As many of you are aware, our Covenant establishes term limits for seated Grand Masters at 36 months. Over the last three years, I’ve had the pleasure to lead this excellent organization, but my term limit will soon arrive. As such, I am officially beginning the transition process to our next Grand Master.
Today, I am nominating Master Evant Taelyan to the Electorate to succeed me as Grand Master. This nomination will begin an approximately two week process that will allow Evant to engage with the membership and lay his plans out for the Brotherhood. If ratified, Evant will assume the duties of Grand Master on 24 February 2021.
Evant has my complete confidence and I know he will lead the Brotherhood well. From running successful Vendettas to implementing the possessions system that began decades prior with Rebirth, Evant has demonstrated his excellence in vision and ability to make the Brotherhood a better place. Evant loves Star Wars, and it is clear in everything he does that he is committed to making the Brotherhood the best Star Wars experience he can.
I have included relevant sections of our Covenant that detail the Grand Master Nomination, Vote, and Ratification process. If you have any questions on this matter, please email the Justicar and myself.
(a) Eligibility - The Electorate is charged with verifying the adequacy of candidates for the position of Grand Master. No member is eligible to be Grand Master who has (1) been previously removed from the position of Grand Master; or (2) is not permitted to serve in accordance with the term limits set forth in this Article.
(b) Nomination, Initial Vote, and Ratification – A Grand Master that announces his resignation will remain in the position until a new Grand Master is installed. Upon announcing his resignation, the Grand Master may nominate to the Electorate a member to succeed him as the Grand Master. The Electorate will then vote to ratify the nominee by a three-fourths majority. Upon ratification, the nominee will be submitted to the Star Chamber for approval. For the purposes of appointing a Grand Master, the Electorate includes the retiring Grand Master and, if the nominated member is a member of the Electorate, the nominated member. Nothing in this provision prevents any member from stating their desire to be considered for Grand Master during the initial vote; that is, the Electorate is permitted to compare the nominee to other options for Grand Master, including members that have declared their desire to be Grand Master. Such declarations may be made to the Justicar, who will timely inform the Electorate of the interest.
(c) Secondary Election - If the Electorate does not ratify the initial nominee or if the retiring Grand Master does not submit a nomination within 48-hours of announcing his resignation, the Justicar will hold an election for the position of Grand Master using the following procedures:
(i) If the Justicar is a candidate for the position or the position of Justicar is vacant, the Star Chamber will conduct the election. (ii) The Justicar will accept nominations from any member of the Brotherhood. All nominations must be accepted by the nominee and seconded by a member of the Electorate. (iii) The Electorate will vote to name the next Grand Master. A majority of votes must be obtained to become Grand Master. If no member gains a majority, the candidate with the lowest vote count will be removed and a vote will be held on the remaining candidates. This will be repeated until a majority is gained by a candidate. Once a candidate is so chosen, his name will be submitted to the Star Chamber for approval.
(d) Star Chamber Approval - The Star Chamber must approve of the new Grand Master. This approval will be assumed unless the Star Chamber votes to veto the nomination within 72 hours of the completion of the election. If a nominee is vetoed by the Star Chamber, another election will be held without the formerly approved candidate.
You will all hear more from both Evant and me soon,
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Bear gods help us all.
mimes a cross
Thank you for everything, Mav o/
Just to be clear, we're still going to blame Mav for everything.
I'll get the popcorn
Thank you for your time of service to the club Mav.
Thank you Mav for everything!
Welcome back (soon) to regular membership Mav, and thank you for your service over the last six years as GM and DGM.
Thank you for all you've done, Mav <3
I nominate myself just to see the comments from everyone as to why "hell no" is the appropriate responses lol
Mav, thanks for all of your hard work over your many years on the DC. Now enjoy some time off and maybe update that character sheet? :P
The Worst is almost behind us. God speed, and thank you for all your hard work and mentorship.
Mav, you are a BAMF. I truly appreciate all you’ve done for our club.
boo mav, boooo
Thanks for everything, Mav!
(Mario voice) Here we gooooooo!
Mav, you massive nerd, thanks for being an awesome GM. :D
Retirement is a dream, Mav.
Thanks for all you have done.
I am very much thankful for all the time and effort you've put into the club, Mav. I wish you the best for all your next endeavors.
It's been a long three years, Mavvles. Thank you.
It was a pleasure to serve with you, Mav.