HMR QUA Report 2021 - 1


HMR QUA Report 2021 - 1

Greetings Marka Ragnos,

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! As we try to wash off the stick that 2020 left on all of us like a bad date, this time of year is a perfect time to raise our standards (and that’s saying something for a few of us) and lock our eye onto the prize.

This year we are starting off the year on great footing. How, you ask? First, there is a large clan competition going on called the Inos Incursion. This is an amazing competition put together by my fellow QUA in Battlelord Malisane Sadow. Him and Entar have done an amazing job with this competition. You can find the 1st through 3rd parts of the fiction here:

There are eight individual competitions listed ranging from a Run-On (yes!) to a graphics competition with everything in between (literally, the rest are between those two). The competition can be found here:

I am reading up on the Run-On now and plan to post soon. I encourage you all to join me.

I would also like to point out that our Consul’s last report for December is here:

And his 2020 year in review here:

I have saved the best news for last. After months of searching I have finally found the perfect member to fill the void of AED of HMR. So after lots of convincing, please welcome Augur Locke Sonjie as our new AED! Locke has been a constant force within CNS and someone who everyone is familiar with. Please give him a warm welcome to HMR. He will be taking over activity reports from now on as well as regular AED duties. I am lucky to have him onboard.

2021 is a fresh start for all of us, not just as a House but as individuals. Our potential is not set in stone. The only thing that limits what we can do is ourselves. I look forward to seeing the effort that all of us put into the House and Clan this year. Let’s make 2021 a great year to be a HaMmeR! Hah! Get it? Yeah, I’ll see myself out..

Battlelord Hades (Sith) / QUA / House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: V] [SA: III] [ACC: Q] [INQ: IX] GC / SC / ACx3 / DCx2 / GN / BNx3 / Cr:3R-6A-14S-15E-8T-3Q / PoB / CFx32 / CIx82 / CEx347 / CGx22 / SI / SotMx3 / LSx4 / SoLx3 / S:1P-6U-2B-1De-3Aff-1Rn-13Cr-6Rv-4Wr-1F-14Di-12Vi {SA: MVF}

Solid choice in a 2ic. Congratulations Locke, and good report Hades!

We now have two former Consuls as Aediles, so a lot of experience to tap into to help better the houses. :D

Congrats Locke - great choice!

Excellent! Congrats to Augur Locke and HMR!

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