This past month I was thrilled to be able to do my favorite thing in the DJB, which was to raid the MAA storage bins to hand out all the lovely promotions and medals. You all make me extremely proud and honored to be a part of your House. Hoth is becoming a force to be reckoned with and I’m eager to see what we can do in the upcoming war. More on the war later but first let's talk about you first.
Wolfe Whitehorn - Joined the DJB/Hoth and has been promoted from Initiate to Acolyte in less than a month!
Ozosi Vym - another new member that joined us and has been promoted from Intiate to Neopyhte in 2 weeks!
Casey Denimore - our 3rd new member moved through the ranks the fastest. Took only 2 days to go from Intiate to Neophyte.
New members, you are doing awesome and remember you can always reach out to Celevon and myself if you have any questions, concerns or Ideas. I love new member ideas!
Keiji Suoh came back strong from a period of inactivity and became super ambitious and active. So much so that he forced me to promote him to Equite 1. He is a great case of a member bouncing back from a real life break and earning himself a promotion. He truly is a good example for you guys and I have my eye on him to go far in the DJB.
Our last promotion and certainly not the least among them was our new Aedile Celevon being promoted to Equite 4. I have not known Cel long but his record stands for itself and I was proud to be a part of his promotion!
In an awesome display our newest member Wolfe Whitehorn recruited both Casey and Ozosi to the DJB and earned himself 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination for his efforts! Keep up the great work and feel free to bring more friends.
Ryu Suoh, aka Nero, accomplished a lot in June not only did he recruit Wolfe and earn himself a Scroll of Indoctrination for it. He was able to earn himself a Dark Cross for all of his efforts supporting his clan.
Hiset Tval is another out of the shadows member coming back to hit up the activity charts quite nicely, taking 1st Place in our mini spring event and earning himself a Dark Cross.
Trideo Arkson came from the void and hit the clan event and my retro game comps hard, earning himself a Anteian Cross.
Droveth Vectivi returned from the rogues and hit the ground running:banging out SA courses and supporting his clan in both the May the 4th and Clan events. So as a welcome back gift we were honored to bestow him with a Anteian Cross.
Jasper Arlow a recent transfer into House Hoth came out strong, winning the Herald’s first ever Art Tournament. Add her flowery artwork and we had no choice but to give her a Anteian Cross for her efforts. Great work!
For her previous service as Hoth’s Aedile, Yuki Suoh was awarded a long overdue Steel Cross. Thank you for all you did for me and the members of House Hoth!
Tisto Kingang is a dynamo in the ACC,one of the House’s top cheerleaders and a source of activity. He is always there to spark a conversation or create ideas that will better not only the house but the clan as a hole. For this and much more he earned himself a Steel Cross.
Since Esca aka C’ree stepped down as your Quaestor, he kept excellent activity levels. Then real life forced him to leave his role as P:Herald. Real Life also comes first. Regardless, while working with the Herald we concluded that Esca more than earned a Steel Cross for everything he has done.
Takota Okami Besides mentoring his apprentice to knighthood and earning himself a Scroll of the Master, Takota, aka Seraphol, came back to House Hoth to help us set up our newest Battleteam called “The Wildcards” but as a parting gift House Shan awarded him his very own Grand Cross!
Just in case you weren’t counting that’s 5 members being promoted, 9 Merit medals and 3 Scrolls being awarded to Hoth members. I am very happy to be able to award you guys with things. Trust me when I say that when it comes to making sure you get rewarded I bother everyone until I can hit submit on your awards.
Now obviously not everyone got something this time around, but Celevon’s and my door are always open for you to send an email and ask us what you can do to be on the list next month. But to help you there are two main reasons why a person doesn’t get something. First is a lack of recent activity. This is the easiest to fix by simply just doing comps and being active in chat.
Secondly, as an administrative decision, we held up an award to allow you to build up for a much bigger award than you ever earned before. I’ll be honest. Your activity in the upcoming war will be a huge boost for you and will make it easier for us to award you with a shiny. Again, even if you got something this time, if you have any questions about how you could earn your next promo or an award please email at any time. We are here to help you!
Turel’s Consul report - see this spot would have been the most recent Consul report would have been. Hopefully one is coming soon.
House Satele Shan Need a new Aedile - Due to real life Len had to step down and I for one thought he did an awesome job as Aedile. I’m all for Hoth Members applying for this spot. Just make sure you get your applications in before the July 22nd Deadline.
Don’t miss the new FIST Report where Drac announces the newest Magistrate and goes into more about his plans for the upcoming Great Jedi War.
The new Voice Report - Announces a Magistrate position opening and again it’s another great opportunity for anyone that loves Star Wars/DJB Ficiton! Deadline is July 10th so hurry! Also, read the report for the ACC phase 1 details and a note about the stand in judges.
The biggest event in the DJB is finally back and as new developments, news and results come in Celevon and I will share them with you. If you ever wanted to earn a Nova this is your only shot at them!
As of now, you are all aware of the pre-War ACC event currently going on, where the winner of that event will join the clan champions in the final tourney to be held during the war itself.
The Fist also will have a pre-War event - The Wargame, which should be happening soon. Again once details are known we will share them with you.
So 5 months into this little “experiment” and we continue to have an excellent showing and more importantly not the same faces every month winning. This not only makes me happy but will definitely make the end of the year results very very interesting.
This month we had 20 members earning points with 3 members over 100 points, 2 members over 200 points and our first ever 300+ point month with 2 members breaking that mark!
So for this month the Scimitar of House Hoth is Droveth Kathera Vectivi with Tisto Kingang taking 2nd And Ka Tarvitz rounding out the top 3.
Now I know you all might be wondering about the Scimitar event during the war and Celevon and I have already reached out to Howie and his staff on this issue. Based on our discussion, Howie has already approved this competition to run during the war since it will not interfere with the event at all. So, I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to the MAA and his staff.
What this means to you is that GJW War comps come with huge point gains just for participating. So if you want to catch up on the leaders then August will be the month to do it!
This month, our star member was Wolfe Whitehorn. For knocking out 34 Shadow Academy Courses, earning 4 degrees in the process and not to mention recruiting 2 new members into the DJB.
Wolfe has definitely hit the ground running and his recruits have started to follow suit. So much so that he already has earned 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination as well.
I hope to see your career grow from here Acolyte Whitehorn and I’m proud to have you in our house. Congratulations!
So congratulations to everyone on this list.
To see all available competitions, head to the DJB Comp Page - Remember: when in doubt, do more comps!
Wildcards So it begins… - the opening volley of setup comps for the new Battleteam. Any member can participate but only team members can place in these competitions.
Twelve Weeks A Haiku Year 2 - A haiku a week for 3 months. Have at it!
Voice Dialogue Series - Container comp full of fiction comps from the Voice staff. Earn bonus Clusters of Ice by participating!
A series of changes - A fiction container comp to focus on your character check it out.
[GJW XII] ACC Phase I - Winds of Change - The ACC pre-War event going on now. The last match can be assigned on July 16th. Reminder that ALL matches will be forced closed on July 24th!
Its all a propaganda game - Describe the Death Star for your propaganda campaign.
Love Is In The Air - a simple fiction comp being run by one of our newest members. So come out and support them with an entry.
Preparing for the the final countdown - describe what your character does to prepare for the Great Jedi War.
GMRG Gorefest 2017 - All your Gorefest needs in one handy container! Double Clusters for all GMRG members. If you’re not a member take the GMRG History SA COURSE, now!
FIST - Gorefest - The next Gorefest is July 13th to the 16th!
FIST - Quarterly Gaming Challenge Q2 2017 - The next quarter of the Gaming Challenge things is ready for doing!
FIST - 2nd Annual Mobile Gaming - Another year of Mobile games.
FIST - 1st Annual Flash Gaming - New Monthly Flash Games too!
It’s great to see everyone getting ramped up for the GJW next month and I’m getting excited too. So keep an eye out for whenever new War information comes out. We will pass it along to you.
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Great Report, Edgar!!
Hoth's members have seriously been crushing it lately. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.