Herald Report #3


Herald Report #3


Hello everyone,

Today I have the pleasure of announcing a new release and an important change to the Herald Competition Guidelines. We’ve also got a new saber blade effect, a member spotlight, and a showcase of the work we’ve been doing for our fellow members.

As always, I want to thank my hard-working staff. Whether it’s a robe, a weapon, a special project, or a request from one of my fellow councilors, I always have someone ready, willing, and able. I couldn’t be prouder and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you guys!


Competition Policy Change : Artificial Intelligence

After months of deliberation, I have made a decision concerning AI-generated entries. I considered several approaches but decided that the simplest solution is the best one. The fair one.

As of this report, AI-generated art will no longer be allowed in Cluster-granting graphics competitions. The Herald Competitions Guideline has been updated to reflect this change. This means that event runners can no longer choose to allow AI-generated entries in Cluster-granting graphics competitions, and participants can no longer submit them to these same competitions. Under no circumstances will AI-generated art and member-drawn art be allowed to compete in the same Society-based competition. We will honor any ongoing competitions that allow AI-generated entries, but will not approve new ones.

This isn’t to say AI-generated art is gone entirely. Moving forward, if one wishes to run a competition that allows AI-generated graphics, they must do so by creating a Regular Competition. This competition will be treated like we treat meme or puzzle competitions and offer the same rewards. They will not grant Clusters of Graphite or Shroud Society points.

Herald’s Stance on AI

My stance is a practical one. For Brotherhood purposes, AI is considered the equivalent of a commission artist. The user requesting the image is not considered the creator. Like a client requesting a commission, the user sets the parameters and dictates changes, but they do not create the art themselves. Someone—or, in this case, something—creates it for them. A member is not allowed to submit another person’s art as their own. In the same vein, one cannot submit art created by AI. Trying to pass off AI-generated art as your own will lead to disqualification and the event will be forwarded to the Justicar for review and investigation.

This change aims to protect and ensure the fair treatment of our club’s artists.

Society Overhaul Phase 1

I’ve mentioned in past reports that I am looking to overhaul the Shroud Syndicate society. I am happy to say that I have recently submitted the proposal for Phase 1 which aims to streamline and improve society progression as well as cluster and society point rewards. The aforementioned AI policy change was a part of this proposal which we chose to fast-track so that it could go into effect ASAP without waiting for the rest to be implemented. I look forward to sharing more information with you in the future.


Accessories Release

Shortly after taking office, I started prodding around to see what dossier images people might be interested in. It quickly became apparent that our selection of dossier accessories needed some love.

As such, my staff and I have spent the last few months working on a fresh batch of accessories, which are now available on the selector starting at the rank of JM1. You will discover cool new items including musical instruments, clan/order-branded items, and what I’ve come to call archetype accessories. These accessories incorporate a set of items that reflect a character’s profession or skillset. In our first release, you will find four: the Mechanic Toolbox, Medic Pack, Archaeologist Satchel, and Slicer Toolkit.

Last but not least, thanks to Aiden’s constant and frankly inspiring efforts this release also adds new accessories for clan title holders. An item has been added for each of the seven clan’s title holders. A special thanks to my predecessor Rian for providing the gem visual for the Pomojema Shard accessory.

Check out the Release showcase below to see what items were added.

As always, remember that accessories are visual dressing for your member dossier and do not reflect what you own as part of the possessions system.


New Lightsaber Effect : The Pointed Blade

By request of a member, I am introducing a new blade effect for custom lightsabers. Available at EQ4, members can now request the Pointed Blade effect. This effect mimics the flat, pointed shape of the Darksaber, but retains the white core and colored options of regular lightsaber blades. For an example, see Jorm Natrej’s custom lightdagger in the Release showcase section below.

An entry for this new effect will be added to the Lightsabers section of the Wikipedia shortly.


Discord Stickers Reminder

It’s time for my usual sticker reminder. You may have noticed a series of new stickers recently added to our Discord server. We are still looking to expand the set of emojis and stickers available on our Discord server. Each clan is allowed to submit 7 personalized stickers. These can be inside jokes, sayings, reactions, or expressions unique to your clan culture. These must be in good taste and anything deemed offensive or otherwise problematic will be declined. This is a good opportunity to promote art amongst your members or even run a sticker competition. Clusters of Graphite will be awarded to artists who supply art for these stickers (unless created as a submission to a competition or if they have already seen remuneration for the specific image being used as a sticker.)


Future Opportunities

If you are interested in creating art for your fellow members, please contact me.

Though there are no open staff positions at this time, there are always opportunities to create graphics, and you will be rewarded generously for your efforts whether you are part of the staff or working with us as a freelance designer.



Each report, I shine a light on the wonderful work of members of our club.

Meet Clan Arcona’s Avery Watson, who goes by the name of Jazzy on Discord. Jazzy is a brilliant artist who’s done an impressive amount of character design for her fellow members.

Jazzy Spotlight

Twice the Arconans, twice the fun. Meet Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, Proconsul of clan Arcona. They are an art chat regular and an artist with a marvelous eye for fashion. I am frankly jealous of their sense of style and flair.

Zuji Spotlight




Mechanic Toolbox and Polarized Goggles by Aylin, Medic Pack by Soccora

Toolbox Goggles Medic

Utility Belt by Vyr, Beskar Ingots by Saal, Bounty Puck by Aiden

Belt Ingot Puck

Slicer Toolkit, Archaeologist Satchel, Seven-String Hallikset by Malfearak

Toolkit Satchel Guitar

Mandalorian Bes’bev, Pendant of Balance by Aiden, Pomojema Shard (Son of Taldryan) by Rian

Flute Pendant Taldryan

Star of Dajorra (di Tenebrous Arconæ), Oku Flower (Councillor of Urr), Vizsla Challenge Coin (Ad Vizsla) by Aiden

Arcona Urr Vizsla

Palatinaen Astrolabe (Legacy of Palpatine), Bottle of Sadow (Son of Sadow), Heart of Plagueis (di Plagia), by Aiden

CSP Sadow Plagueis


Cassandra Oriana Tyris by Vyr, Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow and Malfearak Asvraal by Malfearak

Cass Koji Mal

Raiheaux and Windos by Aylin, Aiden and Malfearak

Raiheaux Windos


Vynn Salm and Nora Olen by Socorra, and Hector Von Ricmore by Bruno

Vynn Nora Hector

Harow Zylrun by Socorra and Aiden, and Jorm Na’trej (Lightdagger) by Malfearak

Harow Jorm

Malfearak Asvraal, and Kah’ri Marruj (Main saber) by Malfearak

Mal Kahri


Windos by Aiden, Cymbre Kall, and Saal Kesyk by Saal

Windos Cym Saal

Ryuu Suoh by Ryuu, Zuza Lottson, and Bril Teg Arga by Saal

Ryoh Zuza Bril

Zosi'val'ria and Ahathr’iss’asapla by Saal

Zosi Thrissa


Thank you for reading my report. If you have any art-related questions, feedback, or concerns, feel free to message me on Discord or send me an [Log in to view e-mail addresses].


Wow what a report!

This all looks amazing! Thank you so much to the HRLD Staff for all their hard work!

Lots of AMAZING work here. Be proud Herald Staff you killed it!

Don't mind me. I'm just here for the very pretty pictures. Great job Beard and Herald staff!!!

Love all the work the Herald staff has done! Approve of the AI ruling.

Thank you too for the artist mention! <3

Totally on board with the AI ruling and love the work you shared

So happy to see all of these finally out!

Very happy with this update and love our featured artists!

I've had some awesome interactions with the Herald staff on a couple of graphics requests lately and can't say enough good things about the entire team! Y'all doing amazing work!

Also... that Oku flower accessory is beautiful.

That's some great artwork.

Awesome report. I love the featured art and the graphics releases!

It's a great report. Love the member spotlight. Diy and Jazzy <3


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