Home at Last - House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report - February 13th, 2015


Home at Last - House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report - February 13th, 2015

Heavy Cruiser Retribution
Orian System

Donovan Chanden sighed with relief as the Retribution exited hyperspace, arriving in its home system. He blinked stars from his eyes as hyperspace receded and left the bridge cast in an eerie, red-hued darkness. They were running on emergency power after the ferocious battle at Korriban, with only the emergency lights running. Hyperspace had been bright compared to the tiny pinpricks of light that now dotted space outside the forward view port. Somewhere out there were the worlds of the Orian System, a micro jump away.

Their first stop would be Tarthos, to check in with local Command and to see what repairs the Onyx II might be capable of, if any. Donovan knew it had been heavily damaged in the previous Battle of Tarthos, shortly before the engagement at Korriban, when forces from an old enemy of the Sadowans had attacked the station. Still, right now he hoped it was enough to repair the ship.

The Retribution had arrived home last, having been forced to stop once because of power fluctuations in hyperspace. Fortunately, the Verpine onboard had been able to rectify the problem and get the ship home, well behind the rest of the fleet. Because Korriban was located within old Sith Space and relatively near to Orian, they had sent a flight element of HLAF-500 fighters on ahead to let the rest of the Warhost know what had happened. The remote locations of Sith Space unfortunately lacked a reliable holonet or hyperwave transmitter.

As Donovan signalled for the communications officer to open communications to the in-system Warhost battlenet, he heard a voice come over the system and crackle throughout the bridge.

"Control here, Retribution, is that you? Those marks look nasty. We're glad you made it."

"Control, this is Retribution," Donovan said, "we read you, and we're happy to be home."

Safe at last, he thought.


Hello Naga Sadow. Still kicking? Good. The War is over. Did you have fun? I had fun. But it is nice to be done with it. Here we are, with no future vendetta in sight. How long has it been since we could say that? Years? For the foreseeable future, the story is ours and what we make of it.

### It has been rough, though. I'll give you the good news first: we participated more than Odan-Urr this time, so they can't say they out-participated our Clan again. :P

On the other hand, they did earn more points because of their placing in competitions, so hats off to them for that. We'll have to rectify that in the next vendetta, and it's never too early to prepare. ;)

Overall, participation was not stellar, and that is honestly where we're at right now. There's many reasons for that, such as life and lack of interest and all that, but ultimately, it's up to us to figure out, as Summit, where we're going, and how to make this club fun for as many of our members as possible. The GJW, while important, is just one part of the DJB. There's a lot of different things that we can do between now and the next one that may be more fun, so what I'd say to you guys is: wait and see what comes next.

As far as overall scoring goes, we're still waiting on results for Round 2 and for the three competitions that lasted for the entire 'War. After that, we'll be able to give you a more complete picture of how we did.

Regardless, if you did well, if you tried your best, if you enjoyed it, congratulate yourself. Those are good things. You should be having fun. It's why you're here.

Shuffling Summit

So if you've been awake, you may notice we had a few people step down recently. It seems that various people have struggled with balancing the DJB and life and that's not an easy thing to do. Most Summit members have been there at some point in their career. I remember when that happened to me some time ago.

In any case, I'd like to thank Macron, Shirai, and Daedric for their work. Yes, it sucks to lose any of you individually, much less all three at once, but it's great to know you're all staying active in the Clan and may one day rise again to help lead our Clan. Thank you for your work.

As for having all these empty spots...I am a mere Aedile, but I can reasonably guess that there will be a news posting on the main DJB site in the near future that addresses these and calls for applications, if anyone is interested.

New Sons

On the positive side, I'd like to take this space to congratulate Teu and Shi Long on being awarded the title of Son of Sadow. Or Daughter, in Teu's case. I was awarded it too, but I'm writing this report so I'm not going to congratulate myself. That's just weird. :P

Future Awards

Major vendettas usually result in a multitude of awards going out to various members after the results are in, so this is coming that's almost inevitable. It will happen, it will just likely have to wait until after the GJW scoring is all done and we know final participation and placing counts for all eleven competitions of the War. In the meantime, sit tight.

So What's Next?

Stuff is next. Yep, it's that vague. We may have a fun Runon. Maybe play some pazaak. Or perhaps someone would like to try out the ACC? I know I'd really like to get back in the swing of dueling or what not. Keep your eyes peeled. The DJB usually takes a collective short break after big events like this, but things will begin to pop up as soon as the GJW is a closed book and behind us, or possibly even sooner.


And that's basically it for this report. I mainly wanted to cover all the various stuff that's happened recently in one place and go through and address it all as succinctly as possible, without sacrificing any important details. As usual, I would recommend you read the main DJB page for important news, like the final fiction updates of the GJW, and the MAA's report. Otherwise, see you around.


Good stuff, cap'n, especially about the activity. Frank and earnest conversation about that sort of thing leads to solutions, and ultimately makes this a better place to hang around.

Indeed. The nice, regular reports are a good example to emulate also.

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