When I became Odan-Urr's Quaestor, the Dark Crusade's first few months were in full swing. My predecessor, the talented and charismatic Drodik, found the spectre of real life looming and our House's active membership had dwindled to just a few people. We were on the ragged edge, with no clear direction to go in and no foreseeable future.
Now, finally, the wars are over. Look at us now.
Look at the roster that now boasts sixty-three members. Look at the House that's fought for and transformed its homeworld, the House that has engaged the Brotherhood both diplomatically - by taking leadership and staff positions across its rosters - and in Vendetta, by competing and placing alongside some of the DJB's greats.
I came to HOU to get a struggling House back on track and through the war. We did it, and it's all thanks to you guys. Be proud of yourselves.
This month will be our first steps in a new direction for Odan-Urr and its Jedi. We're going to be opening new doors for members and exploring new stories. Over the past two years of war, you've seen the Jedi as they had to be, in a campaign to build our forces up and trying to hedge the Dark Side's gains wherever we could.
Now, we get to enjoy peace, and develop our own stories. Prepare for the future, Jedi; you've never seen anything like what's coming next.
Peacetime is finally here, and with it comes a new era of Odanite development. While the dust settles and the awards bucket begins to spill out goodies, we will be hosting fewer competitions, all of them in line with our House lore or with day to day Jedi stuff. Meanwhile, several interested and experienced members will be reached out to and put onto projects for the development of our House. This is not going to be a mad rush for progress, or another meat grinder - this is our chance to build, to grow, and to enjoy.
Each of our Battleteams stepped up for the War, from the hardened veterans of Allusis and the silent blades of Ooroo to a surprise surge from the Disciples of Baas. Expect each of them to get their own projects to flesh out their identities and venture into their own stories.
New Tython is secure, and has been since Return of the Light. Now, with security and stability, the nations of the planet have finally settled and are growing. New Tython is in a new era, with its own stories and challenges; get ready for a side of our planet you've never seen before.
The GJW's end means that the Brotherhood's dynamics and power balances have been changed forever. We await the final stories of the War, and so we must wait and see what tomorrow's stories bring.
Our alliance has been with Jac Cotelin's force of Rebels, fighting against Ashen's Loyalists and Esoteric's New Order. However the fight turned out, remember, we are diplomats as well as warriors. We will have truces and alliances made, and will have settled into peace with the Brotherhood of tomorrow. Our struggle has left wartime; now, we covertly work with and against the Darkness for the greater good.
In short - the masquerade has returned, and the war is over. In the meantime, get caught up on all GJW fiction; it'll be useful in knowing where the DJB and HOU stand.
The Force has shown me a vision of unknown allies, new champions of the Light. Yet not all is as it seems, and we may yet face wolves in sheep's clothing. Something slumbers below - and far away, among the distant masses, foes even more distant and formidable present themselves.
Among the stars, a Clan black of heart pulls the strings on the lives of distant peoples, living on resource-rich worlds. Even as we move to defend the Galaxy, we may yet stumble into far thicker webs than we ever could have imagined.
The future is restless and ever-shifting. Perhaps your actions will alter its course.
In short - the long years of war are over. We are now in development and storytelling mode. Get ready, Odanites. The future is now.
Liam Torun
Consular Cleric
Quaestor of House Odan-Urr
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Disclaimer: My phone is acting up and I am out of time, so I won't be able to fix Markdown errors until after work.
Ominous :P
I look forward to seeing what the future holds for HOU.
Sounds like fun but I have one question for you...
Do you like apples?
Do you like these apples?