HMR May Report is Reporty


HMR May Report is Reporty



Welcome to the May report for HMR. I have shared some minor reports/updates, but haven’t done a more “full” report since March. Since then, we’ve had a few things happen!

First of all, some people have moved around. Hades has become my AED, DarkHawk has become our PCON, Malisane has become the HSD QUA, and Ciara has become the new Headmaster of the Shadow Academy. Congratulations to these fine folks!!

And Malisane already has a report in woot!

Second, it is critical to mention our newcomers and continued things-doers. As we finish some competitions and await the next vendetta, our members are still going at it. Take a look below at the stats.

Other than these two areas, take a look at a fiction with Hades and others in the house. We are excited for what HMR will bring to the clan and its members - join us in that excitement and help us be awesome!



Quaestor's Office

The Cathedral, Kal Alabrek, Tarthos


An air of success and victory consumed the Cathedral area as the capital city of Tarthos regained a certain amount of control. The return home had not been as easy as some had thought, and the Markosians fought hard and long to earn back their home. And yet it was not over.

Yes, they claimed a win, but they had much to do. The spoils of war and the cost of multiple empires controlling the system over the years had made for a divided people. Sure, the Sadowans now ran the system, but they answered to the troubled sentiments of its citizens. It was not all orbaks and rainbows.


Continue this fiction on Discourse here.


Return to Tarthos Results

As you are hopefully aware, we ran a small competition series in April called Return to Tarthos. I am happy to share that things have finally been graded. The participation was quite a bit lower than I would have hoped, but we had some good content. We have alluded to some of that in the fiction, but I am including some here as well.

The winner of the overall series was Ciara has moved on to new and better things. She did a great job in all three comps, but won the fiction which bumped her to the winning spot. Congratulations!!

Please view the other entries at the competition link above. For a taste, here is Benny’s winning graphics entry (a Magic the Gathering card from Card Kingdom - note the card name, image art, and the flavor text).

Ruinous Ultimatum


Glory and Honor

First off, I wanted to welcome a few new folks to HMR. Please make them feel at home on TG, email, or in competitions and the like. And our RM Tasha already called out some of this, so thank you RM!

We’ve had some great activity lately, so let us celebrate everyone’s efforts. This should cover from March 11th through this report, and some of these were already mentioned by our Rollmaster recently. As usual, if you ever notice something I miss, just let me know!


BOOYA! Great report Sir!

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