Table of Contents
- Introduction
- News
- Competitions
- Awards
- Transfers
- Ask The Cel
- Conclusion
Greetings to my fellow Odanites, as well as possible onlookers from other units. Welcome to the Black Par— wait, no. WELCOME TO THE POST-WAR edition of the Hoth Aedile Report. First off, Edgar and I have put together a questionnaire to help us improve the member experience as 2017 comes to a close. Feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated. As you can tell, there’s still no fiction, though this time is due to the fact that I’m still recovering from all the War events and subsequent shinies. Edgar and I are currently plotting on a fictional update for the House. SPEAKING OF THE WAR...
If you haven’t read or heard it already (I know I live under a rock, but c’mon!), Odan-Urr made FIRST CLAN OF THE BROTHERHOOD!
Due to recent events, I’m listening to a lot of the music I grew up on. So, yes, the Beatles is the theme for this report. The Godsmack cover is fairly amazing as well. With that, let’s jump right in.

- With the conclusion of the Great Jedi War, Turel gives a final farewell as Consul in a pretty report. I’d highly suggest reading it, since he loves gut-punching us right in the feels.
- Make certain that you offer Arch congratulations (maybe with some sunflower seeds and popcorn kernels? I know birds like those) on his elevation to Consul. He released a mini-report as an introduction and answered a few questions.
- Edgar released his twelfth report as Quaestor of House Hoth. Give the man a cigar for two years as a member of Hoth’s Summit!
- Keiji Suoh released his... unhelpfully lacking numbers, though I think it’s the third... Post-War Report as Battleteam Leader of The Wildcards!
- If you don’t read it, this is the only time I’ll give you a hint at something that is contained within the above report: ProConsul Applications are open until Monday, 18th December at site reset time, which is 1859 (6:59pm) EST / 2359 GMT and should be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I highly suggest reading his report, as it contains helpful information on what you’re facing should you apply. If you send it to the wrong person...

- In other news, as Great Jedi War XII: Retribution has come to a close, our Grand Master released the Final Results and a mini report of his own, the results of which... You guessed it, I’m not going to tell you.
- The Angry Panda (otherwise known as Howie) announced the release of the Seals of Wrath.
- The Headmaster of the Shadow Academy released his seventeenth report, with lots of juicy details you should puruse.
- The Regent released a bit of news involving Possessions as a result of the war. Go read about the shiny things!
- Wally released his Eleventh Report, where he talks about adulting and... what was that other thing? Oh, right... Fiction.

For further competitions or if you’re reading this a few days after I posted my report, check here for a list of competitions. There will always be end dates attached to each competition for your ease of decision making on which competitions you would like to sign up for. All Competitions End At 1759/5:59pm CST.
House / Clan
- [Hoth] An Icy Blade [Ends: Sunday, 31st December] As a special note, participation within this competition will earn you a bonus of five (5) points within the Scimitar of Hoth competition.
- Odan-Urr Calendar [Ends: Monday, 8th January]
Brotherhood Wide
- And What Would YOU Like For Sithmas This Year? [Ends: Saturday, 6th January]
- Awakening [Ends: Sunday, 14th January]
- Carols of the Force [Ends: Saturday, 6th January]
- Come At Me, Brollective! [Ends: Site reset]
- Deck The Halls [Ends: Saturday, 6th January]
- DJB Speed Dating [Ends: Monday, 8th January]
- [FIST] Destiny 2: Leviathan Club First [Ends: Site reset]
- Frogger [Ends: Sunday, 17th December]
- Heroes of the Storm: December 2017 [Ends: Sunday, 31st December]
- How the Gundark Stole Sithmas [Ends: Sunday, 17th December]
- Lost In Space [Ends: Thursday, 28th December]
- Meditation [Ends: Friday, 29th December]
- Training Session: Teacher [Ends: Sunday, 17th December]

In order to avoid potential confusion, this activity is tracked from my previous report.
Kenath Zoron
- Anteian Cross!
- Silver Nova!
- Cluster of Fire (x4)
- Cluster of Graphite (x16)
- Cluster of Ice (x2)
- Seal of Wrath (x19)
Celevon Edraven Erinos
- ... We’re going to ignore this guy. He’s lazy... -sigh- Fiiiiiiine...
- Steel Cross!
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Cluster of Ice (x7)
- Seal of Wrath (x13)
(I told you he was lazy. :P)
- Silver Nova!
- Bronze Novae! (x2)
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Cluster of Earth (x316)
- Cluster of Fire (x100)
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Cluster of Ice (x6)
- Seal of Wrath (x9)
Daniel “Seraphol” Stephens
- Bronze Novae! (x2)
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Cluster of Fire (x17)
- Cluster of Graphite (x8)
- Cluster of Ice (x7)
- Seal of Wrath (x22)
Yuki Suoh
- Promoted to Equite IV!
- Silver Nova!
- Cluster of Ice (x4)
- Seal of Wrath (x6)
Luna Okami
- Retired from Leadership! (Heh... I give it three months before he’s applying for something else. :P)
- Bronze Novae! (x2)
- Cluster of Earth (x43)
- Cluster of Fire (x189)
- Cluster of Graphite (x8)
- Cluster of Ice (x7)
- Seal of Wrath (x15)
Tamashi Adaephon Delat
- Promoted to Equite III!
- Silver Nova!
- Cluster of Earth (x2)
- Cluster of Fire (x22)
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Seal of Wrath (x9)
Edgar Drachen
- Silver Nova!
- Bronze Novae! (x4)
- Cluster of Earth (x28)
- Cluster of Fire (x229)
- Cluster of Graphite (x16)
- Cluster of Ice (x11)
- Seal of Wrath (x27)
Ka Tarvitz
- Promoted to Equite II!
- Silver Novae! (x2)
- Bronze Novae! (x2)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Cluster of Fire (x20)
- Cluster of Graphite (x12)
- Cluster of Ice (x29)
- Seal of Wrath (x20)
Lu`aisha Gresee
- Anteian Cross!
- Cluster of Graphite (x16)
- Seal of Wrath (x10)
Tisto Kingang
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Cluster of Ice (x10)
- Seal of Wrath (x11)
Seth Danner
- Steel Cross!
- Cluster of Fire (x15)
- Cluster of Graphite (x8)
- Cluster of Ice (x14)
- Seal of Wrath (x15)
Aiden Dru
- Anteian Cross!
- Seal of Wrath
Chris Winchester
- Cluster of Fire (x9)
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Cluster of Ice (x2)
- Seal of Wrath (x6)
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
- Anteian Cross!
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Cluster of Fire (x6)
- Cluster of Graphite (x12)
- Cluster of Ice (x7)
- Seal of Wrath (x16)
Jasper Arlow
Keiji Suoh
Ashael Blackstar
Plaid Sadira
- Promoted to Knight!
- Cluster of Ice (x5)
- Seal of Wrath (x2)
Ozosi Vym
- Promoted to Journeyman III!
- Dark Cross!
- Pendant of Blood (x6)
- Cluster of Earth (x9)
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Seal of Wrath (x5)
- Dark Cross!
- Seal of Wrath (x4)
Wolfe Whitehorn
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Seal of Wrath (x2)

- Sylvia Arztin — Transferred to Rogues
- Turel Sorenn/Luna Okami — JOINED FROM... Well, he retired and went straight to the geriatric ward of Hoth!

Ask The Cel
Blade asks: “Do you go well with dip? Are you crunchy?”
Only if I plan to tickle a sleeping dragon... which I don’t. I like living.

Landon/Maximus asks: “Do you really taste the best in a Bloody Mary?”
... I don’t think so. And I have no intention of finding out. Alcohol burns, people!
Jack / Yuki Suoh asks: “With us going into a new year, what sort of plans do you see on the horizon for Hoth? Maybe some intra-clan conflict?”
As of this moment, Edgar and my plans involve getting the lore of House Hoth sorted out on the wiki and a few fictions to show where we’re taking everyone next on this crazy little ride. Intra-clan conflict? You will just have to wait and see, won’t you? ;)
Turel / Luna asks: “Do you see Hoth exploring greater underworld / merc connections? Adventures on the Matron? Loveable Rogues?”
Personally, this is something I would love to see. As of right now, Hoth is simply described as ‘the militant arm of Odan-Urr’. Every member is more than welcome to offer ideas and concepts for what they would like to see (here I point all of you toward the questionnaire linked at the beginning of this report), but I think this would make an excellent Run-On at some point. Adventures on the Matron? I’m sure Celevon could arrange a field trip to show everyone the Black Market center of trade... just avoid that one unfinished area. You might drift off into the wastelands of space.
Lovable Rogues? The last time two of them went on an adventure, this was the result.

That’s all this time, ladies and gents. I’m very, very proud of the amount of time and effort that every last one of you put forth that earned Odan-Urr as a whole the title of First Clan, the winners of Great Jedi War XII: Retribution. Just look at the size of that awards section!!! The next time you hear from me, it’ll be 2018! -gasp-
Aaaaand, as a final note... The person who created Celevon was told he was not allowed to do this (rules 4-10), but Celevon was not! Thus!

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile of House Hoth
An excellent report overall, and thank you for highlighting those competitions.