Ladies and Gentleman of Hoth, Clanmates and anyone else reading my reports.
This month and next month will be shorter than normal reports for the simple reason the results of the War won’t be out till well after my next report is due to come out. I do though have something special for next month anyway. You will just have to wait and see what that is.
For this report, I want to focus on the first phase of the war, group events and the new crop of competitions for Phase 2. The Clan summit have been abuzz lately with so many Odan-Urr entries that, as a Clan, we should be very proud. I personally have been happy to see Hoth members come out and just what then can. Also seeing some old faces come back and pitch in is an awesome sight as well. All of this activity is very evident in this month’s Scimitar results. We had 7 people earn over 100 points which hasn’t been done since July. I’ll go into a little more detail later, but for now, back to the War.
Phase 2 is underway and I’m sure all of you have seen our Rollmistress’ email detailing the comps and it’s very well written. If you have not seen it please let Celevon, Blade or myself know and we can send you a copy of it.
The key to victory for the next phase is going to be getting as many competitions down as we can. Especially the group / full length event competitions. These all carry huge numbers of participation points and it will be those points that well make the most impact in the final score tally. Don’t get me wrong, placing in any of the comps is the big point numbers but I don’t want to focus on that. Many older members and experienced leaders have seen big events like these come down to how many submissions each clan has in each event.
So, again, this will never be a “command or a requirement”, but please do what you can in phase 2. Remember some full length comps can be solo’ed and you don’t need a group for them.
Make sure you check the website for new DC event posts BEFORE you submit to a competition. Sometimes new information or clarifications are posted that may or may not affect your submission. As of now these are the most recent postings:
GM Pravus announced the start of phase 2 in his Great Jedi War XII: Retribution - Phase 2 post. It also has many useful links and if you have any issues you want to report to the DC make sure you use the War Email address - [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
The Voice dropped the mid-event fiction Chapter 4 - Strike, go read it and see how the story is developing. Not to mention Wally gives Run-On tips, details the new solo fiction competition and the Combat writing comp.
An issue with the Phase 2 Shadow Academy War Course was identified and corrected. Farrin dropped an SA Update with the details.
Also just because it was very well presented and I don’t want to just steal Max’s hard work, go read his last Shan House Report, Max and Len do a great job of spelling out the participation points and the benefits of at least trying to get a submission in. We all have our competitions we will do our best to win, but it’s those other comps where a simple entry will help Odan-Urr out as a whole.
NOTE - We have already reconfirmed with the MAA and the Scimitar comps will run throughout the war so remember each War comp is worth 10 points just for participating. So if you want to catch up on points this is your chance.
NOVAE ADDED - We have realized that we never accounted for members earning Novae when this competition was created. Therefore, with the MAA approval, we have amended the Scimitar point structure as follows.
“Any Nova earned in a Great Jedi War or another major DJB event will be awarded as follows: Gold/Silver/Bronze Novae = 20/15/10 points”
We apologize for this oversight and we hope that this gives a little more incentive to submit to the war effort.
As I mentioned before the War as brought out more members and the placements were very tight. First and second was decided by a mere 0.25 points. We expect November’s numbers to skyrocket once the war results come in, but these results do include all war comp participation for phase 1.
So for October, the Scimitar of House Hoth is Droveth Kathera Vectivi, Congratualtions! In second place was Ka Tarvitz and C’ree taking 3rd place this month.
Great work everyone and if the War results come out by the end of the month, we will release the YTD in my next report so anyone in the running knows where they stand in the final month.
I want to take a few a little space here and honor some Member created art plus and new commissions you guys have done. So, if you ever have anything you want me to highlight in my reports please get it to me before the end of the month.
Anyone wanted their War Art submissions highlighted please let me know by the end of the month i’d love to show off our good and “bad” art.
Ka Tarvitz asked - What competitions would you suggest prioritising over others, please?
Honestly, I’d focus first on the easy to do competitions first. But that i mean anything in the Miscellaneous bin first. These puzzles, member hunt and SA course comps tend to be completed from a few mins to a hour depending on how you work, comfort level with the DJB wiki/site and how sure you want to be to get the best time or score. From there I’d move right to the Gaming comps, Pazaak (event long) and the PvP comps are the most accessible to everyone. That should complete all the “easy” comps and shouldn’t take very long or require much effort.
Now the tricky part, what next? This is where you want to focus on the comps you really want to do well in and potentially place. If it’s fiction focus there if it’s art focus there and if it’s the group events get with your group and make sure your moving along or at least communicating.
You want to be in a position that you are done with your strong comps done with a few days to go. This way if you need proofread you can get one or two in time, but more importantly it leaves you free to work on group projects to make sure they finish on time. Also during those last few days this is where you look at the competitions you just know you won’t do well in. Like for me it’s the art comps, if you got the time this is where you try to complete that extra comp or two. Don’t force it but if you can get it done at least for participation.
Sorry for the length, I just hope it helps a little. Remember you can always poke any of us if you want more one on one guidance on where you should focus.
Maximus Alvinius asked - You were with the Odanites in the last GJW. What things do you think are different from then to now with the Clan. Good, bad, areas to improve?
Honesty time, i didn’t participate in the last war. Yes i was on the roster but I didn’t are about the event and was borderline rouge at the time. After the war when i saw the results I felt horrible that i could have at least helped the clan but didn’t. Since then i have done all i could to get us and myself ready for a second chance. Now it’s here and the first thing I did was participate. Sitting on the sidelines is OK real life comes first but the best thing to do if you can is to participate and be a part of the clan.
As for how to improve in the comps all i can say to that is ask questions and seek out help as much as you can. You never know who is having the same questions and never think I can’t ask cause they won’t understand how a new person feels in their first war. I am willing to bet there might be a few people to be shocked to hear even I wasn’t as active as I am now and yes this is the first war I’m taking part in so I know what your going through.
Ethan Martes asked - Why are practical/pragmatic solutions often frowned upon? Example: Need to keep object X out of enemy hands, so we blow it up so no one can have it.
Simple answer cause higher up’s don’t like the extra paperwork when you blow up a city block just to make sure the target doesn’t escape or when you strategically destroy a enemy research facility in the middle of a crowded business district.
In other words, instead of getting a good job and a medal you get a lecture, a stack of paperwork and not allowed to touch the big bombs anymore.
Remember everyone: Just do what you can and if you need anything please reach out to any member of the summit, as we are here to help. No matter the house you can ask Max, Len, Cel, Turel, Arch, Blade or myself any questions. Also, if you have a problem or you see an issue with a competition, report it to the DC member in charge of the comp and CC Turel, Arch and your house summits right away.
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