Hoth Aedile Report #8 - A Very Long Month.


Hoth Aedile Report #8 - A Very Long Month.



Unfortunately there was not enough time to write a fiction but stay tuned for future installments.

Hmm wish I had a member fiction to put in it’s place.

Also check out the new home of all Official Canon fictions for House Hoth your one stop shop to catch up on everything in Hoth’s Fictional History. NOTE older stories are being added to this as we find them so the list as of now is not 100% complete.


Introduction - A Long Month

As you all know already I have suffered a loss in my RL family that has taking up quite a lot of my time this past couple of weeks. It’s hasn’t been easy and there is still much more to do but my life is slowly getting back to normal. At least normal enough I can start focusing back on the House. Due to this and and Esca’s vacation there was no time to work on a fiction or get a lot of progress done in the House and for that I’m sorry. Things will get back to normal in November and I hope to see you all take part in the many fun events planned. I know this year’s life day event it currently in the planning stages and I hope to see everyone have some fun. I promise my reports being so short will be a rare thing. Fear not Esca’s report is due soon so you should keep an eye out on future updates in his report. As always if you have any ideas PLEASE let Esca and me know! ALL IDEAS ARE WELCOME!


Important DJB/Clan News Items

A special thank you must be given to to Ka Tarvitz for gathering the data and writing the New and Member achivement sections of my report!

  • Savant Mar Sul returned back to Odan-Urr to become our new Proconsul which was vacanted when Turel Sorenn was elveated to the Clan’s new Consul. Congratulations and good luck to the both of you!

  • Read Turel’s First Consul Report to learn about him and where the Clan is headed.

  • The first bit of fun brought to us by our new Con is a joint celebration of Halloween with Clan Arcona called Halloween Horror Nights with all the competitions running from Oct 24th to Nov 7th go check them out HERE and take a look at the new Coop Fiction as well.

  • With Halloween fast approaching, we have a few days left to join the Spooktober events. Besides the potential hilarity of a character being invited to a Brotherhood Masquerade, there are two artistic and creative competitions on hand. If you ever wanted to have a Sith lord pose as Space Dracula, now’s your chance.

  • The Knight Commander dropped a nice ficiton and some insight on a BT event coming soon!

  • Battlemaster Dracaryis has made his personal introduction as the new Fist, and cited his personal plans for the future. Among these are a number of notable changes to core rules, and the new scores in Destiny. You can find out more in Fist Report #1.

  • Marick Tyris has introduced some brand new fiction and Policy changes with his Voice Report, which features a Barabel beating seven kinds of crap out of some Inquisitors. Besides that entertaining fight, a number of new rules have been laid down on species, how to approach certain stories, and reintegrating parts of the Expanded Universe into the Mouse Canon. If you’re invested in storytelling, this is a must read for this month.

  • Check out the Gaming Gazette the Fist staff was kind enough to give us a preview up upcoing games and other gaming news.


Member Acheivements


None this month :(



  • N/A

Mikhail Avarik:

  • N/A

Arcia Cortel:

  • 41 Clusters of Fire
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star

Eli Denan:

  • N/A

Shirai Dupar:

  • N/A

Edgar Drachen:

  • 141 Clusters of Fire
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star

Revak Kur:


Seth Danner:

  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star



Christopher "Nero" Winchester:

  • 30 Clusters of Fire
  • 19 Clusters of Earth

Tistito "Tisto" Kingang:

  • 4 Cluster of Fire
  • 4 Cluster of Ice
  • 10 Cluster of Earth

Kriegen VanWyck:

  • N/A

Trideo “Suur” Arkson:

  • N/A

Ryan Hawkins:

  • N/A

Jabis Ravenhawk:

  • N/A

Jo Mizu:

  • N/A


  • N/A

Jahadra’h Graefire:

  • N/A


  • N/A


  • N/A

Seithre Viona:

  • N/A


  • N/A

Avedis Malor:

  • N/A


Competition Highlights

To see all available competitions head to the DJB Comp Page - Remeber when in doubt do more comps!


Ask Edgar

Apparently this month turned into a psych evaluation from Scarlet and Lexiconus:

Lexiconus asked the following questions:

  • What's your house's purpose in the clan's goal? Are you focusing on attracting more Jedi, Gray or something inbetween? - Well House Hoth has been designed to be the Military might of the Clan handling the bulk of the Army and Naval forces in unison. We plan to use this going forward to take part in larger scale battles while we let our BT and House Shan handle the smaller fights. As for recruiting I’d love to see some more NFU’s and Gray FU’s as well. Everyone though is welcome in the House and we do have some roles available for the ones that want to play pure Light side as well.

  • What real world skills do you bring to your role? - Real life skills well being in the NYC mortgage industry for almost 15 years I have learn to deal with all types of people, handle multiply “supercritical, life and death” projects at once to where when presented with so many tasks to do i can prioritize things to get them all done in time to meet all the deadlines.

  • What is the most human part of your character? - Well besides be human you mean? So since that is not what i think you mean I’ll say this, the most real part of Edgar is his sense of Honor and loyalty to those he considers friends or family. This is something i learn from my grandfather long ago. He taught me many life lessons and these trait travel through to Edgar because this is the way i believe is the right way to do things. Will with the SW flair of being able to take off someone’s limb from time to time.

Scarlet asked these questions:

  • What advice would you give a newcomer to COU and the DJB? - Ask questions! Honestly it’s that simple we as leaders are here for you but we won’t hound you every minute for fear of driving you off. So unless speak up and ask us for help or advice we don’t know how to help you. Trust me there are tons of people hear that can help you and make the DJB more enjoyable for you and them but no one will know unless you let us know. So do yourself a favour if your new just shoot a message to your leaders and simply say i’m new and I need help. We ARE HERE FOR YOU!

  • What is your best and worst memory in the DJB? - Hmm Best memory had to be helping create Solyiat for House Hoth the summit worked together and I was allowed to see parts of my vision and some members visions come to life. Worst memory ummm Turel knows what that is and I won’t expand on it here. It’s water under the bridge but at the time I wasn’t to happy.

  • If you had the power to change anything in the DJB and not one can tell you no. What would you change? - The Gray Jedi rank names… I absolutely hate them.


In conclusion -

I want to thank every member of the Clan for their heartfelt sympathy during a very difficult time for my family. I appreciate all the kind words and support from everyone! SO from the bottom of my heart


May your Glorious deeds please Bahamut and keep Tiamat’s greed in balance.

Savant Edgar Drachen, Aedile of House Hoth


Sweet stuff, dude!! A pity only outsiders are interested :/

Awesome report Edgar! Kuddos

Random unrelated comment.

Nice report Edgar, there's always next time for report fictions ;D

You didn't include my question :( (I don't remember what it was lol)

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