Grand Master Report #47


Grand Master Report #47


Greetings everyone and welcome to my #47th report as Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. Change. It was some politician's slogan a few years ago and it sums up the Dark Brotherhood over the past year and a half. We will continue focusing on change for the next year as our club continues to transition into something a little newer and a lot more interesting. This report will capture some of those upcoming changes, talk about where we are headed, and then close out with a few thoughts. TLDR below:

  • Possessions: PDAWG
  • Possessions: Salary Statistics
  • Position Changes: Taldryan Consul, Odan Urr Consul, Regent, Fist, Combat Master, and Voice
  • Fiction: Update 3.0
  • Tribune Recruitment: Still Open for Applications
  • Final Thoughts: Thanks


Possessions: PDAWG

DJB possessions system operates with the logic that members buy individual instances of items. As such, there are prototype items, and then there are individual instances of those prototype items. When you go to a store (the part that is currently locked unless you have beta access), you are looking at individual instances of items that you can purchase, much like going to a car lot and browsing physical cars. However, to help members research what items exist and make decisions about what to buy their characters regardless of availability or restrictions, James has helped build a tool to research those decisions. Aptly known as PDawg.


While the team is hard at work defining the experience, salaries, graphics, equipping and policies surrounding a "live" possessions system. This collection of prototype items is the foundation for the entire system and can be shared with everyone. It is meant to answer the question of, what items should I seek out for my character, and as such not every possible prototype item is listed because some cannot be obtained.

Note of course - everything is still in beta, but if there are any concerns or issues found, email them to Evant and James.


Possessions: Salaries

Evant and his team have done a tremendous amount of number crunching to ensure that our future salaries make sense within the new possessions system. The data analytics and research has helped me make decisions in a timely manner and is pretty damn interesting. I thought I'd show a few examples of Evant's work.

1) Credit Source: Where do our members, at each rank, obtain their credits? That is a question that Evant asked and we found some very cool things. Elders get their credits from high end awards (makes sense), Equites from promotion bonuses, and Journeymen get theirs from Society Membership. I'm not sure we planned it like that, but I like it. Check out the data:


2) What are the average amounts of credit per rank? Seems simple enough, but we wanted to see if there are any large or unexplained gaps in the salaries. Grand Masters and Prophets are not all that separated while a EL2 had a pretty big lead over the EL1. Similarly, the EQ1 almost doubles the JM4 total. Stats below:


3) Lastly we have the pie chart. Because I like Pie Charts. It also shows a pretty good spread of where everyone in the club is earning their credits from.



Position Changes

The Dark Brotherhood has saw a pretty rapid and fast change in leadership over the past month. This includes Evant moving into a brand new DC position, Wally moving to the Core DC for the first time in his career, Drac moving up to the DC as our youngest (get my coffee) member to sit on the Council, and Turel and Aiden both assuming Consul for the first time ever. Pretty awesome. Roll up below.

  1. Congrats to Evant on Regent!
  2. Congrats to Wally on Voice!
  3. Congrats to Atra on Combat Master!
  4. Congrats to Turel on Consul of Odan Urr!
  5. Congrats to Drac on Fist!
  6. Congrats to Aiden on Consul of Taldryan!


Fiction: Update 3.0

Wally has a host of Fiction buisiness that he is already burying my inbox with (DC Fictional Role Updates - Say goodbye to fleet command, medal boy) and his new duties will include fiction update 3.0. At this time we do not have a set date for the next fiction update, but it will continue along the undesirable story arc and more than likely see a few more fictional reasons to IC explain my OOC wiping of fleets (and then you get to rebuild in possessions). Keep an eye out for Wally to provide more updates.


Recruitment Tribune: STILL Open for Applications

1) Reminder: Yacks resigned from T:R even though I act like he did not. Therefore we are STILL looking (although not set) on appointing a new T:R. This is a demanding position. A position that people have failed at horribly. Therefore, we are looking for someone with real work Social Media promotion and organizational promotion experience. Please submit an application to Mav and I detailing your experience in this field as well as providing examples of how your previous work has benefited an organization with tangible results. If we do not receive suitable applicants, I may determine that the T:R position is no longer needed and place it as an additional duty under an existing Dark Council position. In other words...if you want this job...come big. Applications are due NLT 1 November 2016.



I want to take a quick moment to thank everyone for the kind words on our news page, but at the same time I would also like to redirect attention away from the Star Chamber and onto the Dark Council. I have been in this club and others like it for a very long time. I have never worked with or seen a Dark Council operate in the manner that our current team performs. Each DC member collaborates with the next and all of them strive to make our club a better place every day. Over the past year this DC has developed two new societies, revamped existing societies, created new disciplines, redesigned websites, drawn thousands of images, conducted micro/macro economics in support of a fun little possessions system, coded gaming bots, stopped using mIRC (?!%?#) and on and on and on. Those things happen with minimal guidance from me and often they happen with no guidance from me. I simply nod my head like a sage old person and watch the DC get after it.

I'm thankful for the DC, but they aren't the only one I'm thankful for.

We also have a tremendous community of members, leaders, and random crazy internet people who have made this club what it is today. That ranges from the odd unicorn photos on Telegram (I'm looking at you Arcona) to the countless people who find little things wrong with our club and then recommend ways to improve them. We have a pretty awesome community and I'm proud to be a part of it with you all.

I hope everyone has a good week. I'll be traveling again, but will be up on email and TG.

Exciting times. Waiting on Possessions and fiction updates with bated breath.

Awesome! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Some pretty sweet things coming around, and I cannot wait to hear more!

Oh, and I'm sure you were not talking about me, right?

Can't wait for the Possessions System to launch


Great stuff

Sounds like some fun and exciting things are coming our way... cant wait!

You love the unicorns, we know. You're welcome.

I think it's safe to surmise of this report - well done, DJB. We've accomplished so much for all the effort and care that people have put in. Thank you all.

I have a plan. Let's rob these rich crusties and their pensions!

How? You're too poor to be able to afford to rob people :P

Our DC is pretty damn badass. Congrats to all the people with new jobs!

...Did someone say unicorns?! :D

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