Hoth Aedile Report #3: More Nonsense


Hoth Aedile Report #3: More Nonsense




Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome back to your scheduled Hoth Report, covering ongoing events within the Brotherhood and planned events within our clan. The report this time will largely be covering details surrounding ongoing competitions and highlighting a few bits of interest within the Brotherhood. Given how lively things are at the moment, now didn't seem the best time to drop any extra bombshells for people to keep track of.

The main Hoth related content for this month's report will consist of a brief fiction announcement (because it has been quite some time since Hoth had one of any sort) which will follow up on past competitions, in addition to the Scimitar update and House competitions. No gifs this time, because they added nothing to the last report and didn't help further improve its information. If you actually want them, please take the time to comment in Telegram or in response to this.

So, let’s get on with this then, shall we.


House Fictions

House fictions have been something Hoth has gone without for quite some time now, and without that we have lost the opportunity to fully take advantage of larger events, our own stories, or offer a spotlight to our members. As such, from here on you will see the occasional update involving details on just what the House is doing at this moment in time. This will serve as a way to reward active members by giving them moments in the limelight, and a chance to be more actively singled out for their contributions to our competitions.

Due to a brief delay there will not be one for today, but you can expect it in a week or so at the most.


Member Achievements

Another month for the Scimitar competition is up, so let’s look at who has achieved what this past month.

Anshar Kahn Tarentae

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 6 Clusters of Ice

Edgar Drachen

  • 4 Clusters of Fire

Revak Kur

  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star

Jael Chi'ra

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 94 Clusters of Fire
  • 3 Clusters of Earth
  • 2 Clusters of Graphite

Essik Lyccane

  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars
  • 3 Crescents with Amethyst Stars
  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Stars
  • 15 Clusters of Ice
  • 5 Clusters of Graphite

Trideo Arkson

  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Pendant of Blood

Felix Fulmen

  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star


  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 113 Clusters of Fire
  • 2 Clusters of Earth


Shadow Academy Accomplishments

This is a second section that I felt needed to be added, as we have had a string of submissions to the SA. So, here’s a few accomplishments of note for this month.

Revak Kur

Courses passed:

  • Debate 101: Argumentation
  • Galactic History 101 - The Era of the Old Republic
  • Debate 102: Refutation
  • Dark Savant - Leadership and Communication
  • New Rank - VI: Super Senior

Jael Chi'ra

  • ACC Combat Studies


Competition Update

Due to the lack of responses to our last competitions, and in speaking to a few people about what they actually want from House focused comps, we will not be doing fiction ones again any time soon. If you want to actually do them, feel free to message me. Otherwise, for the time being, we will be focusing upon minigames and puzzles instead.

If you want something else, then please keep in mind that you are always welcome to message me with a suggestion. We are only doing one or two of these each month, after all, so it wouldn’t be difficult to add another one of these to the schedule.

As for the ongoing competitions at the moment, we have the following exclusive to House Hoth:

No One Wins, There Are Just Different Degrees of Losing - A rather well made flash game based upon trench warfare. Kill the most soldiers while making sure as few of your own troops get killed with your victories.

Bathrobe'd Master - A puzzle of a rather obscure character that I took a liking to. You can probably guess just what they are from the title.


Brotherhood News

As we are having the build-up toward a new Great Jedi War, you have the opportunity to help shape a new faction involved in it here. The Severian Principate has a rough outline, but that’s it, and little else to it. So, feel free to go nuts.

We also have two new additions to the store as well, with the Celebration store opening up once more to offer a new range of items for people to play with. I strongly suggest looking into the Mandalorian Vambraces, because those things effectively double the number of items they can carry on their own.

Furthermore, we have had the successful addition of new pets to the Brotherhood, with the Iron Menagerie holding a fair number of creatures from gizkas to rancors.


Ask The Aedile

Tisto Asks:

When are Shan and Hoth gonna fight again? Would you be up for a House v House event after all currently plannes events are done?

That's not up to me, really, that's up to the Quaestor of Hoth. That and our members, of course.



Expect more in the future, but that’s it for now. If you have anything else you want to ask, or want in these reports then please say so.

Nice report :) I hope the coming competitions are fun.

Nice report Tarvitz!

Nice report Tarvitz and trust me your efforts are very much appreciated.

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