Welcome to our first report as your new house summit. As you all know by now, Taranae and Dralin had to step down due to real life things, I hope everything is going well for you both. Everyone give a huge Thank you to them for everything they’ve done for this house. Now Wrathus and I have been chosen to take up the reins, and are more than happy to help keep this house going strong. But we can’t do that without the your help as well. More on that later though, let’s get into this report shall we.
Also if you haven’t noticed already, I’ve themed my report. Can you guess what the theme is? :P
Ok so as everyone knows I love shinies. So peeps I want you to keep up putting submitting entries and filling up Wrathus’ and mine’s inboxes with all these lovelies. Ok? Deal? Let’s get to it!
We’ve seen many new recruits coming in, so I’d like to call attention and welcome our fresh meat newest members and returning members to the fold. Welcome everyone to our piece of the Brotherhood. I’m so happy that you all are here, and I hope everyone has fun.
Now there have been quite a few Shadow Academy achievements hitting my inbox as of late, along with the shinies and even a Promotion!!
First off the Promotion. I’d like to give a hearty Congrats to Khryso Mallus for his promotion from Acolyte to Hunter. Keep up the hard work and you’ll reach Knighthood in no time!
Now the Exams. My inbox has been flooded with all of the exams you all have taken, as such if I were to list every single one you each have taken over this past month, we would be here all night, so I’ll try to keep this short and to the point.
Now where can you all get more of those shiny things I was talking about earlier? Oh wait this that section, yes let's dive right in shall we? As always there are some great competitions running in the Brotherhood, both at a club wide level as well as a few designed specifically for you!
[Brotherhood Rising] The Severian Principate - Ends 5/26 - The newest DJB story arc is out (see the report below) and you have a chance to help it advance!
The Collective Flashbang - Ends 5/28 - Zuj has put together a comp made entirely with Flash Games!! Every week 2 games open up and you have a chance to beat your opponents. First 2 are done and the next 2 are due to end in 2 days. Get your flash gaming on!
We Are Not Amused! - Ends 5/5 - A super fun art comp, where you can dress your character up in period Victorian attire for your audience with The Queen. Better pick out your best clothes, and don’t be late for your meeting. The Queen doesn’t like to be kept waiting. ;)
Fog Of War - Ends 5/5 - Here is your opportunity to tell your story from the battlefield, whether recent or sometime in past.
What's My Fandom Again? Round I - Ends 5/13 - In honor of the newest Avengers movie, here is your chance to have some fun with it. Depict you character in the shoes of a Marvel Universe hero or villain. Whichever you think fits your character best.
One Epic Year Of Trivia - Ends 5/31 - Last of April’s trivia is up! There are only one more month left Rhylance’s trivia series, go out and test your knowledge!
As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here
Plagueis Consul Report #11 - No Taxation Without a Vacation - Our wonderful Conseal has spoken. If you haven’t read his report, for shame. There are many juicy tidbits in there on several things. Including possibly a new vacation spot for the clan. Don’t forget about doing the Survey
Plagueis Proconsul Report #12: The Wrath Celebrates (Nearly) A Year - Wrath Ronovi has been our PCON for an entire year!!! Wooot woot!
House Karness Muur Quaestor Report #9: It's Time For A Celebration - My lovely Co-QUA TuQ has a report too. With many more awesome joins. #Quaestorincrime
New Aedile Announced! - Looky who got a new AED I thought it was going to be hard to replace me. But seriously though, Congrats Julius Caesar. Good luck and have fun buddy, no pressure, and hopefully no stabby stabs. :)
New fiction update and faction event - Our great Deputy Grandmaster, Morgan, has announced the newest arc in the DJB storyline. Will we make friends to help us against the Collective scum, or are we going to find more enemies that want to destroy us, it’s up to us members to help decide that. The competitions above are the keys to the next page in our book.
Combat Master #3 - Arch is Risen - The Combat Master Archenksov has put together a treasure trove of great information. Specially with clarification on many things, including things for fiction, and ACC matches. He’s also announced some new slots for the loadouts. Go check it out.
Fist Report #30 - Dracaryis clarifies many things on Clusters and games. You can also read his Supplement report on how you can apply to possibly be one of his Magistrates.
Announcement: New NPC Slot Added at JM4 - For those who just reached, are about to reach, or have been long past Knighthood, looky at this!! Evant has made a free, yes I said free, NPC slot for everyone who has reached the rank of Knight and beyond.
Star Wars Celebration 2019 - Recap - Wally, along with Atra, and many other DJB members went to the big Star Wars celebration in Chicago this month, and he wanted to share his experience with the club. Go check out the photo album. ;)
Alright peeps, let's get out there and do the things. If you need any help, or need someone to proof a fiction, or anything else like that, feel free to ask. If Wrathus, any of the summit or I am available, we are more than happy to help you.
As always, if anyone wants to reach either of us with questions or just want to talk, Wrathus and I can be found on [Telegram - Log in to view join link] (if your not on Telegram yet, I’d highly recommend it. It’s free and the DJB’s primary form of communication.) and of course by email. We’re always open to chat with, and easy to get a hold of!
Until next time,
Tahiri and Wrathus
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If either of you ever want advice/feedback on things or just to talk you can always get in touch. Also thanks to the previous summit and welcome the transfers and new members.
Great report. And nice activity all! Keep it up.
also have my comp coming in a couple days too
Nice report, Tahiri and Wrathus! You both will do great work for Ajunta Pall.