Herald report #6: Boom-lay Boom-lay Boom!


Herald report #6: Boom-lay Boom-lay Boom!



October 1st I do hate you so much.

Welcome to another of my Herald reports. Today, finally, we’re releasing the Custom weapons for Non-Force Users...well, sorta. Read on to find out more. ;)

I'm on the front line, don't worry I'll be fine


The Staff

One DC members does not the Staff make. This is very true across the board, but especially in the herald’s office. Graphics work is tedious and it takes a long, long, looooong time to get right. That said, having support often helps, and September was especially hard for me, having finals along with all my Herald work and gasp as social life.

So I wanna say thanks to my whole staff. Every one of them has stepped up in their own way to help me get to this point. They are my pillars and without them the Office wouldn’t be on track. So thank them for your new shinies. ;)


The story is just beginning

Non-Force User's Custom Items - Release!

Finally, it’s here. The Non-Force users that have recently been released are getting their Custom weapons. The weapons are divided into Ranged and Melee weapons.

How do they work?

It’s very simple. Lightsabers and Melee weapons will function in much the same vein. You will request whatever you want, depending on your rank, and it will be made from scratch for you. Truly Custom weapons. This has more to do with our workflow and techniques. Making swords/axes/hammers is very, very similar to sabers, depending on the amount of detail.

Ranged weapons, on the other hand, are nowhere near as simple. That’s why we’ve had to implement a template system. The ranged weapons listed below are ALL either Star Wars Canon or Star Wars inspired, to keep with the overall theme of the franchise and fandom. What this means is that you will be choosing whatever weapons you wish to display as custom on your dossier and we will be modifying them according to your wishes.

From material used (steel, chrome, blackened metal, bone, wood, ivory, etc, etc) to colors of specific components, to what type of grip you want on your precious baby. Basically all of these weapons are templates we can modify to fit your vision and the Request forms will reflect that.

Speaking of those, they haven’t been finalized yet, so expect them within a day or two. I’ll add a news post and then you can go crazy and request all the things! :D

Here’s the moment I have to apologize. I really, really wanted to release a lot more weapons today, however the growing list of projects from the DC (Fiction Society most notably) took up most of my time. So we’ll only be releasing part of the weapons we intended to. You can expect more weapons and mods in my next report in two weeks.

So without further ado, I present to you all the Custom Ranged weapons templates we’re releasing today.

Lightsaber requirements - Changed!

For a while now I’ve mulled over the idea of changing Lightasber (and now, Weapon) requirements. Many members have asked about this and, today, I have a solution.

Let me explain what i mean first. Latest canon has show that dual wielding lightsabers or even using staber staffs isn’t really restricted to higher echelons of Force Users. To accommodate this we have developed a new system of rankings for the Lightsabers and Weapons in general. Here’s the rundown:

  • Armory weapons have been expanded to include dual weapons and double-bladed weapons. Right now Armory Single Sabers, Armory Vibroswords and Armory blasters are available to the Journeyman 1 ranks. Dual Sabers, Dual Vibroswords and Dual Pistols are available to Equite 1 ranks. Armory Saberstaffs and Armory Double-bladed Vibroswords are available to Equite 2 ranks.

  • More options are given to Equite ranks regarding dual and double-bladed weapon variants. EQ2 gain five additional dual sabers to choose from, wehre as Eq3 get all of them and five additional Saberstaffs.

  • Cutsom weapons are seeing changes as well, where Equite 4 ranks recieve Custom Saberstaffs as well as Custom dual sabers. Elder 1 ranks recieve Dual-phased lightsabers, while UV lightsabers remain restricted to Elder 2 and above.

  • We’re introducing Custom Cortosis (saber resistant) Blades for Elder 1 and above, as well as Custom Sith Swords for Elders 2, and Custom Dual Sith Swords for Elder 3.

Much of this affects mostly lightsabers but it will also affect NFU weapons in the future as we release them.

All additional info is listed on on these wiki pages:

For now I can say that in addition to these changes, we have released a new set of Melee weapons called the Armory set. Expect more in the future, and enjoy.

Feature - Fiction society rewards

The Fiction Society has been released a few days ago. Many people have been asking how all the rewards look. Well, sans all the options and such, you can see the rewards down there.

I'll take this moment to mention my Staff again. they did a badass job here. Slagar managed to complete the stiletto, Sith Dagger and Comlink, while Esca did the Scanner. They really outdid themselves here. All in all there are 138 image included in the Fiction Society.



I say goodbye to my weakness, so long to the regret

Warbanners, Sabers and Requests

Let’s start with:


In the past two weeks none were completed. Due to the amount of work we’ve had to do, sabers were paused for a bit. Now, we’re back on track. Expect more next report.


By Selika:

  • Mav

  • Teu Bukhari Sadow

  • Celahir Erinos

Graphics Requests

None. Same reason as above.


None. Same reason as above.

And now I see the world through diamond eyes

There’s a Form for that

DB Art Community Telegram Group

If you’re interested in joining the TG group and sharing your art, be sure to click the image below:

Ask the Herald

Brae asks: #AsktheHerald What are three ways I can drive Atty/Arcia bat shit crazy in the weeks leading up to Halloween?

How should I know? XD

Monty asks: #AsktheHerald: Hailing from a tree family do you have a visual depiction of your family tree?

I do not. My family tree goes back millennia and the knowledge of it has been lost to all but me.

Donny asks: #Asktheherald - Considering the growing size and talent of your team. Will you eventually be intending to have a few members begin working on training/teaching competitions for the brotherhood at large to prepare members for GJW GFX competitions?

Maybe. It really depends on our time. our priorities are pretty fixed at the moment. However, the DB Art Club was created for just such a purpose. People are getting better and better just by communicating. I imagine we’ll get more GJW gfx entries this year than any before.

Atty asks: #AskTheHerald what do you think of artwork depicting characters throughout their life/aging process? Can we see sapling Vyr?

I think that’s cool. Why not depict your character as a child. Hell I might just commission someone to depict Vorsa as a padawan.

Sapling Vorsa is...as sapling. Seen one, seen ‘em all :P

A’lora asks: Can I have a Lightstaff?

You already have one :P

Atty asks: #AskTheHerald ...Kara Thrace and Six/Caprica/the Tricia Helfer Cylon...which would you pick?

Teikhos asks: #AsktheHerald Will the Loyalist/Mercenary robes and weapons make their way to the wiki like the Force-user robes have?

Probably not. There are far too many of them. Maybe as links, though.

Kyle asks: #asktheherald if we ask the Herald staff for custom robes and they agree, is it ok?


Atty asks: #asktheherald if you had all your projects and pieces done tomorrow, what's the next piece of art you'd do for fun?

I’d probably sleep. I usually do art for fun only when I’m inspired to do so. But a week after? Maybe.

A’lora asks: #asktheherald with the number of extreme changes about, will the restrictions regarding lightsabers be changed/considered in order to fit better with the canonical examples of less-powerful characters making use of dual or double-bladed lightsabers?

Already done, love.

Turel asks: #AsktheHerald, who has the best custom saber in your opinion?

I do. Obviously.

A’lora asks: #AsktheHerald, as your OTP, do I have parking reserved on your Star Destroyer?

You get a hangar.

Turel asks: #asktheherald what are some examples of things that aren't allowed in saber/warbanner requests

Tough one. In warbanners we usually allow everything that looks like a logo, though we tend to deny if that logo is copyright of any RL company or such. What’s usually frowned upon are character images (be it yours or other people’s) and fully rendered illustrations as crests. keep the logos simple, black-and-white.

As far as lightsabers are concerned, it really depends. Basically anything that you can have is listed. If something comes up that’s out of the ordinary we do a case to case approval/denial. But I have no good examples of denials in that field. So far everyone’s been pretty straightforward about their sabers.

Wally asks: #asktheherald if a neti falls over in the forest but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Atty asks: #asktheherald any plans for expanding those coolio society tattoo options? I want to ink a fist onto somebody's forehead and call it ACC :P

No. Those tattoos are made in that way specifically for the Fiction Society. i doubt there will be any more.

Zoso asks: #AskTheHerald You promised me customizable weapons. I have no weapons. Why do you lie to me? :(

Look up.


Commission artists and Artist Feature

Every report I will present an artist from various sites on the internet that do commission work. You can directly contact them through their contacts on these pages:

It's Durandus again. This time showing of a commission he did of Jai'de Serpens.

Closing word

So September was long and hard (phrasing?) but we managed to do a lot of the work I marked down for completion. Next up? Herald Style Hanukkah and Possessions.

Hope you enjoy the news. As always...

See you Space Cowboys. ;)

Shinedown - Diamond Eyes


And I go NFU just in time for custom weapons. Nice.

Seems like every time I turn around there are a slew of more options and goodies put out by the Herald staff, it's like HSH all year long!


alt txt

This is all so awesome! Fantastic stuff, Vyr and staff. You guys deserve some beer and rest, preferably soon. <3

Lightstaff =/= Saberstaff. Still, a hanger all to myself? I'm flattered.

Also totally gonna tear up the ACC for some of those Fiction society goodies.

excellent. I always thought the use of dual sabers shouldn't be so restrictive. I mean even jedi knight anakin used dual sabers twice against dooku LOL

oh, and I forgot to ask, if we already have a custom lightsaber/weapon, can we use a second non custom weapon in tandem for dual mode?

Chances of getting F-11D blaster rifles for mundanes? :P

At certain ranks, yes. Everything will be explained in the new Request Forms.

Good work by you and your people on the Inquisitor stuff.

The lightsaber/weapon changes look good, I just have one question. Is there an actual visual difference between a normal saber and a dual-phase saber on dossiers?

Could make a GIF of it, I imagine. Downside with that is that colors are limited, but it's a pretty small image, anyways. No detail lost.

Crappy Markdown <.<

(Remember kids. Always use the preview button, otherwise you end up posting two worthless comments.)

Wally asks: #asktheherald if a neti falls over in the forest but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


V'yr should know, I've seen her fall in the forest...! >.<;

Much love! <3

I always gotta love the goodness I see coming out of the Herald ' s office...Bravo

Too much awesome, too much.

And, that Dual-Phase GIF just opens up a whole new world of innuendo.

Great work, GFX peep! Everything looks shiny and chrome.

I'm a bit confused by the custom firearms. Do we pick the parts we like and then the graphics wizards put them together and make them look sexy or are they "premade" and we just pick the one we like best? Also can we have camo style paint jobs? I'll probably never get high enough to request one but I thought I'd ask anyway.

#AsktheHerald, who has the best custom saber in your opinion? I do, Obviously

Don't even pretend it's not my Saber.

<3 nice report as always.

So freaking awesome

So glad that the rank requirements are gone for dual weilding/saberstaffs. Was always one of the most disheartening things explaining to a new member that they couldn't have cool weapons because someone decided that they weren't cool enough for em. Much love, Vyr!

Chances of getting F-11D blaster rifles for mundanes? :P


I'm a bit confused by the custom firearms. Do we pick the parts we like and then the graphics wizards put them together and make them look sexy or are they "premade" and we just pick the one we like best? Also can we have camo style paint jobs? I'll probably never get high enough to request one but I thought I'd ask anyway.

You pick the parts, but only in a single category and single model type. So, for example, you may want an EE-3 carbine? You can choose any of the components that have to do with the EE-3, but you cannot select, for example, the barrel from the T-21 Repeater and stick it on an EE-3. Several reasons for this: 1) it makes no sense to have interchangeable parts between gun models (That said there may be mods, like the E-11 barrel for the EE-3, in the future); 2) It makes it easier on us since the weapon parts have already been "made to fit" with each other for each specific model.

That Inquisitor armor... drool!!!!

Agreeing with Yacks. Nice to see the harsh requirements lifted for weapon stuff. Well done, Heraldy-people.

My favorite Shinedown song....well either this or Second Chance....

Totally love all this stuff. Inquisitor gear all looks sweet, and totally agree with Yacks too about it being nice more people can finally dual and staff wield.

Like every other member I highly appreciate the changes in the weapon requirements, still one questions remains regarding myself, does the "alchemical treated crystals" alter the appearance of the blade displayed as well and if so would you mind posting some previews of such effects as well?

"Alchemically treated crystals" are only cosmetic, first and foremost. They have no actual effect on ACC matches and such until Possessions come out.

That said, any special effect you can think of can be a an ATC or Special effect as it'll be called from now on. Examples?

No, don't worry, I totally meant only the optical/cosmetic aspect, since I am a huge fan of the Force Unleashed unstable lightsaber effect. I think I might need to hit you up on how to do them some time when I finished the actual things I got to take care off

Cool new things, but have the number of requests per rank changed at all?

YA i upvote this!!!

Hm... seeing the NFU weapons are sexy as fuck, but not wanting to turn in my lightsaber... any chance I can turn in my datapad and pick a .48 Enforcer? Would suit me much better.

Any other former SWG players think that Vyr's ATC example on his own saber looks like the Lava Crystal? :D

any chance I can turn in my datapad and pick a .48 Enforcer? Would suit me much better.

No. Once you reach Equite 4 you can request it as a dual weapon.

Any other former SWG players think that Vyr's ATC example on his own saber looks like the Lava Crystal? :D

/me points at dossier and wiki page :P

So at EQ4 a force user can have a saber and a blaster as his/her custom weapons?

An EQ4+ Force user may have:

  • Lightsaber+Lightsaber
  • Lightsaber+Pistol
  • Lightsaber+Melee weapon

An EQ4+ Non-Force user may have:

  • Melee+Melee
  • Ranged+Ranged
  • Ranged+Melee

Sorry. Lightsaber+Ranged. I constantly mix words like "blaster", "pistol" and "ranged weapon" >.< So basically, any combination of weapons you want, you can have, as long as it's only two weapons.

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