Galeres Report - June 2015


Galeres Report - June 2015



Greetings Galeres, fellow Arconans and on-lookers from other units. Welcome to the House Galeres June report. I just requested updated report graphics from the Herald office, but while that request is pending I had to improvise and appropriate some graphics that were lying around.

Who is this lightie in the QUA office? What happened to Arcia? Why does it burn when I pee? How do Neti reproduce? All these questions and more will be answered in this report….well maybe not all of them.

Without further ado, here is the news.


Brotherhood News

  • Slagar put out a Wiki Tribune Update detailing some policy changes and an opportunity to join the staff. (APPLY FOR ALL THE THINGS)

  • Aabs’ latest MAA Report contains some policy clarifications and promotion advice that shrewd leaders will take to heart. Also, Howie replaces Evant as P:MAA, so bundle some tasty bamboo with awards and promos to get them processed faster.

  • The latest Gaming Update from Valhavoc details some upcoming Star Wars games, a Cluster table for House of Wolves and the implementation of the new Cluster of Earth. All we need is a Cluster of Air and I can be the Cluster-Avatar.

  • Evant teases the Fiction Society and CS 2.0 in his second Voice report in like two weeks. Much productivity, such fiction, wow.

  • The Herald Office unveils Crusade Ribbons. MOAR SHINIES FOR MAH DOSSIER!

  • Bubba made SA society ranks more obtainable yay!

  • Jamez and dbb0t are up to no good. Something about implementing the path changes the good idea fairy thought up.

  • The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master shed some light on the upcoming path changes and laid a hard but necessary line on canon species going forward. But rejoice sentient rocks, giant bugs and blind ladies, the policy comes with a Grandfather clause. “If you like your character, you get to keep your character.” (Some restrictions apply, Offer not valid in New Jersey).


Clan News

  • In case you missed the email chain, Legz has retired from PCON to pursue law school (may God have mercy on his soul), be sure to thank him for his years of impeccable leadership and service to Arcona.

  • Stepping up as PCON is Arcia Cortel better known as Esca. I, for one, welcome our new busty overlord. In all seriousness I look forward to working with Esca and the new-ish Summit writing the next chapter of Arcona history.

  • Tides of Change came to an end. We laughed, we cried, we made some new friends (or had fun with old friends in my case) but it was a lot of fun and a big kudos to Atty, Legz, Alora and V’yr for putting it on.

Speaking of the Tides event, here’s to all the last minute submitters out there (you know who you are):

You know who you are

House News

”The QUA you need right now, but not the one you deserve”

So as you are by now aware, Esca’s elevation to PCON left a critical vacancy, one that our Shadow Lady asked me to fill. I am both humbled and honored to be given a second chance at leadership. However, the controversy of that decision is not lost on me. I will give nothing less than my best in this position to live up to the faith placed in me. By the time I turn the reigns over to someone else I hope to have earned the trust of each and every one of you. Here are my priorities:

  • Take care of members - I believe a leader’s first priority is to take care of their members both administratively through timely awards/promos but also through career development. Uji and I are working with the rest of the Clan summit on some initiatives on the career development front so stay tuned. I fully intend to work myself out of job by helping to train up new leaders and heavy hitters for the clan. You, Mister Jedi Hunter reading this report, could be Hokage (or Shadow Lord/Lady) someday. Believe it!

  • Provide the best possible member experience - Second and almost as important for a club leader is to provide the best possible member experience. That means producing high quality events, competitions and a fictional sandbox to play in. Again, Uji and I are already bouncing ideas and taking what has already been started to tweak our little sandbox. We need your input; comp ideas, fictional ideas, and the super sexy wiki work that everyone loves to do. As leaders we ultimately work for you, the member, so let us know what you want to see.

  • Build for the future - To ultimately be successful a unit needs a solid foundation and a self sustaining culture. Admittedly this is the most vague of my three priorities, but it ultimately involves strengthening the Galeres and Arcona communities. Recruitment initiatives need to happen, a new generation of members needs to sharpen their skills, and as I’ve said earlier new leaders need to be groomed. All this will secure our dominance as First Clan.

So that’s my (re)introduction as it were. Now onto some more fun stuff.




  • Shipping Arcona Style - Shameless plug for my comp. Make love not war! Write a fiction pairing up two or more Arconan characters. Adult content is allow and yes this is Voice approved.

  • Treason? Treason! - The Shadow Lady has gone too far with all this hand holding and friendship with the lighties. Write a fiction detailing her assassination. The winning entry gets interrogated by the DIA.

  • Seeing Double - Another assassination comp, but this time you’re trying to stop one by posing as a body double.

  • Cards Against Arcona: Design Phase - I see this becoming a regular thing in Google hangouts. Submit your best Arcona themed Cards Against Humanity cards.

  • Sentence Run-On II - When 250 words is just too much.

  • An Arconan Vacation - Another conflict is behind us, what (or whom) does your character do on leave?

  • Dozens of Games III - Prove your mettle in mobile games. Anyone who successfully de-thrones Strat gets a very fabulous shirt (not really)

  • Maximum Brevity Series 20: Time Capsule - Describe what your character put in a time capsule in 250 words or less. No, your fridge doesn't count as a time capsule no matter how infrequently you clean it out.

DB Wide

  • An Objective History - Where did you get your stuff? Probably a good way to sneak some stuff in before the possessions system takes effect.

  • Keeping it Together The Dark Council is now mobile after the events of GJW XI destroyed Antei. Detail when and where you meet up with one of them in this Voice sponsored comp.

  • Judecca World - A series of comps that tie into Jurassic World, non of which involve a shirtless Chris Pratt which I find legitimately disappointing.

  • GMRG Gorefest - ALL THE CLUSTERS! Just follow make sure to follow the good dude/dudette rule.




Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star x 2

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Cluster of Fire x 35

  • Cluster of Ice x 14

  • Cluster of Earth x 21

  • Legion of the Scholar

Nadrin Erinos Arconae

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star

Mako Henymory

  • Cluster of Earth x 8


  • Cluster of Earth x 28

Kordath Bleu d’Tana

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

  • Cluster of Fire

  • Cluster of Ice x 6

  • Cluster of Earth x 14

Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj

  • Cluster of Ice x 10


  • Crescent with Amethyst Star x 2

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star x 3

  • Cluster of Ice x 2

  • Cluster of Earth x 84


  • Cluster of Fire x 12

  • Cluster of Ice x 2

  • Cluster of Earth x 100

Turel Sorenn

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star x 2

  • Cluster of Fire x 82

  • Cluster of Ice x 5

  • Cluster of Earth x 226

  • Dark Side Scroll


  • Crescent with Diamond Star

  • Crescent with Ruby Star

  • Pendant of Blood

  • Cluster of Fire x 15

  • Cluster of Ice x 4

  • Cluster of Earth x 16

Rulvak Qurroc

  • Cluster of Fire x 28

  • Cluster of Earth x 194

Nashiro Kakos

  • Crescent with Diamond Star

  • Crescent with Ruby Star

  • Crescent with Topaz Star

  • Pendant of Blood

  • Cluster of Fire x 95


  • Cluster of Earth x 95

Shadow Academy

Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

  • Dark Maven Galactic History

  • Galactic Languages, Races and Species, Mandalorian Studies, Galactic History III, Galactic History IV, Galactic History V, Galactic History VI, Galactic History VIII, Dark Brotherhood History I

Kordath Bleu d’Tana

  • Dark Savant Tactics


  • Leadership Reports, ACC Qualification, Test of Wisdom

Nashiro Kakos

  • Dark Savant History and Lore

  • Lightsaber Studies, Galactic History VI, Galactic History VII, Galactic History VIII, ACC Qualification


  • Freighter/Transports Studies, Vendetta 1: Foundation, Vendetta 2: Submission


  • OE Arcia Cortel to Arcona

  • OT Turel Sorenn from Qel-Droma

  • NOV Alastair from Arcona

  • NOV Nado Vas from Arcona


Aedile Corner

Hello Friends, Enemies and Others.

I would prefer to skip the “This is who I am” report entry. I’m fairly certain most folks know me and if you don’t, you will. I would like to thank Atyiru and Esca both, since returning at the beginning of the year the two of them have worked with me closely and helped me develop during my time in Nighthawk to build the skillsets necessary to survive and flourish while leading within Galeres.

And on that note: I would like to thank my team on the Nighthawk. You guys are absolutely amazing and I’ve had a blast getting to talk and work with each of you and look forward to continuing to do so in my new role.

=Project Highlight=

I along with several others are currently working on an upcoming project: Character Workshops

What: An opportunity for members seeking to improve on their character design. Activities would include: Wikipedia Creation and Overhaul, Character Sheet Design and Point Allocation, Image Design.

How: We will be seeking volunteers who have specific aspects of their Character they would like to develop. This could be for new members who need an overall starting point (basic wiki, CS, character history, etc). Or a Veteran member who wants to strike the cobwebs from their sorely neglected characters.


  • Use of IRC or Google Hangouts

  • An available weekend night

  • 1-3 hours depending on depth of work

Sign Up Form:

OT Uji

Aedile, House Galeres


  • Esca is PCON and there’s some lightie loitering in the QUA office.

  • Tides is over, results soonish™

  • There are a lot of Fiction comps to whet your appetite, get out there and get some CIs!

Closing Words

That’s all for June, I hope everyone enjoyed Tides of Change as much as I did. Another round of applause for the organizers and DC graders who put in a lot of work to make it happen. So until next month, my door is always open. Happy Father’s Day to all the DB Dads out there!

Be excellent to one another

OT Turel Sorenn

Quaestor, House Galeres

Now in honor of Father’s Day, this picture reminded me of Mako for some reason:

Got get gaming in somehow

This report reaffirmed my belief that I will be Shadow Lady someday. Thanks Turel!

Also, tasty report man.

Turel reports. Always amazing <3

I could so see that being Mako. I must know show this to his wife and make this happen.

Great report, Galeres! Can't wait to see what comes next!

I did learn from the best Rhi, "Mamma Tree" trained me up right ;)

This report is so beautiful I could cry. Look at the ribbons of lightie love spreading!

Love the info and commentary. Let's see some great things in the future! ;)

And Cable: you can be Shadow Lady too. Believe it!

Awesome report, T. I know you'll do a stellar job.

Traitor! Turncoat! Heretic!

Don't worry, we still love you.

Amazing report! loved reading about your goals and plans, and i'm for damn sure doing that workshop!! Really inspirational ideas and thoughts, as well as a damn funny report! good job

Do I get double credit for the report divider since I made it too technically

Kiwi you get all the love for them dividers.

Good job, T! <3


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