Hello there my Muurderous Muurfolk. If you’re wondering why this report is up so early in the day, Julius is on vacation so I’m writing this whole report myself. So here’s how this month’s report is going to go. First up, I’ll cover the outstanding achievers of HKM in the war so far and let you know how you can get yourself in the post-war edition. Then we’ll move on to a look at the bins for phase 2 and the event long stuff and I’ll give suggestions on which comps to do. Also, I’ll be talking about some things where I will look for your feedback about a couple of topics. We’ll also look at news posts out there, obviously mostly war-based before tying everything together in a pretty little bow at the end.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’m going to explain the criteria for this section before talking about the people who’ve met it so far. Once I’ve talked about the other people who have met the criteria I’ll explain how I’m going to choose members for the post-war member spotlight next month. To be in this section members must be in HKM(obviously), not be in leadership(because it’s expected we lead by example) and have taken part in at least 4 different bins for the war so far. At this moment that means that 4 Muurians make up this section.
The first of these members is Furios Morega di Plagia who has so far taken part in 5 bins(4/4 for phase 1 and 1 event long.) Also on 5 bins we have Abadeer Taasii, he has the same bin breakdown as Furios. Next up, on 8 bins out of 12 we have Arden Karn di Plagia on 4/4 for phase 1 and 2/4 for Phase 2 and Event Long bins. Which leaves us with one more member to talk about. As anyone who has been on Telegram over the past few weeks could guess, it’s Brimstone. Brimstone has done 11/12 bins and only needs the Team Fiction bin to be the first non-leader Plagueian to do all the bins.
All 4 of the members mentioned along with Julius stand a chance of entering all the bins. This would be a massive achievement and sign of progress for the clan as we’ve previously only had 3 members clan-wide accomplish this feat in the past two events(RoS: Meridian and GJW 12.) As for how you can get yourself featured in next month’s spotlight it’s fairly simple. I’ll be mentioning people who have participated in at least 6 bins across the entirety of the war. If you’re driven to make that a possibility you’ll love the next section.
Before I get into recommending comps for each of the bins, I want to reiterate something I said last month. It is more important to participate in a larger number of bins than say filling in the Miscellaneous bin and leaving other bins empty, that’s because unless you finish a bin, doing more than one competition in a bin doesn’t earn additional points for the clan unless you place. Now it’s time for the suggestions as to what comps to do in each currently available bin. I’ll start with Phase 2 and then drift over to Event Long.
For the Phase 2 Fiction bin, I would recommend looking through the competitions yourself and deciding as to which you want to do. The options are Multi-Objective Prompt or Combat Writing. What I would recommend you do here regardless of comp chosen is to guarantee yourself an entry. Both have a minimum word count of 500 words. So what I would suggest doing is writing a brief version of the story as close to 500 words as possible and then submit that. If you feel you can improve on that then you can do so, ideally, once you’ve done all the bins you can do. What this does is ensure that even if you forget to submit the best version you’ve written you’ve still participated.
In the Phase 2 Graphics bin, it’s a pretty similar situation to the one above. New Friends? tasks you with drawing a scene with a Principate NPC and your main/alt character. Hearts and Minds is a fairly simple competition where you create a propaganda poster for either the Collective or the Brotherhood aimed at securing the Principate’s support for their side.
For the Phase 2 Miscellaneous bin, I would recommend the Hunt the Jedi competition as it was the quickest for me to complete. If you fancy yourself a fiction nut,The story so far tests your knowledge of recent fictions. I’ll leave links to the other competitions in another part of this report.
For Phase 2 Gaming I recommend Laser Overload because it’s a mobile game and so easy to do. You’ll want to check the competition details to see what an acceptable screenshot looks like.
Now that we’ve covered Phase 2, there are still the bins that have been running since the war started, so let’s get into my suggestions for those.
Event Long Gaming only has one option if you didn’t participate in a bracket, that being Ye Olde Cluster Race. Luckily there’s a broad range of platforms. If you’re looking to participate it’s best to ask for PvE/O gaming in the DB Gaming chat on Telegram. If you’re not in there but want to be let me know and I’ll tell you how to join it.
For Event Long Miscellaneous, I would recommend War Were Declared. For this competition, all you have to do is use stereotypes about the war’s participants for comedic effect in a letter of no more than 100 words. The comp itself has a link so you can get a better idea of the concept if my explanation wasn’t adequate for you.
Event Long Multimedia’s recommendation is The Offering. For this competition, you build a 3D object out of real-world materials. You could use such things as LEGO, paper, wood, cardboard etc. As long as you can pass it off as a gift to the Principate it’s all good.
For Team Fiction the suggestion depends on if you’ve posted in the Clan RO yet or not. That isn’t to say you couldn’t do both, but that if you’ve posted already the RO is a fairly safe bet and if you haven’t you could team with someone to get the Co-op Fiction done.
New Acquisitions The Regent is looking for you to design a new Possessions item
Sudooku II James provides a sequel to the tricksy Sudooku.
GJW Container Where you can find all the available competitions
GJW Phase 2 Fiction recap. Catch up on the most recent war fiction.
Phase 2 Starts. The one where Mav announced the start of Phase 2.
Alaris posts two updates. FirstAnd here comes the other one.
CON RON aka CONovi published a Consul report.
As Quaestor, I want this House to be a collaborative venture. That means working with you guys, listening to your opinions and balancing them with the interests of the clan’s leadership. For now, I have two subjects I seek your input on. The first is a House Telegram chat. We have one for the clan, but this would be used for HKM specific conversations and possibly in house vs house events.
The other topic is something that would be discussed in a potential House chat. Would you like to see more being done to establish Karness Muur as a unique entity with a clear fictional role within the larger clan narrative?
If you’re a Muurian and have an opinion on one or both of these subjects either leave a comment or send me an email if it’s going to be longer form. Either way, I look forward to seeing some responses.
That’s all from the HKM report for this month, though expect some part of leadership to be in touch throughout the war. We’ll be right alongside you in the (metaphorical) trenches and at Hak’s Hideout to celebrate or drown our sorrows after the war(hopefully the former.)
PS: Once Julius gets back I'll have a talk with him about coming up with an idea for a fancy end of report graphic.
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good report boss
as for the other house telegram. It would be a good idea for house vs house feuds, but other than that really see no other benefit for it. just my opinion.
as for fiction, the houses aren't really their own entities in my opinion, just a place to put people into smaller groups. We have no battle teams like we used to have which means no BTLs for anyone to get leadership experience as they try to make the jump to leadership positions or to do for SA degrees (the few I won't be able to complete). That is something for the Consul to decide on I think.
Jules, vacation? c'mon we're at war. LOL j/k enjoy the time off.
3 stars. Good content and a decent opening pun, but lacking seals.