty. Honor. Loyalty. What do those words mean to you? Test your boundaries in this open-ended fiction.
  • Love. Friendship. Family. These are the ties that bind, forged in fire, but not unbreakable. In this (rather repetitious) fiction, explore your character’s variable relationships.

With those wrapped up, we can kick off right into…




  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star

Ood B’nar

  • 1x Crescents with Diamond Star
  • 1x Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 5x Crescents with Amethyst Stars
  • 10x Crescents with Sapphire Stars
  • 5x Crescents with Emerald Stars
  • 3x Crescents with Topaz Stars
  • 2x Clusters of Ice
  • 4x Clusters of Graphite

Qyreia Arronen

  • 2x Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 2x Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 1x Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 2x Crescents with Emerald Star
  • 27x Clusters of Ice
  • 26x Clusters of Earth
  • 4x Clusters of Graphite

Diyrian Grivna

  • 1x Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 2x Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 2x Crescents with Topaz Star
  • 4x Clusters of Ice
  • 22x Clusters of Earth
  • 2x Clusters of Graphite


  • 4x Clusters of Graphite

Sera Kaern

  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 10x Clusters of Ice


  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1x Crescent with Quartz Star
  • 7x Clusters of Earth
  • 4x Clusters of Graphite

Luka Zarkot

  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 2x Clusters of Ice
  • 22x Clusters of Earth
  • 2x Clusters of Graphite

Tyga Orn Nilim

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 6x Clusters of Ice
  • 2x Clusters of Graphite

Kaled Atros

  • 4x Clusters of Ice

Vahrosa De

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 4x Clusters of Graphite

Oriah Charr

  • 2x Clusters of Ice

And from there, we may move on to my very favorite section…


Ask The Kicky Commander!

I’ll be soloing until we get our shiny new aedile in. Thankfully, there weren’t too many questions, this go-round…

Zuji presents a quota of questions

What’s next on the Horizon?

Stormclouds. Unfortunately, it does not seem like we will be seeing peace anytime soon. Not on Eldar, and likely not on Selen, either, even with the recent defeat of the damned Old Gods. For now, we’ll need to lick our wounds, adjust to the scramble in command, and keep our eyes out…

How ya settling in to the Qek's seat, both ic and ooc?

IC, Sera has her doubts. She’s coming off of a bad defeat at the hands of one of the demigods, and her track record in leadership, so far, isn’t spotless. Yet, despite the losses that her unit has sustained, she continued to climb higher. In the face of her ideals, that seems like a paradox, one that she isn’t particularly happy yet. Soon enough, she’ll need to learn how to separate between being a leader, and being a warrior…because, while there is overlap, they can be very different things.

For me, personally, the big struggle is the same that it has been for…crap, almost the last year? Balance between school and military and… everything else in my life, is tough to find and tougher still to pin down securely. It is, as it goes, a work in progress. But, it’s just about the most worthwhile work I’ve ever found in my life, so that’s a plus.

Need help breaking in that office?

Well…considering that the adjoining Aedile’s office is as-of-yet unoccupied…and the desk is really nice…and a whole lot bigger…


What advice from your time in leadership would you impart to any aspiring leaders?

Things won’t come easy, and they won’t come right away. From all that I have learned, both in the Brotherhood and at my school (which deigns to call itself the ‘premier leadership institution’ :p) about seventy-five percent of leadership is centers around learning on the job. Take charge when there is a vacuum, listen to those you follow, speak constantly with those who follow you, prepare for what you can, and note what you weren’t prepared for. You’ll feel like you’re winging it; I still do. But, having the confidence to follow through, and to care despite your doubt, will make all of the difference.

  • 4 weddings and a funeral? May I read? :3*

Heh. Almost done with this one. As per usual with my recent writing, I have struggled to finish my most recent fictions, mainly due to time allocation, but I’ve been adding on and working towards getting this one to a finished state. I think the finished product will certainly be worth it :D.

Songbird has one thing to ask

Where is Doon?

Sera wishes that she could answer that one. She really does. Unfortunately, the people that she cares about seem to have this bad habit of leaving her without care or explanation…



And that just about does it. Thank you all for reading, and look out for competitions coming in the next few days. Moreover, if you’re thinking about Aedile…go for it! I’d love to see y’all absolutely drown me in applications :D.

We’re moving on to busy days. Times are still uncertain. But, as winter draws to a close, and the sun begins to break the clouds, it will only find us strong, ready to face the dawn together.

Stay out of trouble, Galeres.

Sun and sky and stars alight,

Guide me, searching, through the night.

Take me home, where the heart is bright,

Amongst my friends, my heart, where all is right.

Ooo hella nice report! 😆

Lovely report! I'm looking forward to the brewing turmoil, whoever takes up the mantle of Aedile, and what gal has in store for the future.

Best Kicky Capt <3 wishing you luck with the rl stuff as well :3

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