Galeres Leadership Report


Galeres Leadership Report


The Beginning

Welcome to the first combined leadership report from Uji & I. In this report, we will do a quick introduction, discuss recent changes to Galeres, cover competitions both old and new, talk about the Galeres Initiative, and how you can be part of our active culture!

"This is a new day, a new beginning." -Ahsoka Tano

I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome I have received as your newly appointed Quaestor. A lot of people made the joke that this position was cursed due to it's recent high turnover. Under their laughter, though, I could hear the concern. Why spend time talking to this guy? He is just going to move on like the rest. I promise that I will not be moving on any time soon. I am very invested in the well-being of Clan Arcona, House Galeres, and - most importantly - each and every member of this House. I am always available for each and every one of you. I want for you to succeed... I want to see you advance through the ranks and collect endless shiny things. If you are up for the challenge, I am here to support you.

"Stay on target." -Gold Five

In addition to a newly appointed Quaestor, we have also appointed Celahir as the Battle Team Leader for Soulfire. He has served in countless positions within Arcona from Battle Team Leader to Consul. We are blessed to have his experience and insight on our team. With members like Kordath and Celahir stepping up to help steer our ship, it is no wonder why we have so many great things in happening in this house. I look forward to seeing his continued work and advancement from the Soulfire team as they continue to flesh out their roster and produce top rate material to support Arcona.

"Somebody has to save our skins." -Leia Organa

With all the newly appointed leaders it is easy to forget that we have two staunch leaders in our midst. All of the great things that happen in House Galeres stem from the excellent work and foundation provided by Uji and Kordath. While I may be the Quaestor, every decision for the betterment of this House goes through our Aedile. Uji has the experience of recent years, the relationships with our members, and the foresight to ensure that our path is surefooted. Kordath continues to be one of the best members in the club; both in participation and his servant leadership style. If you are looking for ways to advance in our club, I would direct your eyes to either of these men as excellent role models.

Work In Progress

"It's a trap!" -Admiral Ackbar

Currently, we just wrapped up the House Galeres sponsored event "The Fall of SCEPTER." This event allowed us to - fictionally - drive our story forward. Previously, House Galeres had worked from the shadows to manipulate the going-ons of the Dajorra System. A lot of this work was done through the private military unit known as SCEPTER. Our new story pushes us away from reliance on that unit to drive our fictional stories. We now will be bound tighter to Arcona; using Galeres to drive the larger story arc of our Clan (not an independent story). With the recent updates, we will begin editing and updating the Wiki pages with the [Galeres] tag.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." -Darth Vader

Uji has been slaving away to ensure you have more competitions available in October. He diligently worked out a proposal, had it reviewed by numerous members, before taking it to the FIST for approval. We will have a massive gaming competition this month. It includes numerous platforms that are prevalent amongst Arcona gamers. He literally has gone all out for this event to make October really special for our gamers. It highlights multiple platforms AND has Cluster races (so you can play ANY game you want) each week.

Event: Arcona Gaming Dominance Link:

"Never tell me the odds." -Han Solo

October will have lots of opportunities to participate in light, relaxing games. We are trying to make it a less stressful world for you. We will not only have Uji's competition, but we will have some Halloween competitions towards the end of the month. So break out your scary stories, carve your pumpkins, and get ready for fun! Our leadership team in Arcona aims to please and we have some fun stuff prepared (I challenge you all to Halloween miniature golf!). Long story short? Arcona leadership continues to produce more content for it's members than any other Clan in the Brotherhood. And we are damn proud of that!

The Message

Prepare yourselves. Each report will have a message from your Quaestor. Some of them will be rants, some will discuss the future, and some will fondly embrace the past. The point is that I share. When I share my vision or how I reason, you learn invaluable information about me.

Transparency. I whole-heartedly believe in the value of transparency with our membership. I also, however, do not scream everything I am doing from the highest mountain. Yet, I promise that I will never have secrets from my members. I do squarely put the proverbial "ball" in your court, though. If you have questions about things - just ask. I will be the one that tells you what you have to do for that next promotion (honestly) or the big award you are working towards. I can help you improve your writing or make time for gaming (especially Star Conflict). I want amazing things for each and every one of you... but I cannot want it for you more than you want it for yourself.

Did that sink in?

You have to want these things. Genuinely. I can plod through my Brotherhood life by creating competitions, writing reports, generating content and be perfectly content. There is a difference between content and inspired, though. I want to wake up and log-on to my computer inspired to work for you, because you are working with me. I want to exchange ideas, I want to give you my knowledge and experience.

But I cannot want for you, that which you do not want for yourself.

Tangents. I do those, too. Back to transparency. If you want change or you want to do something fictionally, please come to Uji and I. We can tell you if it fits. Or we will try to carve out a place for your idea in this wonderful world we author. A great example is from one of our Arconae, he recently approached us with an Ace Pilot Program proposal. This conversation has spurred several conversations about "Legend" units in our Clan, got him drafted onto the ACC Space team, and will be a HUGE addition to our membership's ability to explore their characters, have fun, and make Arcona more kickass.

Everyone has a voice. Use yours.


Thank you for getting through my first report with me. I am wayyyyy out of practice. The FIN will always be at the end of my reports (obviously). I will use it to highlight any personal projects or highlight something cool I found on the internet. It is... basically... the money shot of my report.

RUMOR: Political State of the Galaxy Before, During, and After 'The Force Awakens'

Disney Parks Launch 'Season of the Force' on November 16th

In Case You Missed It: September 19th - 26th, 2015

In Case You Missed It: September 12th - 19th, 2015

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kaeth


Lovely first report, gents!


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