Hoth Aedile Report #3: Fight For Freedom


Hoth Aedile Report #3: Fight For Freedom


Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Fiction
  3. News
  4. Competitions
  5. Awards
  6. Transfers
  7. Ask The Cel
  8. Conclusion


Greetings to my fellow Odanites and those possible lurkers from other units. Welcome to the July Edition of the Hoth Aedile Report. I’ll be doing my absolute best to keep the rambling to a minimum and stay on topic for the duration of this report, as I’m roughly a week into going cold turkey from a long-time nicotine habit.

Considering that the Twelfth Great Jedi War will be upon us in a matter of weeks, I figure Megadeth is highly appropriate, though I must admit that I was initially torn between FFF and Symphony of Destruction. Both of these classics appear in my personal playlist for the GJW... Yes, if I can give any advice, it’s to create a playlist of songs that motivate you to write, game, etc... whichever is your particular activity vice... Which is apparently also a competition. Huh.

Enough of that, however. It’s time to jump into gear.



Briefing Room, Trepus Mining Facility
Solyiat, Kiast System
Summer, 35 ABY; 1321 Hours, Local Time

The Onderonian frowned to himself as the door slid open, pondering just why he had been called away from training his newest apprentice. His Quaestor had been rather curt in the holocall, but that was something Celevon had come to expect from Edgar Drachen; any time he was contacted by the Commander of the Joint Task Force, the calls themselves never lasted more than a minute.

—you’re certain the information is legitimate? Ah, Celevon. Welcome to the party,” the translucent figure of Turel Sorenn greeted the Assassin when he stepped into the range of the holocommunications device. “Edgar was just informing me that he has an update from a confidential informant. Please continue.

You should have warned me ahead of time that the High Councilor wanted to speak to us. I would have come sooner, rather than finishing the training session with Ozosi, Celevon telepathically informed the Quaestor, who glared at having his mind invaded again. The half-Echani’s prowess with the mental aspects of the Force was a source of constant debate between the two, as well as one of amusement for those who witnessed them. “My apologies for my tardiness, Turel. My student is struggling with internal applications of the Force.”

The slight twitching of the Consul’s lips made the Onderonian realize just how dirty that turn of phrase could sound. “You’re hardly late. The actual meeting wasn’t supposed to start until your arrival.

The Quaestor grumbled under his breath, something involving the word ‘cultists’. “Councilor Sorenn, perhaps you could convince Edraven here to stay out of my mind in future?”

When Turel’s eyes flitted toward him, Celevon simply shrugged. “It’s proven more efficient than speaking at times.”

Edgar sighed and shook his head. “All information Dove has passed to myself previously was highly accurate. I have no reason to doubt her, despite the fact that her position in the society is still an unknown.”

So... a number of officials on Solyiat wish our members removed from their planet... possibly the Governor included in this number... The Empress won’t be pleased with this news, but I’ll pass it along. I wish that were our most pressing issue.” The hologram of Turel rubbed at his beard, expression turning pensive with a slightly grim leaning. “*I’m afraid so. Highly placed spies and sympathizers to the Lotus have informed me that the Iron Legion is showing increased activity. Staging operations and ground movements.

“So, Pravus is readying his troops for war... We knew it would come to this when we started.”

The three of them were quiet for almost a minute before Edgar spoke up. “Perhaps a few members of the Wildcards can infiltrate this growing resistance against us and the Vatali? Hopefully one of them can get close to the Governor of Baime and gain his trust. More intelligence on what we’re facing on the homefront wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

Do it. We’ll be busy between that and preparing our people for war.




  • Edgar released his seventh report as Quaestor of Hoth.
  • Aedile of House Satale Shan is open for applications. For more information, I direct you here for the specifics. Get your applications in by Saturday, the 22nd of July!


  • Keep your eyes peeled for a report from the Grand Master.
  • The Combat Master released his ninth report, detailing changes to feats and ACC in the Great Jedi War.
  • The office of the FIST was a busy one this past month, with a report from Drac, as well as the sixth and seventh updates on the gaming network from Edgar.
  • The Headmaster released his thirteenth report literally hours after mine released... if you haven’t read it already, I highly suggest you do so. His Praetor Laren also released his first and second supplemental report!
  • The Master-At-Arms released his sixth report, full of details you should read. (Haven’t you learned by now? I’m not telling you what these reports say!)
  • We have a report from the Seneschal, full of details that show the site’s code monkeys are hard at work, as always.
  • The office of the VOICE was equally busy, releasing a report, launching Phase I of the GJW ACC event and the Rainbow Praetor released her own update.



For further competitions or if you’re reading this a few days after I posted my report, check here for a list of competitions. There will always be end dates attached to each competition for your ease of decision making on which competitions you would like to sign up for. All Competitions End At 1859/6:59pm CDT.

If anyone wishes to run a competition themselves, you should make sure that they end by July 31st, as part of the GJW experience mandates a freeze on all other competitions.

Special Note: Scimitar of Hoth will be running through GJW XII with approval from the Master-At-Arms, due to the fact that it won’t interfere with participation in the Great Jedi War.

House / Clan

Brotherhood Wide



In order to avoid potential confusion, this activity is tracked from my previous report.

Celevon Edraven Erinos

  • Promoted to EQ4!
  • Cluster of Fire (x5)


  • Steel Cross
  • Cluster of Fire (x30)
  • Cluster of Ice (x7)

Liam Torun-Urr

  • Crescent with Ruby Star
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star (x2)
  • Cluster of Ice (x14)
  • Cluster of Graphite (x2)

Takota Okami

  • Grand Cross
  • Cluster of Earth (x81)
  • Scroll of the Master

Edgar Drachen

  • Crescent with Diamond Star
  • Cluster of Earth (x272)
  • Cluster of Fire (x136)
  • Cluster of Graphite (x9)
  • Cluster of Ice (x7)

Kenath Zoron

  • Crescent with Ruby Star (x6)
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star (x2)
  • Crescent with Emerald Star
  • Cluster of Earth (x275)
  • Cluster of Fire (x10)

Yuki Suoh

  • Steel Cross
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • Cluster of Earth (x5)

Aiden Dru

  • Crescent with Ruby Star (x2)
  • Cluster of Earth (x509)
  • Cluster of Fire (x4)

Ryū Suoh

  • Dark Cross
  • Cluster of Fire (x45)
  • Cluster of Ice (x3)

Seth Danner

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • Crescent with Emerald Star
  • Crescent with Topaz Star
  • Cluster of Graphite (x2)
  • Cluster of Ice (x6)

Tisto Kingang

  • Steel Cross
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • Cluster of Earth (x10)
  • Cluster of Ice (x14)

Ka Tarvitz

  • Crescent with Emerald Star (x2)
  • Pendant of Blood
  • Cluster of Ice (x12)

Keiji Suoh

  • Promoted to EQ1!
  • Crescent with Emerald Star
  • Cluster of Earth (x12)
  • Cluster of Fire (x5)
  • Cluster of Graphite (x3)
  • Cluster of Ice (x13)

Trideo “Suur” Arkson

  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

Droveth Kathera Vectivi

  • Crescent with Amethyst Star (x2)
  • Crescent with Emerald Star
  • Cluster of Graphite (x8)
  • Cluster of Ice (x16)

Hiset Tval

  • Dark Cross
  • Crescent with Ruby Star
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star (x2)
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

Jasper Arlow

  • Anteian Cross
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • Cluster of Graphite (x2)
  • Cluster of Ice (x4)

Wolfe Whitehorn

  • Cluster of Ice (x3)
  • Scroll of Indoctrination (x2)

Casey Denimore

  • Promoted to Neophyte!
  • Cluster of Fire (x2)

Ozosi Vym

  • Promoted to Neophyte!
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • Cluster of Earth (x5)
  • Cluster of Graphite (x2)



  • Casey Denimore — New join!
  • Greg — Joined us from the Rogues!
  • Kenath Zoron — Joined us from Taldryan!
  • Krasom Sander — New join!
  • Ozosi Vym — New join!


Ask The Cel

Since it usually is asked at some point, I’ll start off with a question I’ve been asked frequently: How did you come up with your character’s name?

‘Celevon’ (pronounced with a K) is a conjunction of Sindarin (Elvish) words (Yes, I’m a LoTR nerd... that’s the majority of what I was writing before I was recruited to the Brotherhood). ‘Celev/Celeb’ literally translates to silver, while ‘von’ is an archaic word for shadow. His surname is something I came up with after watching The Crow, then Batman Forever back to back.

Edraven -> E. Draven -> Eric Draven

Len asks two questions: “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? What are you looking most forward to in the Great Jedi War?

A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. But if a woodchuck could chuck woodchucks chucking wood, then a woodchuck could chuck wood-chucking woodchucks... I may or may not have given myself a minor headache answering this.

According to Esca, my answer was incorrect and the correct answer is to push the red airlock button...

I can’t see red and none of these buttons are labeled. -.-

In the Great Jedi War... I’m honestly looking forward to putting forth a decent effort and knocks on wood hoping that my laptop doesn’t die on me. The past two I’ve participated in, my computers suffered cascade failures and I was only able to submit barely enough activity to count for participation.

Kordath asks: “Do you miss me yet? :/

... In order to miss you, you would have to disappear from Telegram. We speak every other day, mate. :P

Blade asks two questions: “Silly question: How do you feel about becoming a vegetable? Serious question: What advice would you give our members as we go into the GJW?

Firstly, as crazy as they are, I prefer my mental processes to continue operating, glitches and all.

My advice to our members would be to participate in everything you can. It doesn’t matter if a hundred people have already submitted something; your piece of artwork or fiction could be chosen for the top spot. If it doesn’t place, you still participated and that counts. Also, anything written should be proofread. On the rare chance that you can’t seem to find someone to proofread or you’re waiting for them to get to it, read it aloud. If it sounds wrong, leave a comment on it for someone to look over. Try to get at least two people to proofread your work, just in case the first one misses something.

Turel asks: “What do you like best about Hoth/COU?

Beyond the solid team of Summit members and regular membership that continues to surprise me? I would have to say my favorite part is the blank slate we have as far as lore goes. Every member, whether they realize it or not, has the chance to make their mark on Odan-Urr. One such example would be through the development of an organization. I highly encourage everyone to try and seize that chance.

I’ve been a member of the DB for almost seven years and this is the second time I’ve seen such an opportunity. The first one? A few days after I joined the club, there was a controversial independent House that made the number of units seven. It’s name? Odan-Urr.



That’s all for this month, lads and ladies. I’ll catch you next month, for the War Edition report. August will be a busy one.

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile of House Hoth


Nice report, Cel!!!

Nice report Celery!

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