HKM Aedile Report - April 2016


HKM Aedile Report - April 2016


Blood has been spilled on Florrum. Plagueis and Odan-Urr forces, supported by the Inquisitorious and Undesirables respectively, battle to determine their fates. The Lighties have been a thorn in the side of the embattled Plagueians for some time, though the Feud of good and evil has less than twenty-one hours to go.

But beyond the Feud there's more to report, so let's jump right into it, shall we?

Post-Feud Madness

There's some absolutely fantastic content about to spill down the pipes for Clan Plagueis, and House Karness Muur is ready for it all. The end of the Feud will mark a return to projects shelved for lack of time. Some high-lights include:

Plagueis Pro-Bowl

Our beloved overlord, Teylas Ramar, outlined this upcoming event in his own special report, found here. After around a month long break, I am super excited to get on board with this Clan-wide competition. Keep your eyes peeled for the super fun madness about to come!

Run-On Returns

Oh wow, another rehash from a previous report, Laren. Very original. And also very important! The Run-On, Tides of Darkness, will be returning in a big way. The fictional universe of the Clan, and especially our very own House will be shaped following the end of the Feud. There are still loads of Lighties to hunt, and a multitude of methods necessary to achieve those ends. Keep an eye on the Run-On, and if you're an avid writer, contact our very own Quaestor, Eiko to find out different ways to get involved.

No Such Thing As Down-Time

Well, that's not entirely true. We are going to take a break after the Feud is officially over. But fear not! There will always be stuff to do. Eiko and I are going to be butting heads gently in order to pop out a couple, low-key competitions to keep all you dark-dwellers happy and entertained. Again, if you have an idea for a competition, feel free to contact either Eiko or I. Getting involved and taking initiative is the kind of stuff we always love to see.

Who Am I?

Can I condemn this man to slavery? Erm - wait, my apologies. That's a line from Les Mis, not the answer you are looking for. But to keep it short and brief, as Karness Muur's new Aedile, I am Eiko's right-hand man, an avid writer, a casual gamer, and always approachable. You can find me on Telegram, Skype, and via e-mail if you ever have any questions, comments, concerns, or cookies. I love cookies.

Moving Forward

With the Feud wrapping up and a slight break taking over, we're going to take this time to bolster our numbers, and make sure the people already here know how awesome they really are. You, the members, are what make this club so much fun, and I am honoured to be able to work toward helping this little corner of the club here in HKM have an absolute blast here around the DJB.

Final Thoughts

My first report comes at a time when things are moving, and things are so-slightly changing. There's a lot to come, some I don't know about, and I'm excited for all of it. Fictionally speaking, Plagueis is about to be taken in a really exciting direction, though I will leave the explanations to Teylas, Selika and the crew. Just keep your eyes peeled for it, folks!

There will be much more to talk about, and much to celebrate by next month. You have less than 21 hours less to go on the Feud, so let's finish strong against the lighties.

I bid you adieu, for now.

The cookies are a lie. But points for the les mis reference :D

Hail Karness Muur!

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