Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Fiction
- News
- Competitions
- Awards
- Transfers
- Conclusion
Hello to my fellow Hothians and Odanites, as well as possible onlookers from other units. Welcome to the August Edition of the Hoth Quaestor report! I’ve got a lot to go over, so I’ll keep this as short and sweet as I possibly can.
Some time has gone by and we have Two sections of the Scimitar of Hoth filed away! These are the top five results for both July and August’s Scimitar:
- Mystic Jael Chi’ra—545.7 Points
- Reaver Luna Okami—394.75 Points
- Reaver Saba Astor Tarentae—225 Points
- Ranger Ka Tarvitz—223.75 Points
- Peacekeeper Droveth Kathera Vectivi—161 Points
The overall numbers are currently very interesting and can change up at any given time depending on exactly how much effort you put forth through your activity. If you’re curious as to how specific points are earned, they’re clearly laid out in the competition details.
As you can likely guess from the title, I’ve come to the decision that it’s time for me to step down as Quaestor of House Hoth. Simply put, I’ve served on the Hoth Summit since May of last year (the thirteenth of this month would have made a full seven months since I took over as Quaestor after Edgar Drachen) and the time has come to give someone else a shot at the helm. I’ve reached the point where I would only slow things down if I were to continue on and it’s time for a change. It’s what’s best for Hoth and the Clan as a whole.
There have been many highs and lows in that time—and a lot of craziness in between—but I’ve loved every second of it. How many times in someone’s average DB career can they say they’ve led part of the winning Clan through a Great Jedi War?
Thank you for everything. The last seventeen months have been a blast. By the time you read this, my resignation will be submitted through the site. Now... what say we get into the meat of this final report?

- Arch released his sixth report and announced the start of the Tipping Point Clan event. Be on the lookout for a report within the next few days, announcing the results.
- Kah Manet released his second report as Aedile of House Hoth within the last few days.
- Jael Chi’ra released his fourth report as Battleteam Leader of the Wildcards.
- Mav still doesn’t number his reports, so this is the GM August Edition Report.
- Vyr released his third report, with a lot of details you should read. Yes, even in my final report, I’m not giving you the tl;dr.
- As Combat Master, Atra has released his eighteenth and nineteenth reports, announcing an ACC event that will start soon.
- Dracpool took a vacation and the Office of the FIST continued to operate smoothly, as the Praetor released her third report... then returned and released his twenty-first report as FIST.
- The Headmaster of the Shadow Academy (Finally! :P) released his first report, detailing projects in motion, new courses and more!
- The Wiki Tribune released his third and fourth reports, covering policy changes, upcoming projects, tips and more. Check it out if you’re curious to see what’s been going on in the Wiki side of things.

For further competitions or if you’re reading this a few days after I posted my report, check here for a list of competitions. There will always be end dates attached to each competition for your ease of decision making on which competitions you would like to sign up for. All Competitions End At 1859/6:59pm CST.
Brotherhood Wide
- And They Shall Know Thy Name [Ends: Saturday, 22nd September]
- Clear My Name [Ends: Monday, 3rd September]
- Collective Bargaining [Ends: Saturday, 15th September]
- [FIST] Diablo III: Season 14 [Ends: Sunday, 30th September]
- [FIST] Gaming Test: Warframe [Ends: Saturday, 8th September]
- [FIST] Monthly Gaming: Destiny 2 [Ends: Sunday, 30th September]
- [FIST] Monthly Gaming: Flash Game - Why Obi-Wan Hates Flying [Ends: Sunday, 30th September]
- [FIST] Monthly Gaming: Mobile - Slices [Ends: Sunday, 30th September]
- [FIST] Monthly Gaming: Old School Fights - Jedi Academy [Ends: Sunday, 30th September]
- One Epic Year of Trivia: September [Ends: Sunday, 30th September]

In order to avoid potential confusion, this activity is tracked from the Hoth Summit Report.
Celevon Edraven Erinos
Edgar Drachen
Luna Okami
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Amethyst Star (x4)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star (x4)
- Cluster of Earth
- Cluster of Fire (x746)
- Cluster of Graphite (x2)
- Cluster of Ice
Saba Astor Tarentae
- Earned Dark Sage of Warfare
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Cluster of Fire (x403)
Tisto Kingang
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x2)
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Topaz Star (x2)
- Cluster of Fire (x23)
- Cluster of Graphite (x6)
- Cluster of Ice
Ka Tarvitz
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Amethyst Star (x6)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x2)
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Cluster of Fire (x27)
- Cluster of Graphite (x4)
- Cluster of Ice (x6)
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
- Crescent with Emerald Star (x3)
- Cluster of Graphite (x3)
- Cluster of Ice (x3)
Jael Chi’ra
- Crescent with Diamond Star
- Crescent with Ruby Star
- Crescent with Amethyst Star (x3)
- Crescent with Sapphire Star (x8)
- Crescent with Emerald Star (x3)
- Cluster of Fire (x504)
- Cluster of Graphite (x11)
- Cluster of Ice (x5)
Creon Saldean
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Cluster of Ice (x2)

- Ernordeth Puer-Irae: Transferred to the Rogues
- Keiji Suoh: AWOL’d to the Rogues
- Livana Agrona: AWOL’d to the Rogues
- Lu`aisha Gresee: AWOL’d to the Rogues

Those are some awesome stats to see. Hoth did awesome in Tipping Point! I look forward to seeing where Hoth goes from here.
Until next time... whenever that is.
Celevon Edraven Erinos
Quaestor of House Hoth
:( Sadface! I hope all gets better and you have been awesome as the leader. Thank you for what you've done.
It's a sad day to see you stand down from this role, Celevon, but it's understandable. Thank you for your long service, and I hope you have fun in the competitions to come.
You did great work Celevon. Your mark has been a great one.