Hey ya’ll, and welcome to my first report as Quaestor of Ajunta Pall. You should all know who I am by now (I’d been trolling around as your BTL for a few months previous), and so you should know that I’m happy to be here! Our much loved Drac moved over to replace Kelly as Rollmaster and has been doing a stellar job, he left behind some large shoes to fill and so I will do my best to continue keeping this place awesome for you guys.
There were also some changes with the BTL position last month, with Malice coming in for her first leadership position. She’s been doing great and has proven to be a valuable member on the summit, completing the seriously solid summit setup we have at the moment in HAP!
So we’ve run into the final 24 hours for the second phase of the feud between us and Odan-Urr. There are a load of competitions to compete in and many a chance to earn yourself a shiny whilst your at it. It’s also a great chance to knock off some promotion requirements, to all you Journeymen out there!
It will also appease the Drac, whom is still gifting out his points to those exceptionally hip people until the 14th. Only then will he reveal his never-ending incredulous surprise, so get participating people!
Head on over to Competitions to see what you are eligible to participate in. Though many of you should consider participating in any competitions for the Between Light and Dark feud before it’s too late!
Malice: This woman has been doing all the things. She has earned two Dark Mavens, one in Lore and the other for Writing. Additionally, she has been doing a great job as BTL and recently got promoted to Hunter.
Alishu: He has recently been promoted to Hunter, and has been quite active, both in Telegram and with competitions!
So I decided to continue my predecessor's legacy and try out answering all of your questions.
Kelly asks:
Q: Will this report contain at least one tie fighter?
A: Here, have six!
Malice asks:
Q: Why?
A: 42
Q: Am I the coolest, yes or yes?
A: Yes, your normal body temperature is well below 37°C. It looks like you can chill out, it’s me who needs to simmer down!
Q: Your favourite American sweet (from the ones you've tried)!
A: To be honest, I’d have to go with those milk chocolate Hershey’s kisses. Though everyone I offered one to despised them, I think I like them because they taste so uncomfortably plain. In any case, the Sour Patch Kids were great. There just wasn’t enough...of them.
Zuser asks:
Q: Would you hire Zuser to fly you anywhere for free or would you pay Han Solo 30,000 credits for a ride?
A: I’d probably not mind letting Zuser fly. Kalon used to pull all sorts of stupid stunts in his younger pilot days. That, and think of all the stuff I could do at Tosche Station with 30,000 credits!
Abadeer asks:
Q: Who's your biggest rival in the Clan/DJB?
A: This one actually took a little bit of thought. I’d have to say if we’re talking about on a DJB-level then I’d probably have to go with Andrelious. Purely because him and Kalon never got on well, and the two were always trying to out-do eachother in the cockpit of a fighter when they were back in Void Squadron together. I wouldn’t say I’ve been in Plagueis long enough to accrue any rivals on the Clan-level.
Alishu asks:
Q: Can you please include a picture of a cowbell in your report? F-for science @~@
A: Here’s mine. I bought the biggest one I could from the website I was on at the time, as an impulse buy.
And for science you say? Are you planning on measuring the idiophonic vibrations of the instrument when you hit it in a certain area and with a certain amount of strength. Making an initial hypothesis before trying to back it up with recorded evidence?
Oh, you’re doing it just because it makes a funny noise.
Q: I keep hearing about Skype shenanigans going on. What usually happens in those meetings between you and the rest of the summit?
A: These skype sessions are usually attended by myself, Malice, Slagar and/or Laren and are actually not restricted to summit members. We just all seem to be the only people that use Skype anymore and want to have a good time. To put it short, the five hour long chats usually consist of #darksidebanter to a chilled out background groove.
Laren asks:
Q: If you had to choose between one large, planet-sized cowbell or all the cow-bells in existence, which one and why?
A: Why would it matter, I wouldn’t have enough either way. Though I’d like to think that the bigger the cowbell, the louder it is. ;)
Arden asks:
Q: Nigel Farage or Donald Trump?
A: I’ll go with good ol’ Nigel. He has a cute smile, and he’s a dope MC when he wants to be.
That looks like everything for this report. As I said earlier, I’m really looking forward to continuing on as Quaestor and working with the rest of our top notch summit members! Also, if you haven’t read Teylas’ latest report yet, I suggest you do it now. It hints about what will be going on with the Clan post-feud. You can find said report in all its dark side glory here!
More to come next month, catch you guys on the flip side!
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Nice report. You know, minus the huge amount of cowbell.
Q: Will this report contain at least one tie fighter?
A: Here, have six!
This looks like 5,5 to me :P You got me all hyped up for 6. :(
Nice first QUA report bro! Hope you enjoy the QUA duties and look forward to your rise of fame using a Cowbell -.- :D
Still needs moar cowbell, Gary. :p