House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #11: We're Near to a Year


House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #11: We're Near to a Year



Plagueis, it I, your friendly whip-wielding Quaestor. Provided I don't die or really really annoy the wrong people, next month will be my 12th report, meaning you've been stuck with me in charge for a year, well -2 days when the report comes out. But that's next month, this month I'll be doing the usual saying who got what shinies, teasing something and reminding you all about an opportunity you have to help shape the future of this great House. (You can leave which of the Westerosi great houses you think would fit is in the comments if you so desire.)


What a Tease!

It may feel like we've nothing going on, but the Laren and Slags dream team is hard at work trying to secure something for hopefully next month and as I teased last month there may be something in the works for after that. Keep your eyes peeled for any more details as they emerge. Oh, and before I forget, there's the HAP Story Research form for you to fill out. We've had 8 responses in less than a week. That's amazing, over 1/3 of the House's total members, but the more people respond will allow me to craft a House story that hopefully represents the will of the people and not just what I think is cool. You can even pat yourself on the back for completing it.


Promotions, Medals, Crescents and Clusters

  • Kelly Mendes 1x Steel Cross, 1x Crescent with Diamond Star, 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star, 1 Pendant of Blood, 69 Clusters of Fire and 12 Clusters of Earth.
  • Wrathus 1x Crescent with Ruby Star and 9 Clusters of Ice.
  • Dralin Fortea 4 Clusters of Ice.
  • Areticus Altainatus 7 Clusters of Ice.
  • Diesel Promotion up to Apprentice


HAPpenings from around the Club

  • Mav informs us of his selection of Vyr as his successor as DGM and opens applications for Herald and Social Media Tribune within this magical link

  • Atra announces the implimentation of armour here

  • Drac posted a FIST report going over stuff.

  • Jac informs us of CoJ staff changes

  • Vyr posted a DGM report

  • Laren posted a link to another PlagCast enclosed.


Time for some edumacation! On this day

Heading towards the various holidays this month, here are some things that happened on the 10th of January throughout history.


Closing Thoughts

So that is all from me, my precious Pallians, at least on the report front. You should be getting Az's in another 10 days and one from Arden in only 5 days, you know what they say, beware the Ides of March. Oh, and the mighty Viv asked when I'd be going on the PlagCast, I can't confirm anything but we may talk about it at some point.

I'm excited to see where HAP goes!

Pretty sure we're House Lannister and it's bannermen. Can't say anything for the Jamie/Cersei dynamic but Selika seems like a busty, young, female Tywin while some characters definitely seem like Cleganes for example.

Yas! I’m really excited about HAP story development!!! As always, great report Bawz!

If we’re house Lannister, I’m pretty sure that would make me the beetle-crushing cousin.

I'f we're the Lannisters, then i'm The Hound.

Awesome report Kelly!! :)

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