Hoth QUA Report 4- Oh Wait Its No Longer November


Hoth QUA Report 4- Oh Wait Its No Longer November

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. News
  3. Competitions
  4. Lord Protector
  5. Conclusion


Hello everyone and welcome to the November Edition of the Hoth Quaestor Report! I apologize for being a week late on the report, finals are next week and I got a bit distracted. You will notice I still am not really using any report graphics, one of these days I will remember to put in that request, probably after finals. We have no big ongoing events right now on the House level but I am planning on some low stakes comps after next week.

You will also notice a lack of report fiction. I apologize for that. My writing brain has been eaten up by studying for finals and getting an acc match done.

With that out of the way, let’s get into the report!




While things might be quite on the home front with the construction of Kaal continuing in the background, that does not mean they are quite everywhere. Why just take a look over at Quemia in the Western Marches which is currently in… intermission? Damn. Things are quiet, but I am getting so many emails. What could possibly be going on? Well, as her first report showed Syrena is now Knight Commander of the Knights of Allusis. There is even a cool story going on with that if you are a member of this ancient battle team.


  • Its with a grand salute we thank Turel for all of his work as Fist. The old platypus himself put in a bunch of work, and now gets to face retirement. With that, the club is looking for someone to step into some massive shoes, so now is a good time to submit an application!.
  • We got some new Brotherhood Chat Policies with an amendment from the JST.
  • The new headmaster gave us a very solid update on their staff, so make sure to give that a read so you know who is working on the Shadow Academy
  • Howie should be making his way back from vacation any day now.



For further competitions or if you’re reading this a few days after I posted my report, check here for a list of competitions. There will always be end dates attached to each competition for your ease of decision making on which competitions you would like to sign up for. All Competitions End At 1759/5:59pm CST.

House / Clan

Brotherhood Wide

  • I am pretty sure Jack would have me flogged if I didn’t mention Saints and Sinners. Maybe. Possibly. Would anyone take that risk?
  • We have this cool competition over here where you can show off your skills in go-karting
  • Why is now the best time to get into the ACC? Well, Singularity was a rather high stakes event, as championships often are. However, we have a much more low stakes drive to get matches done. Find an opponent and join LETS GET DOWN TO BUISNESS. Anyone else have the song continue in their head after reading the name or is it just me?
  • 16 days left in this VOICE created competition Resource Rush. Plenty of cool stuff to do!


Lord Protector

So, with the second month of the Lord Protector coming to pass I have to hand it to several of our new House members for their hard work. If anyone would like to see what the final scores were across the board, the points are calculated here!

Congratulations to Syrena Valkar for coming in first this month, with a round of applause for runners up Jafits Skrumm and Frenek Mausuma! Thank you to everyone who has been active, you are all amazing! This was the highest scoring month so far, so much so that I had to triple check that the points were right. Well done to all of you.



As we enter one of the quietest months of the year in terms of site wide activity, I wanted to thank you all for the cool stuff you do. I don’t think Hoth could have been brought back without your activity through the year.

Tisto Kingang
Quaestor of House Hoth, Governor of Kaal

Great report! Got room for a tiger over there in Hoth?

Nice report!

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