Hello my fellow Pallians, our colleagues in Karness Muur and onlookers from the outside. In this month's report, I'll be going over the GJW, the clan Run-on and it's series of competitions, The earnings of our members, happenings from elsewhere in the club and giving you lot the chance to have some input in a report. So without further adieu, let's get right into it.
As we move ever closer to the twelveth Great Jedi War it will invariably start to take over. It's been a while since the last one happened so some people may not have seen one before. While the heading is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, with two ACC events, one pre-war and one during the war and Drac making some noises about changes made to gaming I think the way we've been running events in Plagueis should help somewhat with getting to grips with how it works. There are plenty of events to take part in and each entry is worth credits, especially with seals being worth 100 credits plus the participation credits you get, things can add up quickly.
We've seen numbers such as 8 or 10 competitions to do in a week and prioritised participation, because ultimately winning is great, taking part and having fun is the real prize. In taking part you not only help yourself through the money to buy stuff and extra stuff on your ID line, like any other event it is a chance to stand out, show why we're lucky to have you, and that we are.
As anyone who's been willing to listen knows, Manifest Destiny is the story of Plagueis settling Aliso. With those bugs out of the way, we can now focus on this again until the next clan or club wide thing happens. To incentivise and reward you for your contributions, we are now running competitions where you post and are entered in with a chance for a crescent, the most recent of which ends on Thursday the 15th of June. So get those posts in, but remember, you have to reserve a post and then update with your post within 24 hours of the reservation being made, or it is free for anyone else to reserve. This is mentioned in the first post by Drac but is worth reiterating because it's designed that way to keep the story flowing. While on the subject of competitions, there's a few out there worth doing.
Twelve Weeks A Haiku Currently on week 7, co-organised by our very own Tra'an.
Gaming for Glory-June A nice and easy competition to enter, simply game and check the option from the list on either the for for PVP or the submission menu for PvE/O.
Gorefest-June begins Thursday. Get those double clusters.
Turnabout Protagonist, what if the bad guys were actually the good guys? Explore the possibilities with a competition.
Ronovi Tavisaen-2 Crescents with Sapphire Star and 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
Taranae Rhode- 1 Cluster of Ice
Silent- 5 Clusters of Earth
Kelly Mendes- 1 Pendant of Blood, 135 Clusters of Earth, 65 Clusters of Fire, 7 Clusters of Ice and 1 Crescent with Ruby Star.
Azmodius Equesinfernum- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star and 18 Clusters of Fire
As I started putting this together the Herald put out an update
Drac waves goodbye to incentive clusters (current competitions not affected) and welcomes back Galaxy of Heroes competitions. Read here. For more FIST stuff read his report.
Our esteemed Consul and Lord of the Wiki is looking for a new staff member. Also, some stuff on NPCs in there if you fancy giving it a read, which you totally should. Also, put out a Clan Report
Panda man aka Howie clarifies some things in his MAA Report
#InterviewTheDemon Ok, so I'm not technically lying to you here, so hear me out. The question form linked above was a good idea, and maybe something I'll come back to in time, but as it is it's too sparsely used to take up a section in a report. Now because I want to provide you with content of an informative or entertaining nature I'm looking to you guys to give me any suggestions. this month, as the latter part of the heading indicates we'll be taking a look at a few events that happened on this day in history.
Bridget Bishop, the first woman to fall victim to the Salem Witch trials was hung on this day in 1692
In 1829 the first ever boat race on the Thames took place between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge
Dr Robert Smith takes his last drink and proceeds to co-found Alcoholics Annonymous
1963, John F. Kennedy signs into law the Equal Pay Act
The following year the filibuster is broken to allow the passage of the Civil Rights Act
Macedonian King Alexander the Great dies
That is all for this month, Az will be hitting you guys up with a report in 10 days time, so I'll be sure to tidy the report cave before I leave, I have some cake to work off. But I'll still be around on Telegram probably unless I find something else to do. Don't forget to get those suggestions for report segments in, I'll be periodically checking for ideas. Now I'll leave you with a bit of historical comedy courtesy of Al Murray at the 1998 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Warning for language. Adios amigos!
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Literally just posted and forgot to mention, I'll throw up a poll or something around the 20th so you've got plenty of time to think of those ideas for segments
I'm now officially calling Howie "Pandaman" in all correspondance.