Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Fiction
- News
- Competitions
- Awards
- Shadow Academy
- Transfers
- Conclusion
Greetings everyone and welcome to the June edition of the Hoth Aedile report. As you can no doubt tell, I may or may not have forgotten about requesting new report graphics... It will get covered eventually. But these still work nicely in the meantime. Dragons are awesome, even if I can’t see the color.
My titles for these reports here on will likely be the song I choose to listen to as I write the majority of the content. If you can guess the artist of this track, kudos to you. (Please note that bad puns generally cancel out these points and set you in the negative :P)
But enough of that. I have a short fiction for you! This covers the fictional launch of the new Battleteam — The Wildcards — in the barest sense, as I’m leaving the Origins fiction/RO (Whichever Seraphol/Takota decides upon) to the team itself.

Trepus, Solyiat
Kiast System, Outer Rim Territories
35 ABY; 0812 Hours, Local Time
The Onderonian took a drag from his cigarette, quietly observing the trio that had been sparring with wooden approximations of katanas. The shortest of the three, a woman of smaller stature, appeared to be teaching a Zeltron with blue hair the finer aspects of swordsmanship. The dark hair in a long braid hung to her waist, the scarred visage bespoke of someone who was no stranger to battle. Occasionally, she would stop the Zeltron — who Celevon now recognized as the Rollmistress, Aurora Ta’var — sparring with the massive figure that appeared to be a Togruta to offer suggestions to improve the Zeltron’s technique, giving a demonstration to emphasize her words. From the description he had been given by Edgar Drachen, the Aedile knew this was the contact he was supposed to approach for an introduction to his actual target.
Unlike most missions he had been assigned, this was to offer the target a job rather than ending their existence.
The previous evening, Celevon had been given orders via a holo call from High Councilor Sorenn — the former Arconan knew Turel well enough to tell the difference between speaking to his friend and speaking to the leader of Odan-Urr, even if they were one and the same — to approach Takota Okami. The Commander of JTF Hoth had suggested approaching Yuki Suoh as an intermediary and told the Onderonian the locations that the woman could likely be found.
Drachen had completely ignored the fact that Celevon pointed out that he already knew Luna Okami, then ended the call to Turel’s amusement. The Assassin had chosen to approach near the end of a scheduled training session, since that was the only guaranteed time and place to find Yuki.
Their training session came to a close, respectful bows exchanged between the three of them. When Aurora walked off, the older female turned to face him and gestured for Celevon to approach. He dropped the remains of his cigarette onto the ground, which gave a satisfying hiss for a moment before the heel of his boot ground it to nothing. Nonchalantly, he gave the small woman the exact same cursory assessment she was in the process of giving him.
“While I appreciate the respectful distance during a training exercise that you were not invited to, you could have joined me and given suggestions to Ta’var,” Yuki spoke curtly, glancing at the hilt of Celevon’s own katana visible over his left shoulder. “I remember seeing you a few times since your appointment. What do you want?”
Though some would have taken insult at the brusque delivery, the Onderonian found it refreshing compared to those that chose to waste time with small talk. “I need you to introduce me to Takota Okami. He’s been chosen to lead a new team that he’ll be tasked with putting together.”
The older of the two Humans appeared intrigued. “Very well. Keiji, you’re welcome to join us or return to your home.”

The newest bit of news is the completion of Desperate Measures. I’m very proud to have seen the amount of participation from all of you and the shinies we collectively racked in! Keep an eye out for a report on the results!
- Our Consul released a shiny report full of details (I’m not telling you what’s in it... Go read!)
- Our lovely Rollmistress stepped away from what she calls ‘lightsaber hugs’ to deliver her third report, full of GIFs, shinies and helpful information. If you haven’t already read it, I highly suggest you do so!
- Edgar released his Quaestor Report earlier this month, detailing the results of the completed Scimitar of Hoth for May and a lot of other details.
- Seraphol/Takota’s new Battleteam is unleashed. The Wildcards are now a thing! Read his opening report to check out the details and make sure you fill out the form.
- War is Coming. Yes, you read that right. The Deputy Grand Master has released an update on the date for the start of the Twelfth Great Jedi War! Check it out!
- Our Combat Master released his eighth report with tips involving the ACC and how to submit new Venues for review! There are other things there, but I’m not telling you everything it says!
- From the office of the FIST, we have several things for your viewing pleasure. First, an actual report and a supplemental for Galaxy of Heroes. His Praetor also released an update on information and game sales, as well as generally helpful information (... Seriously, you expect me to tell you what these say? No. Go read. :P)
- The Headmaster, along with the FIST, decided that the Diablo III course should be put out of its misery. has a moment of silence for the fallen course
- Our Herald (you know, that awesome person who makes the shiny weapons and attire we can pick to equip?) released the twenty-second report full of pretty pictures and relevant information, which you should. I also highly suggest reading this update on policies and the tech sorcery that James accomplished.
- The Master At Arms (AKA Angry/Grumpy Panda) released a new report, detailing updates to policies.
- The Regent posted his own report, with updates for possessions, possible projects and that the MAA’s ‘Deny’ stamp has been added.
- The Voice released his eleventh update, detailing the status of certain projects/tasks and announcing new staff members.
- Finally, our Wiki Tribune released the twentieth report, wherein NPCs are mentioned a lot!

For further competitions or if you’re reading this a few days after I posted my report, check here for a list of competitions. There will always be end dates attached to each competition for your ease of decision making on which competitions you would like to sign up for. All Competitions End At 1859/6:59pm CDT.
If anyone wishes to run a competition themselves, you should make sure that they end by July 31st, as part of the GJW experience mandates a hold/ban on all other competitions.
House / Clan
Brotherhood Wide

In order to avoid potential confusion, this activity is tracked from my previous report.
Takota Okami
- Cluster of Earth (x82)
- Cluster of Fire (x29)
- Cluster of Graphite (x3)
- Cluster of Ice (x3)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star (x3)
Arcia Cortel
- Cluster of Earth (x35)
- Cluster of Ice (x4)
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
Celevon Edraven Erinos
- Cluster of Earth (x15)
- Cluster of Fire (x22)
- Cluster of Ice (x7)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x5)
- Crescent with Emerald Star
Edgar Drachen
- Cluster of Earth (x262)
- Cluster of Fire (x119)
- Cluster of Graphite (x3)
- Cluster of Ice (x4)
- Crescent with Diamond Star
- Crescent with Ruby Star (x3)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x3)
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Pendant of Blood (x3)
Yuki Suoh
- Cluster of Ice (x3)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
Tisto Kingang
- Cluster of Ice (x26)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x2)
- Crescent with Topaz Star (x2)
Aiden Dru
- Cluster of Earth (x268)
- Cluster of Fire (x2)
Seth Danner
Chris Winchester
Ka Tarvitz
- Cluster of Earth (x5)
- Cluster of Fire (x6)
- Cluster of Ice (x16)
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Amethyst Star (x4)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x7)
- Crescent with Emerald Star (x2)
Trideo “Suur” Arkson
- Anteian Cross
- Cluster of Earth (x5)
- Cluster of Fire (x2)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star (x2)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x2)
- Crescent with Emerald Star (x2)
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
- Anteian Cross
- Cluster of Graphite (x9)
- Cluster of Ice (x6)
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x2)
- Crescent with Emerald Star
Hiset Tval
- Cluster of Fire (x11)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Pendant of Blood
Keiji Suoh
- Cluster of Earth (x5)
- Cluster of Ice (x8)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Topaz Star (x2)

Shadow Academy
Liam Torun-Urr
- Maven - Galactic History
- Maven - Philosophy
- Maven - Writing
- Savant - Writing & Philosophy
- Gray Jedi Order CORE
- Loyalist Order CORE
- Mercenary Order CORE
- Sith Order CORE
- Astronomy Studies
- Galactic History 104 & 105
- Lightsaber Combat
- Philosophy II: Cults
- Run-On Studies
- Test of Wisdom
Takota Okami
Edgar Drachen
- Maven - Leadership
- Jedi Order CORE
- Loyalist Order CORE
- Mercenary Order CORE
- Sith Order CORE
- ACC Combat Studies
- Grammar Studies
- Leadership Rewards
- Poetry Studies
- Run-On Studies
- Test of Wisdom
Tisto Kingang
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
- Maven - Philosophy
- Maven - Writing
- Savant - Writing & Philosophy
- Gray Jedi Order CORE
- Jedi Order CORE
- Loyalist Order CORE
- Mercenary Order CORE
- Sith Order CORE
- Grammar Studies
- Inquisitorius History
- Martial Arts: Forms Studies
- Run-On Studies
- Test of Wisdom
- Writing Studies
Hiset Tval
- Maven - Galactic History
- Maven - Philosophy
- Savant - History and Lore
- Gray Jedi Order CORE
- Loyalist Order CORE
- Mercenary Order CORE
- Sith Order CORE
- Dark Brotherhood History 101 & 102
- Galactic History 101 - 108
- Lightsaber Combat
- Lightsaber Studies
- Martial Arts: Forms Studies
- Philosophy I & II
- Poetry Studies
Zanothi Nightblade
- Inquisitorius History
- Leadership Competitions
- Run-On Studies
Wolfe Whitehorn
- Maven - Philosophy
- Maven - Writing
- Pundit - Essentials
- Pundit - Vendetta
- Advancement Survey
- Comms 101 - 103
- Dark Brotherhood Basics
- Essentials 101 - 106
- Gaming 101 - 104
- Graphics In The Brotherhood
- Gray Jedi Order CORE
- Jedi Order CORE
- Loyalist Order CORE
- Mercenary Order CORE
- Sith Order CORE
- Vendetta 101 - 103
- Grammar Studies
- GMRG History
- Inquisitorius History
- Lightsaber Studies
- Mandalorian Studies
- Philosophy I & II
- Poetry Studies
- Ranged Weaponry Studies
- Run-On Studies
- Writing Studies

- Knight Ryan Hawkins transfers to the Rogues — AWOL
- Neophyte Wolfe Whitehorn joins Hoth... and proceeds to wreak havoc on the Shadow Academy
- Warden Liam Torun-Urr makes his return to Hoth, aiding in the Shadow Academy Raid

With another Great Jedi War looming on the horizon, things in the club are ever looming on the horizon. I’m very proud at the amount of activity shown through Desperate Measures (Not that Celevon guy, though. Only fourth place? Work harder.). If we do just that in the War, we’ll be bringing home the trophy and a lot of shinies to go with it!
Again, if you’re interested in joining Hoth’s new Battleteam, you may find the link to the form here. Until next time, be excellent to each other.
Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile of House Hoth
Great report and I love all the awards!