Herald report #5: Sound of Change


Herald report #5: Sound of Change



Exams, Herald work, Hangouts, Coffee, Ale and the occasional bedtime. Yeah, that's my life about now. cue intro music

Welcome to another of my Herald reports. today we have some showing off to do so read down and enjoy.

You're building it up and they're breaking it down


The Crew

So lemme run some numbers for you, m'kay?

81 files, 343 links, 374 photos, 29 members and over 2000 messages in the last two days alone. Yeah, that's the DB Art Club.

Let's just say that I am super happy where the telegram chat group is going and how well some members are developing their skills. So if you haven't yet, join the:


Wanna give up but keep holding your ground

Non-Force User's Custom Items, Update #2

Just some sneak peeks for you ;) No additional text needed.

DL-44 Heavy Blaster pistol options

E-33 Blaster options

Complete gun examples

Order Headers - Gray Jedi

I've shown you the Sith, Jedi, Merc and Loyalist headers, now it's time to showcase the Gray Jedi header.

Thanks to Cyris Oscura, our old Herald and excellent artist for his contribution in drawing the character. :D #tagteam #HeraldBrofist



Turning it up but they're deaf to the sound

Warbanners, Sabers and Requests

Let’s start with


In the past two weeks none were completed. Weirdly, no one requested a saber. Hm, that's a new one.


By Selika:

  • Arcean Furnece
  • Zeon Blacktooth
  • Vithril Isradia
  • Solas Night Thorn
  • Saskia Ortega-Inahj
  • Ceasar
  • Landon Cruise
  • Silent

Graphics Requests

By Selika:

  • Omega Kira (House Dinaari Headers)
  • Teylas Ramar (Plagueis Headers)

By V'yr:

  • Celahir Erinos (Battleteam Soulfire Header)


Even the best artists need to stop and see the sunshine. Seyda is taking her time due to RL responsibilities. Proud of her nonetheless. :D

Incidentally, Delak Krennel has informed me that he is open to avatar requests. So go talk to him if you want an avatar done. :)

Oh the sound the sound of change

There’s a Form for that

Ask the Herald

Wally asks: Can I have my custom Darth Vader Cortosis-weave armor set with rechargeable batteries?

Nope :P

Esca asks: How many different combinations of gun parts and mods are planned to be released with the custom gun system?

For starters, at least two per component, per gun. We'll see how many more we can add in the future.

Rhiann asks: Herald did you get my music suggestion and did you like it :p

Yes :P

Destin asks: How do you like your steaks cooked?

Medium or Medium well.

Ood asks: Seriously though, your impressions on the state of the club graphics-wise. Also what are - in your opinion the weak spots in this regard and are you planning to fix them and how?

Graphics wise the Club is sitting pretty, unlike previous years. more and more artists are coming out of their proverbial closet each day. everyone keeps improving their skills constantly, which gives me hope for the future.

Personally I think we lack good illustrators. Seyda is one of them. So is Cyris. But we're just not there yet.

The future is paved with ideas for an eventual Society that could emerge. Dunno when, though. might take years. For now, i'm satisfied with baby steps.

Turel asks: Have you picked a GMRG accessory yet for yourself?

No. Having trouble thinking of something good, tbh. If anyone has a suggestion on what accessory i could use, post it in the comments.

Lex asks: Do you find yourself a specialist in any form of artistry while on the job? What types do you wish to utilise in the DJB?

Specialist? Heavy word right there. i don't consider my self a specialist in anything, really. I'm a jack of all trades. I know much of everything but never really focused on one area in particular.

Personally I like using a comic book style of drawing and coloring in the DB and I usually make my artwork in this style.

Kant asks: Serious question for a change: Will Force users be able to get custom blasters?

Read my last report. Yes, they will.

Ood asks: In future, will it become possible to use credits to "buy" additional HRLD services (say you have filled your custom saber/warbanner creation quota for your rank group, can you buy an additional one)?

Probably not, though that is a good idea. I'll suggest it. The original idea was to have a cool down of 6 months in between Saber and Warbanner requests, but we'll see.

Ood asks: Is the job what you expected it to be? Could you explain your answer in a bit more detail? With examples please

Hm. Well the job is the same as the one I've been doing as praetor, really, I just get to make the decisions. It kind of saves me a bunch of time because I don't have to ask for confirmation if this or that artwork is good enough. I'd say it's both easier and harder. Easier in the sense that much of what I do now is entirely open to my own creative freedom, and hard in that there are A LOT of projects that require my attention. Luckily I have a great team to handle any issues along the way.

I haven't even toughed Warbanner in month. I rarely touch sabers too due to them getting scooped up as soon as they show up. So yeah, it's harder but also easier. I also get all the fun projects like Custom Guns, Fiction Accessories and such. Creativity blooms when you're not doing repetitive stuff, hence my intention to swap out ym staff every six months. New ideas pour in and keep the pool fresh.

Esca asks: What has been your favorite graphic to make for someone other than yourself so far? What makes it more special than others?

honestly? The Shadow Lady. It's not so much about the image as the reactions and 'cult of personality' it created, or supported. It's all in good humor of course, but it's fascinating to me how such a simple image can have such a widespread effect on people. I like that.

Lex asks: What is the Herald doing during these Undesirable cullings? Has she stuck up for the remnants of her brothers and sisters in the Guardian, Sentinel and Consular Orders? How can you possibly defend your subordinates whilst continuing to serve the DC?

She's smuggling students into safer zones and away from the DC, basically. She has a very specific agenda in the DC. It's not like she's listening to orders from the throne. she couldn't care less about that. She is there to ensure Jedi aren't attacked openly. At least that's the idea. the official fiction behind this hasn't been fleshed out yet as it's low prio.

Lex asks: Whose your favourite Sith? Dark Jedi? Gray Jedi? Merc & Loyalist?

In general or DB? I'll say both so...Vader. I don't think i have any fav Dark Jedi. Atyiru Entar (sorry Atty :P). Han Solo. Wedge Antilles.

Jon asks: will the clan ideology be messed with when Sarin finally kills us all off?

I'm assuming you mean 'iconography'? :P I don't know anything about retconing Clans (seems extreme and far fetched). The logos will remain the same.

Destin asks: What advice would you have for someone looking to better their artistic/image editing skills?

Join the DB Art Club. ;)

Xen asks: Have you made anything that caused you to step back and go "no too sexy"?

lol. No. Nothing is too sexy :P

Andrel asks: What kind of DB art do you enjoy the most?

The kind that is made for someone else. Best kind of art is the one you get a 'Thank you' for.

Atty asks: Will you meet me across the sea?


Xen asks: If you could redo the art for any medal, what would it be?

Golden Lightsaber.

Arden asks: What's the best Pun you can come up with for either trees or DJB Abbreviations

You're barking up the wrong tree, mate. I usually let others come up with those. :P

Esca asks: Is contribution to DJB wide graphics limited to only staff, or can non staff members with the skills contribute as well?

Absolutely not limited. If you think you have the skills, feel free to contact me and we'll talk. Kaz, muz and rian ahve already contributed immensely, so can others.

Rosh asks: Ally or Lisa? :D

Lisa. Redheads are my kryptonyte.

Xen asks: What is the secret to finding good commission artists besides stea--- errr utilizing ones others have used?

Well i usually share good artists in my reports. Other than that, you can easily skim deviantART and find good ones or ask someone in the DB who has done a commission already.

Ood asks: What part of your job do you hate most?

Copy/Pasting questions from Telegram to here XD

Lex asks: what's the difference between being Herald and being ProConsul? (Graphic design aside)

More graphics, less fiction. The scales are higher as well. We manage most of the graphics for the Brotherhood so it's no small task. Proconsul was easy by comparison :P (not that it's not hard in and of itself)

Atty asks: How many hours per week on average woudl you say that you spend on HRLD work?

Too many. Way, way too many.

Lex asks: What's your labby doing right now? :P

Being a noisy fart.

Esca asks: somewhat of a follow up to Kant's question: If Force Users are able to request custom blasters, what will NFOs get to compensate for FUs only being allowed to have sabers?

NFOs will get more options for their blasters: more mods, materials and such, where FOs will only have the basic models to accompany their sabers thematically.

Bobecc asks: With the discontinuing of the Avatar project, assuming that it is still going to be discontinued, will the rules on submitting avatars change at all?

No. The rules will remain the same for now.

Atty asks: You get lots of gfx questions, but what about fiction? What's your favorite thing you've written or read around the DB recently? Any comps got your eye?

There are a couple of private fictions some people know about that I usually don't share with anyone. These are near and dear to me and I enjoy writing those the most. Apart from that, Rivalries has me hooked something fierce. i enjoy every moment of it. :)

Ood asks: Do you regret stating: "Most/all questions will be answered in my report." at the beginning of this?

No. ;)

Esca asks: How much do you hate Ood right now?

Not much :P

Lex asks: What techniques do you find difficult to draw in each of the races you've had a chance to create?

Mostly digital painting and illustration. I don't own a tablet and have to do everything with a mouse, so....

Esca asks: In collaboration with the Voice and CM, more likely than not, will there be any sort of weapon available to NFOs that will give them more of a fighting chance against FOs? (Asking you because you'd make the gfx for it)

If you're thinking 'saber resistant' then i don't know. You'll have to wait for Possessions.

Kant asks: What's your favorite sci-fi that's not Star Wars, in any format?

You can't take the sky from me. #browncoats (I daresay Firefly and Star Wars are equals in my eyes)

Sa Ool asks: When is the next Herald competition going to be?

Day of the Fox. November.

Cable asks: Am I too late to be included in your report?

Nope :P

Torin asks: What are the odds of the old blaster graphics getting an update? Can Jedi request custom blasters/rifles or are they restricted to NFO's?

  1. We'll see. 2. Read my last report.


Commission artists and Artist Feature

Every report I will present an artist from various sites on the internet that do commission work. You can directly contact them through their contacts on these pages:

This time it's Durandus. He ahs a very groovy style and is relatively cheap in regards to commission pricing. I've ordered a commission which I will share in my next report. Stay tuned.

Closing word

Stuff's progressing nicely, i say. Very nicely. We're keeping busy and everything so far is on schedule.

Big shout out to my peeps in the DB Art Club, once again. Proud of you guys. remember Rule 1 of Art Club: Practice.

Hope you enjoy the news. As always...

See you Space Cowboys. ;)

Dirty Heads - Sound Of Change


A paintbrush with the fibers made like lightsabers for your accessory

Art club represent! Everything in this report is relevant to my interests. Thanks for taking the time away from artsy things to write words!

Fantastic report! Love love love LOVE how those guns are turning out. cantwaitc cantwait cantwait

Great stuff!

V'yr is such a tease


Boo you whore.

Loving how everybody is showing their artsy sides. Makes me wish I had the time to sharpen my own skillset. Ah well, might join you lot one day if I can start to master the digital canvas. Anyway, nice report.


/me sobs and crawls back into the fiction hole now that gfx report has been read

In seriousness though, really awesome stuff! I adore how much the Art group has taken off, and all these Q&As! :P Sweet previews too, so welcome back, Cyris!


Digging the custom blaster stuff. Now to get one more promo so I can actually get one when they're available. That should only take like three years if I'm lucky.

Sexy guns, kinda makes me want to go NFO. Great work by all the Herald staff!

You cook your steaks medium well? What the hell is wrong with you? :P

Awesome report Vyr! I love how the blasters & slugthrowers are coming out, and how effective the morale support in the art community has become.


Allllll of the epicness :D

Ood asks: In future, will it become possible to use credits to "buy" additional HRLD services (say you have filled your custom saber/warbanner creation quota for your rank group, can you buy an additional one)?

I've been pushing the powers that be for this sort of a thing for a long time, as I think it would be an excellent addition. I am especially hoping that one day I might be able to trade my obscene amount of credits for custom robes.

Adding credits to the equation, while it may seem appropriate, is not something we want to take lightly. There are schedules and projects to consider, artist availability (both time and skills), speed, quality, prices, etc. Graphics aren't just magically created out of nothing. They require inspiration, expertise, time and patience. Most people lack those qualities in this particular area, hence why there are so few of us that can do this job.

As I said, I'll mention it and endeavor to make it happen, but you can also expect that it won't be 1:1 (credits for graphics) as that would overload our already busy schedule. Some of the hardest graphics to do would most likely be regulated by rank/position/time, as well. It all depends on where we want to go with graphics in this Club. These questions will all come to the table very, very soon.

I will pay you 350,000 credits for custom robes, and not a hundred thousand more!

Whatever Yacks says he'll pay you for stuff, I shall pay 1K more for you not to do it! What else are all these credits for :P

I'll have my people call your people. We'll do lunch. :P


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