Home Page Update Survey


Home Page Update Survey

Hey everyone! As you might be aware, one of the main projects Bubtra gave me when I was appointed Emissary was finding ways to improve the site's user experience. We took a small step towards doing that a few months ago with the introduction of the Activities drop-down, and now that some larger Seneschal projects are out of the way, James and I are tackling the larger home page update.

The goal of the homepage update is to make the homepage more useful to members, by putting the most popular features there so have at your fingertips when you log in. To that end, I've put together a survey about how you use the website.

This is your opportunity to request your favourite features. We'll use the feedback from that survey to refine and prioritise what we include on the new member home page.

Please note that for the moment, the site updates will focus on functionality. As far as cosmetic updates go, discussions with Malfearak are taking place. We'll make some kind of announcement about those when we have something to announce.

Thanks for your input!

Glad you're looking for feedback, looking forward to the updates!

I started the survey thinking "I don't have much to say."

30 minutes later, you have yourself a novel to read 🤣

Do the survey!!

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